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Mothers Day Classic - 4k run - Run

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Sydney, New South Wales
Total Time = 33m 21s
Overall Rank = 1363/1546
Age Group = 18-29
Age Group Rank = 0/
Pre-race routine:

It was a big morning for me!

While i wasnt racing until 9am my day started a 5:15 as I was picking up a couple of colleages at 6:15 so we could be in at the race venue by around 6:30.

The first race of the day was the 8k which we had a couple of people signed up for and their race started at 7:15. My friend had bought her children so left them with us for her race which was no problem and we found ourselves a spot under a tree and out of the rain.

It gave me some time to pin my race number and tribute card (this is a breast cancer event and many run in honour of or support of people whose lives have been affected) to my shirt, join the que at the porta-loos and pick up my timing chip.

Headed to the turnaround of the 8k to cheer on the runners just in time to see CG FLY by... man he can run!!! Their mother came past a few minutes later before we walked over to the finish line to cheer everyone home! Was fun to watch... man some people can FLY! Lots finished the 8k in LESS time than it later took me to run the 4!!!

It started pouring with rain again so 4 of us were huddled under won big unbrella waving pink pom poms, taking photos and cheering.. interesting times!!!

Once my friend finished we headed over to meet our two 8k runners so they could get changed and warm.

Event warmup:

After meeting up with the rest of our 4k runners, checking out wings were straight and walking to the start line where... for the 15 minutes pre race while we were being held it poured and poured with rain... cold... so very very cold!

Needless to say all of us were more than ready for the race to start when they finally let us run...
  • 00m
  • 4 kms
  •  min/km

After getting soaked at the start I was really really happy to hear the start and begin moving! My work colleagues left and i knew holding on to their pace was not what I wanted to do so I started jogging at my training pace and thought I would just see how I went.

Stepped over the timing mat and I was now officially doing a run event! Me?? Wow... how much the world is changing this year!!!

Despite the rain its a gorgeous setting to run through all the trees and the course is a bit windy and all over the place!! The route was absolutely packed with people and early on it became clear that whenever the course narrowed or there was a major obstacle like a massive puddle you would get a bit stuck with people slowing down so I was forced to walk a few times early on when I would have prefered to keep jogging.

Oh well thats ok... at the first k marker I was still jogging (much to my surprise) the course double backed and there was a bit of an incline.. took this chance for my first walk break at the top of the incline - maybe 20 seconds... nothing really and I was delighted with how I was going at this point! :)

After that... there was a steep downhill section here and I can run down a hill.. but I learnt that no one else knew what to do and with the wet wet ground it was not helping so I was forced to take it really slowly down the decent...

Then we came out to the 2k marker which was also the drinks stop and flat. Its on the far side of the cove behind the opera house and even with the weather the view was exquisite!

While i wasnt thirsty I did stop and get a cup of water... walked along drinking about half then ditched it and jogged on... coming out of the cove was a steep uphill which saw me walk again...

About this time I started exchanging comments with a girl called S who it turned out was doing the run with her family but had a hangover after a very late night. I said to her 'Im slow, I have one speed but you're welcome to stick with me and I will make sure you jog most of the way to the finish'

In theory this was great! However...I didnt realise what was to come!

So we travelled along walking any inclines (not really hills) and jogging the rest. Passed the 4k marker and I started to feel it on the outside of both my legs... uh oh... this is the pain thats crippled my running in the past so i knew i was going to have to watch it even with just 1k to go...

Carried on walking a little bit and saw the start banner which meant we were near the finish.. at the start banner I started jogging again into the domain and through the fences to the finish.

S had a bit of kick and took off to the finish which was fine with me! Coming into the final turn to the home stretch I saw our work group there so I smiled and yelled and waved then headed on down to the finish... I was even smiling!!! :)

I may not be fast but I was so so so proud of myself... said a quick thank you to the heavens for the angel that ran with me today and walked on through to get my goodie bag!!!
What would you do differently?:

Very little! I have been run training consistently for just over a month (this time) and while my pace is slow its getting more and more consistent and the fact i pretty much jogged/ran the first 2ks is massive for me!

