General Discussion Triathlon Talk » tri then half? Rss Feed  
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2018-02-20 3:36 PM


Subject: tri then half?
I'm new to the group, and had a question about a couple races this summer. I am planning on doing the lake george oly on sept 1, then a week later doing the big cottonwood canyon half. My training would be composed for both. I'm 38 and have no knee issues(yet). I'm not trying to PR in either, I do these races for fun and for fitness. Still, not sure a week long enough to rest from a tri...


2018-02-20 3:41 PM
in reply to: brifle

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: tri then half?
The short response is yes if you are relatively fit, and your plan accounts for the races. I don't see a problem if they are for fun and fitness.

Totally assuming your training leading up to each is adequate and taper takes the races into account.
2018-02-20 6:25 PM
in reply to: brifle

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Bronze member
Subject: RE: tri then half?

Training is one element and you're already planning to train for both.  It sounds like neither is a "new and different" experience, so the question is whether you can do them on successive weekends?  

Yes.  Strategy plays an important role though.  As a point of reference, there is a popular race series in Ohio that consists of a sprint-tri Friday afternoon, OLY Saturday morning, OLY Saturday afternoon, and HIM Sunday.  There are also people who run back-to-back (i.e. Saturday & Sunday) marathons (raises hand on this one).  Key is to go easy enough on the early race that you're prepared to finish the second and push through that initial fatigue at the start of the second race.  (In my case, the second race was about an hour longer than doing it stand-alone)

If you've done an OLY, how did you think you performed and how quickly did you feel "recovered?"  How do you think this would change if you'd been already training for the longer run?  

No reason you cannot plan to do both as long as you have the time, money, and motivation.  


2018-02-20 7:48 PM
in reply to: brifle

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: tri then half?

Sure you can do it.  I have to say that, personally, every time I've had back to back races (weekend-to-weekend, that is), I've regretted it (and as a result haven't done it for a long time).  The second one always felt like a drudgery and found myself wondering "why am I here?"

2018-02-21 12:03 AM
in reply to: brifle

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Colorado Springs, Colorado
Subject: RE: tri then half?
Sure you can do it. Training is the key.

At age 48 I did a marathon in PR time and 6 days later won the overall in a sprint duathlon. Then a week after that set a PR in a half marathon.

I was pushing hard in all those races. You stated you just want to have fun and that shouldn't be a problem with sufficient training.

Go for it. You'll never know what you're capable of unless you try.
2018-02-22 1:31 PM
in reply to: Donskiman


Subject: RE: tri then half?
Ok, I think I've got it under control. Yes, I'll be training for both events and adjust it to I can get the max amount out without injuring myself.

Thank you all for for the incredible support. You actually made my confidence spike a bit when reading your comments. thank you

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