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2009-10-13 5:36 PM
in reply to: #2452370

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL
Roadtoad22 - 2009-10-09 6:41 PM good luck in your race, Looks challenging!
Dont forget to post the results!

Thanks for the good luck wishes! You helped me have a great race. Course PR By about 10 minutes, plus I was 2nd in my AG! OK, there were only 4 in my AG, but I won a nice big beer mug

2009-10-14 5:02 AM
in reply to: #1856717

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Wilmington NC
Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL
YOU ROCK!!!  Congrats on the PR- 10 minutes is HUGE!!  Nice ag placing and who couldnt use a nice beer mug?   Wish I could  find a race like that close to home- beer will be a very good motivator for me after the Pebble is born!!
2009-11-08 4:43 PM
in reply to: #1856717

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Wilmington NC
Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL
Yesterday I helped out with the waterstop for our second annual Beach 2 Battleship IM/HIM distance triathlon. Last year's race was what inspired me to start in the sport. This year was just as inspiring. What a great honor it was to see and help out a bit with such a great group of athletes. We were at mile 1,12,14 and 25 so we got to see people in various stages of elation and agony. Also got to see the bikers come by before the transition. It was very cold in the morning for the swim- about 36 degrees or so, but by the run it was in the mid 60's, actually pretty warm to run a marathon. We had things well organized for most of our shift although a few runners want specific things that we werent provided with or could get to them at the speed they wanted. The shift that took over for us was pretty unorganized. I left with a lot of apprehension that the runners werent getting what they needed. Volunteers are great but non athlete/runners dont understand the importance of hydration and the needs of these endurance athletes. My goal (pre pregnancy) was to compete in the HIM in 2010, that is still a goal for me but I dont know how realistic it will be to try to train for such an event with a new baby. The problem is that it sells out so far in advance, you cant wait too long to decide. It was also an eye opener to be at mile 1 and 12 of the half, you get to see the change 11 miles makes in these guys. Most of them were moving considerably slower and looked warn out by mile 12, the fact that they could see the hill they had to climb to get over the bridge dead ahead made it look pretty daunting for most. Then there were the studs that just took a little water and headed out very determined. If I dont compete in the whole thing, I would at least like to be part of a relay. There are 3 of us at work that all run, but one swims and I am the only one with a road bike- Might be a good goal to bike in the relay and run a 1/2 marathon in october that I have been looking into. Swimming will be the hardest for me to train since I dont have a membership to a pool right now and wont have much time to get to it if I did. Ahhh dilemmas.... What are your goals for the next year? It would be great to meet up at a race again next year! Sorry for the long ramble, Paula
2009-11-10 6:45 AM
in reply to: #2503763

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL
Hi there! Finally got a new computer at home, so I can get back online some more. My daughter would let me use her laptop just barely enough to log my training.

Volunteering at a race sounds like a lot of fun. I always think the volunteers must be pretty tired towards the end because it can be a long day. I always have to laugh when they say "looking good" because I know I don't look too good, especially at the end of the run.

It's hard enough to plan out a season, but when you add in races that sell out plus not being sure how much time you will have for training it will be a little more complicated. All I know is that whatever you do, you will do it well!

Right now I am focusing on my running and doing well, but I've been lazy with my cycling and I haven't been swimming at all. I got better at everything this year, and I think I can continue to improve for the next couple of years until my age catches up with me and I hit a plateau.

I hope you are feeling well and everything is going smoothly

2009-12-06 6:52 PM
in reply to: #1856717

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Wilmington NC
Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL
 How are things going?  Any fun races planned for the holiday season?  Things are going well here, I am 33 weeks and counting- getting very anxious to begin the next phase of all this parenting stuff, like actually being a mother instead of an incubator!  I am getting bigger by the day too! 
    I was asked to be on the Try Sports (local shop) Ambassador team again this season.  I consider this quite an honor since my competing will be a little more limited this year.  We get a good deal from the store, some gear, 20% off and other perks.  My comittment is to refer 12 people to the store and participate in 5 races- either as an athlete or volunteer.  That shouldnt be too difficult for me.  I am just excited to get back into it.  We have a new full and half marathon in town in march, I hate that I cant run the 1/2- I always like to do the inagural one if able.  Maybe next year! 
Anyway, I hope you are well and have a great holiday season.  Are you going to be the leader of another mentor program next year?  count me in if you are, if you arent, I hope we can still keep in touch!
2009-12-09 4:03 PM
in reply to: #2545394

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL
Hey Paula! 33 weeks. You are almost there now. I hope you are feeling well, and able to sleep comfortably

I had my last race of the season on Sunday. A 7K Jingle Jog. Yet another PR for this year. I had a great time and even wore my antlers. I just posted my RR.