I have a LONG way to go but the fact I enjoyed this... all of it... is a fabulous sign that if I stick with it I will be heading in the right direction with my running...

Im just a little off my goal time of 7 minute ks... a pace which is I can hold means i would make the cutoff in a half mary if I chose to take one on in the next couple of years.

I suspect I also need either some new running shoes or some new orthotics. I think its the orthotics I need so when i have the money i will go see about that!

Continuing to loose weight will make a huge difference to my body in general and the impact running has on it. Keeping my injuries at bay are a HUGE thing... and Im pleased to say the day after the race my knees and ankles are just fine.. a bit of general soreness but nothing major! Woo hoo!

While im really at the beginning all over again with my running... Im happy to say this event proved Im heading in the right direction and I WANT to keep going with it and find some more fun runs to keep me motivated!
Post race
Warm down:

Heading through the goodies aisle I got my medal, my pink bag, pink water bottle but the highlight was they had apples... I have NEVER had an apple taste so good! I grabbed it and started eating immeadiatley! Thats a new one... post events I normally want salt or ice cream but my goodness that apple just hit the spot!!

I headed over to the tree where the work crew had been as I finished and we did a few team photos... took off my work race top and changed socks in an attempt to get warm before we all packed up and the original AM group of us (those that were there for the 8k - racing or watching) headed on in search of coffee.

We sat and chatted for a little while having a coffee by which stage we were all shivering again and decided it was time to head home.

I dropped off my two colleagues and then headed home for a HOT shower... oh that felt great and chilled on the couch until my friend took me out for the best grilled chicken burger... mmm... healthy and SO SO good!!

What limited your ability to perform faster:

The basics... I need to run train for more time, I need to keep an eye on my injuries and loosing some more weight will all help.

I also know that once I hooked up with S I was no longer setting my pace or controlling all my walk breaks so I think I slacked off more than I should because i had company... so lesson learnt for next time to stick to my policy from the beginning of running my own pace and just keep moving!

Event comments:

This is a fabulous event that sold out for a really good cause (Breast Cancer).

The location would be hard to beat and the turn out/general good natured vibe really lends itself to the event.

It well organised, well run and was only ruined by the weather!

Last updated: 2009-04-05 12:00 AM
00:00:00 | 04 kms |  min/km
Age Group: 0/
Overall: 0/1546
Performance: Good
Course: Run in a beautiful location through the Domain and part of the Botannical gardens. Course starts with a slight down hill and then is mostly flat apart from two climbs... one before descending to a stunning view of the Bridge and Opera House at the midway point and then a second climbing away from the opera House towrads the finish.
Keeping cool Good Drinking Just right
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Good
Mental exertion [1-5] 5
Physical exertion [1-5] 3
Good race? Yes
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? Yes
Post race activities: Average
Race evaluation [1-5] 4

2009-05-10 7:15 PM

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Subject: Mothers Day Classic - 4k run

2009-05-10 7:16 PM
in reply to: #2141977

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Subject: RE: Mothers Day Classic - 4k run

If anyone is interested the photos are here:

I was the only person I saw running with a skirt... this surrpised me!

2009-05-10 7:52 PM
in reply to: #2141977

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: Mothers Day Classic - 4k run
Awesome job Cat!

2009-05-10 8:16 PM
in reply to: #2141977

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Red Sox Nation
Subject: RE: Mothers Day Classic - 4k run
You so rock!  Skirt girl!  :D
2009-05-10 8:21 PM
in reply to: #2141977

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Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: Mothers Day Classic - 4k run

First of all let me be one of the first bt cancer survivors to thank you for your is amazing how great the technology is and how much it has changed since I was first diagnosed over 23 years ago! THANKS CAT! and good race! way to run up inclines...that is one of my least favorite things to do!

