General Discussion Introduce Yourself!!! » Hello from Georgia! Rss Feed  
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2009-09-24 6:41 PM

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: Hello from Georgia!

My name is Chris and I am a budding triathlete from Atlanta.  I'm 41 years old with almost 40 of those years being completely sedentary.  In August 2008 I started running with my son's running club and just over 2 months later I had completely my first half marathon (Atlanta Thanksgiving 1:47:02).  Definitely not a 'learning curve' for everybody but I have an addictive personality.  I've gone on to run a bunch of half mary's and I'm about to run my second marathon in Chicago.

I'm in search of my next challenge and that would appear to be a Half Ironman.  That will be Augusta 2010 but I plan to run several sprints and Oly's before that.  The running thing I've got down but I'm completely clueless about both swimming and riding.  I was able to get a killer deal on a Trek Madone which will at least make me look fast if I'm not actually fast.  I admit that the swim is my biggest concern.  After my marathon I plan to go right into a round of P90X to build the upper body and all around core strength.  Then I'll go full tilt into swimming around Jan/Feb.  I'll probably keep the running fitness by running the Country Music Marathon (nashville in April).

Anyway, I'm happy to be here and I'm in full lurking mode right now just trying to soak up information.  I'm particularly enjoying the 'etiquette' threads as I am surprisingly clueless about triathlons.  There's definitely a lot to learn.  Please feel free to post up any 'tri's for dummies' link or recommend a good book that I should pick up.  Thanks for having me!

2009-09-24 7:15 PM
in reply to: #2425271

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: Hello from Georgia!
Welcome to BT.  Sounds like you have a plan and a goal, good way to start.

There are some good plans here that you could also check out to get you ready.  I was also looking at Augusta in 2010.

2009-09-24 8:12 PM
in reply to: #2425271

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St. Paul, MN
Subject: RE: Hello from Georgia!
Welcome to the world of "non-sedentaryism!!" Enjoy your first half IM!! Be careful - soon after that it will be "what IM should I do...."

Happy training! Welcome to BT!
2009-09-24 9:43 PM
in reply to: #2425271

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Subject: RE: Hello from Georgia!
dang, great job, you are a manimal!

Welcome to BT
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General Discussion Introduce Yourself!!! » Hello from Georgia! Rss Feed