I had a great year, and am already looking forward to next year. I am thinking of doing another mentor group. If I do it it will probably be in Spring.  Even if I don't, I will definitely keep in touch.

Hoping you and your family have a happy and healthy holiday season, and you have an easy last few weeks of pregnancy


2010-01-02 5:12 PM
in reply to: #1856717

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Wilmington NC
Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL
Happy New Year!!  Hope you had a good holiday season and are ready for 2010.  All is well here.  I am ready to get back into shape and competition again.  Pebble is still growing and moving around and creating general discomfort but not ready to come out yet apparently!  I am getting anxious and ready for the next phase- I am sure it will be quite a challenge but I think we are ready for it.
   What is your race plan for 2010?  Hope all is well!
 Keep intouch
2010-01-08 2:16 PM
in reply to: #2589641

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL
Hey Paula. Happy New Year to you, too!!! I hope you are feeling well, and everything is going smoothly.

Wouls you believe I have my first race of the Sseason on Sunday? Just the first of the local runner's club 5K Winter Series. Still trying to work out my Ummer race schedule. Just have to figure out which HIM I want ot do and then everything else should come together.

Best wishes to you and hubby as you enter a very exciting phase in your life
2010-01-09 6:18 AM
in reply to: #1856717

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Wilmington NC
Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL
Good luck in your race, hope it warms up a bit!  It is really cold here too.  My husband has a stand up paddle race today.  Aptly named the "cold stroke classic"   Becareful and have fun!
2010-01-30 2:59 PM
in reply to: #1856717

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Wilmington NC
Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL
Just a quick note to tell you that Erica Jane Rock was born on January 24th.  She was 8lb 15 oz adn 22 inches.  It was a very difficult delivery, ended up with an emergency c section and a few complications for both of us afterwards.  I came home on thurs, she came home today.  Parenthood will definately change you, that's for sure!
  I hope all is well with you and your training.  PLease keep intouch!
2010-01-31 8:49 AM
in reply to: #2644622

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL

Congratulations to you and hubby!! Good to hear you are both home after a diicultt deliver. She is a big girl!! I like the name; my oldest boy is named EricSmile

ROCK ON momma Paula!!

2010-02-03 11:11 PM
in reply to: #1856717

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Wilmington NC
Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL
Things are going well here, I am feeling better every day. Erica is doing well, growing and keeping us in awe, and keeping me awake at night but that's ok!
Any training going on?  I need to live vicariously through others right now- keep me up to date!
2010-02-05 6:17 AM
in reply to: #2653873

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL
Good to hear you and baby girl Erica are doing well! Do you have any pictures you could post? I would love to see themSmile

My training is going well. I am really run focused for a March HM. I have a 5K this weekend, but that's just for fun. I did manage a short ride yesterday morning even though it was 20 degrees out. I also went to the pool yesterday for the first time in months. Managed half a mile but it was pretty slow.

Get some sleep if you can, and enjoy your time with your beautiful baby girl!!
2010-02-08 9:40 AM
in reply to: #1856717

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Wilmington NC
Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL
Hope you HM training is going well.  We have a new full and half here intown in march.  I am bummed that I wont be running it but I have a friend who is doing it so I will be there to cheer her on and probably help out the Try Sports Store if they need me.  I am impressed with my friend, we went to highschool togther and she was a hurdler and sprinter, has run a  few 5k's but decided to tackle the HM.  A huge step for someone who barely likes to run.  Another of my highschool friends also lives here, he is helping her with her long runs.  I cant wait to start back- I only have 15 pounds to loose to get back to pre baby wt but I have a lot of muscle building to do!  Its amazing the lack of abs I have from the C section-  I hope they come back soon- not like I ever had a six pack or anything but I cant stand the pouch I have now!
  Keep hitting the pool and the bike when you can.  20 degree ride- that is impresssive!  I would be on the trainer or still in bed that's for sure!
I will try to post a pic but I have had some trouble lately!
2010-02-08 9:41 AM
in reply to: #1856717

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Wilmington NC
Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL
I cant post a pic but I can email one to ya if you give me your address.
2010-02-16 8:44 AM
in reply to: #2661062

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL
Hey there! So, are you all getting into a nice routine?  I really would like to see a picture, my email is [email protected].