2009-05-10 8:39 PM
in reply to: #2141977

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: Mothers Day Classic - 4k run

I am so happy to see you running and enjoying yourself.  It's been  a long road fore you. 

Well learned lesson on setting your own pace and racing your own plan.

Congratulations on finishing strong!

2009-05-10 9:12 PM
in reply to: #2141977

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Eltham North, Victoria
Subject: RE: Mothers Day Classic - 4k run
Absolutely fantastic that you enjoyed this so's what it's all about for us after all. Keep up the great and consistent work.
2009-05-10 9:22 PM
in reply to: #2142177

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Subject: RE: Mothers Day Classic - 4k run
Yay! You RAN!!!! And you had FUN while running!! Yay!!!!!

Congratulations, Cat!

Edited by D001 2009-05-10 9:22 PM
2009-05-10 9:23 PM
in reply to: #2141977

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Perth, Australia
Subject: RE: Mothers Day Classic - 4k run

Fantastic race Cat!!! Its great that you're starting to really enjoy your running. It sounds like a really beautiful, scenic run, and all for a good cause! Its great when you can do it with friends too Great photos, love the skirt!

2009-05-11 12:41 AM
in reply to: #2141977

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Mothers Day Classic - 4k run

Awesome effort Cat! So glad you enjoyed the run, even in the rain and that you're motivated to do more. Great to hear you've pulled up well too. Woo hoo.

2009-05-11 12:52 AM
in reply to: #2141977

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Renton, Washington
Subject: RE: Mothers Day Classic - 4k run

Nice job Kat! I love your outfit

2009-05-11 5:46 AM
in reply to: #2142346

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Quebec, Canada
Subject: RE: Mothers Day Classic - 4k run
Great job Kat
2009-05-11 5:56 AM
in reply to: #2141977

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Subject: RE: Mothers Day Classic - 4k run
Great job Cat!  I love running in skirts!

Edited by ebshot 2009-05-11 5:57 AM
2009-05-11 6:03 AM
in reply to: #2141977

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Gold Coast Australia.
Subject: RE: Mothers Day Classic - 4k run
I'm glad you had a great time! This running thing can be enjoyable after all. Well done!
2009-05-11 6:57 AM
in reply to: #2141977

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Greenville, SC
Subject: RE: Mothers Day Classic - 4k run
WTG!! Great job!
2009-05-11 7:43 AM
in reply to: #2142561

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2009-05-11 6:27 PM
in reply to: #2141977

Metro NY Area
Subject: RE: Mothers Day Classic - 4k run
Congrats on the Race Cat! Good Goin'!
2009-05-11 8:41 PM
in reply to: #2141977

Wesley Chapel, FL (Tampa Bay Area)
Subject: RE: Mothers Day Classic - 4k run
Awesome Vivid Race Report!! Sounds like a blast and definitely for a great cause!!! I'm so happy to be one of your friends and I so look forward to many more awesome race reports to come! Stay healthy and Happy Racing, God's Speed!
2009-05-11 11:59 PM
in reply to: #2141977

Subject: RE: Mothers Day Classic - 4k run
Nice run! Good work not letting the rain... rain on your parade!
2009-05-12 5:49 AM
in reply to: #2141977

Subject: RE: Mothers Day Classic - 4k run
Great job doing a running race!

Getting to the starting line w/o injuries and being able to compete is wonderful. It is wonderful how many folks you touch and get them to try different types of events and get healthy and fit!
2009-05-12 6:08 AM
in reply to: #2141977

Subject: RE: Mothers Day Classic - 4k run

Thanks for all the lovely comments everyone! Running is such a challenge for me... but at the end of the day its amazing how we can keep getting people together for races at work... its so positive!

2009-05-12 6:43 AM
in reply to: #2141977

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2009-05-14 8:47 AM
in reply to: #2145018

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2009-05-15 7:48 AM
in reply to: #2141977

Reykjavik, Iceland
Subject: RE: Mothers Day Classic - 4k run

Congratulation !

You did awesome and you are racing again

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