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2014-07-27 5:30 AM

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Subject: From running to Triathlon training

I have been running for about 18 months now and completed my first marathon this May (04:14:27). My next goal is still a marathon (sub 4 I hope) and only aim for half IM in 2016. But, I want to start building up my capabilities in bike and swim.

My question is, while I was training for the marathon I ran 5 days a week. Now I want to keep that ability and also add on bike and swim, so obviously that means less running, or does it? How does the training add up in terms of days? If I swim/run/bike 2 days each in a week (with 1 day off) that sort of sounds, well, not here and not there. Again at the moment my goal for Feb 2015 is a sub 4 marathon but I want to build endurance and ability on the bike/swim.

Thanks for your pointers and advice!

2014-07-27 1:31 PM
in reply to: #5030965

Subject: RE: From running to Triathlon training
This is my first season of triathlon, but most of us - especially those who are training for HIM/IM distances - do more than one of s/b/r at least a few days a week. I do a long and sometimes a medium standalone run, and then short runs on the same day as a swim or bike. Some run 5-6 days a week on top of the other two disciplines. It just depends what you have time for and what goals you're reaching for.
2014-07-27 4:26 PM
in reply to: aribloch

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Iowa City, Iowa
Subject: RE: From running to Triathlon training
Originally posted by aribloch

I have been running for about 18 months now and completed my first marathon this May (04:14:27). My next goal is still a marathon (sub 4 I hope) and only aim for half IM in 2016. But, I want to start building up my capabilities in bike and swim.

My question is, while I was training for the marathon I ran 5 days a week. Now I want to keep that ability and also add on bike and swim, so obviously that means less running, or does it? How does the training add up in terms of days? If I swim/run/bike 2 days each in a week (with 1 day off) that sort of sounds, well, not here and not there. Again at the moment my goal for Feb 2015 is a sub 4 marathon but I want to build endurance and ability on the bike/swim.

Thanks for your pointers and advice!

I made a similar transition to you but from a HM last fall. I began my first season of triathlon training this year in May (work and an ankle injury prevented me from starting earlier in the year) and I have my first triathlon race at the end of August. Since I didn't come directly off my HM I decided to make my own "three-fer" training plan (based off the free on provided on this website. I have been managing three s/b/r each week and doing well. I still have the urges to try for more running since I'm somewhat better in that area compared to the other two but over the last couple months of training I have come to enjoy all three equally. Either way my training consists of:

Swimming: All three days base building to get up to the oly distance. I'll plan on non-base building after my first triathlon during the winter season since right now I'm just ensuring I can cover the race distance.

Biking: Two days are base building again for the same reason as in swimming. However, I try to do one day of some crude intervals to train myself to hold a faster speed than my usual. Just a little speed training of which I will pursue further once my first tri season is over.

Running: Again this is all based on coming off 6 months of sedentary lifestyle due to my demanding work and on top of that a very stupid ankle injury JUST as I started to begin my triathlon training. No surprise here I re-built my base running back to where it was during my HM training from the previous season. However, I am a bit slower due to my ligament injury. However, once the season is over I plan to work on my interval training once I am more comfortable.

It was good for me to write that down lol but I figured it may have some kind of advice in there for someone. I would suggest giving the others a try but realize that your running shouldn't have to suffer but rather you'll have to manage your run training a bit more since you also have to try to build up the swim and bike. I wish you good luck and enjoy the triathlon training!
2014-07-27 4:38 PM
in reply to: aribloch

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Scottsdale, AZ
Subject: RE: From running to Triathlon training

Run 5-6, swim 4, bike 3. Depending on how much time you have to devote to training will determine whether or not you can keep your existing (what is it) mileage. Keep in mind, sometimes it's easier to run shorter more frequently then longer, less frequently.

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