My running is great, cycling and swimming not so much. Still trying to figure out my race schedule for this year. If I do Musselman, do you know of any nice places for families to stay right on the lake?

Hope you, hubby, and baby girl Erica are doing well!

2010-03-01 7:09 AM
in reply to: #2675064

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL
Hello! Just saw your pics because somehow your email went into my spam folder. What a beautiful baby! You should have heard my wife squeal, "ooooooh she's cute!!" when she saw the pics.

Thanks for the tip. That Glenora winery looks nice. Still haven't made my race schedule yet.

Let me know when you start training again.

2010-03-04 6:50 PM
in reply to: #1856717

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Wilmington NC
Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL
HOw are things going?  I still havent gotten to start exercising yet. I have been cleared for the bike but the weather has not cooperated.  We have had a lot of rain and cold- I am a wimp and dont like to ride in the cold- I am sure it would seem warm to you though!
  I go back to the doctor on the 17th, hopefully things will be fine by then and I can begin running.  I bought my new running shoes today- cant wait to use them.  I should be taking this time to stretch out my tight muscles and do some core exercises but my non existant abs aren't cooperating very well- and the fact that Erica only sleeps in 20 min increments during the day.  She sleeps alot when her father watches her though- cant figure that one out!  She sleeps pretty well during the night so I dont complain about the daytime.  Cant believe its been almost 6 weeks already.  I go back to work on the 22nd, not looking forward to leaving her but am looking forward to a better paycheck and more adult conversations.
Hope all is well with you!
2010-03-16 6:45 AM
in reply to: #1856717

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Wilmington NC
Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL
Ran for the first time in forever yesterday.  It was quite slow and rather painful physically and mentally.  Did feel good to get out there and do something.  The fact is was sunny out was just a bonus.  Might get on the bike later today.  I am working a water stop for a marathon on sunday, that will surely give me inspiration to get back on track with everything, mostly my nutrition!  Erica is doing great- it will be very hard to leave her next week when I go back to work.
Hope all is well with you!
2010-04-23 7:00 PM
in reply to: #1856717

Subject: Calv problem

I'm having a problem with one of my calves. About 2 months ago (prior to training) I pulled it after a long day at work. I had severe pain, it almost felt like someone was sticking a knife into the back of my leg. I though that I had stretched it enough and enough time had passed, but maybe not. I was just beginning my run after a 10 min warm up and wasn't even 1 min in and I had to stop because the pain was just to much.  Since then (4 days ago) I've increased my swimming and biking substantially. Is there a certain type of stretching I can do to really stretch my lower calf muscle?

2010-04-28 7:24 PM
in reply to: #1856717

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Wilmington NC
Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL
stand off the edge of the steps and let the heels hang down.  Do this with the knees straight and knees bent a little.  Most people dont do the knees bent to stretch the soleus muscle which helps form the achillies tendon.  Hold about 30 seconds repeat 3-5 times a couple times per day.  Try that for a while, keep swimming and biking to keep fitness.  Dont want to tear your achillies, the recovery is VERY long!!!

2010-04-28 7:35 PM
in reply to: #2824269

Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL
I did alot of stretching and it's much better now. Thank You. Ran Mon/Tues and biked today and no problems other than my legs stay tight so I have to stop and stretch alot. If fact I have to stretch like a dancer, ya know find a bar to put my feet up on and bend over. It's the only way I can get fully stretched.
2010-10-30 1:37 PM
in reply to: #2824290

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL
Jaybird333 - 2010-04-28 8:35 PM I did alot of stretching and it's much better now. Thank You. Ran Mon/Tues and biked today and no problems other than my legs stay tight so I have to stop and stretch alot. If fact I have to stretch like a dancer, ya know find a bar to put my feet up on and bend over. It's the only way I can get fully stretched.

I love it - whatever it takes!  Great to find ways to work through our specific issues.  If I don't roll my left IT band almost every night, it gives me lots of problems on runs.  Keep finding ways to get out there.
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