General Discussion Triathlon Talk » Canadian Death Race this weekend ! Rss Feed  
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2010-07-26 3:10 PM

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Extreme Veteran
Lenexa, KS
Subject: Canadian Death Race this weekend !
Curious if any other BT'ers were doing the Canadian Death Race this weekend ? I'm heading west on Thursday and looking forward to it, though nervous of course.

2010-07-27 7:02 AM
in reply to: #3005491

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2010-07-27 8:48 AM
in reply to: #3005491

Subject: RE: Canadian Death Race this weekend !
someday I will get up there. Hear it is a great race though, have you done it before, you doing it solo?
2010-07-27 11:37 AM
in reply to: #3005491

Ft Gordon, GA
Subject: RE: Canadian Death Race this weekend !
O2BFast - 2010-07-26 11:10 PM

Curious if any other BT'ers were doing the Canadian Death Race this weekend ? I'm heading west on Thursday and looking forward to it, though nervous of course.

With a name like that I cannot imagine why you're nervous?

Best of luck!

Cannot wait to read the race report!!!
2010-07-27 8:27 PM
in reply to: #3005491

Extreme Veteran
Lenexa, KS
Subject: RE: Canadian Death Race this weekend !
I'm going solo for the race. Amazing how rough it looks, but I'll just focus on keeping going forward. Should be an awesome experience.

I'll post a report for sure.

2010-07-27 8:27 PM
in reply to: #3005491

Extreme Veteran
Lenexa, KS
Subject: RE: Canadian Death Race this weekend !
I'm going solo for the race. Amazing how rough it looks, but I'll just focus on keeping going forward. Should be an awesome experience.

I'll post a report for sure.

2010-07-28 10:26 AM
in reply to: #3005491

Subject: RE: Canadian Death Race this weekend !
good luck, I hear great things about that race. I have heard that the first couple of legs are easy in terms of cut off times in that you cannot just slide in under the cutoff time in the first couple legs or you won't make the harder ones.

Can't wait to hear about it.
2010-08-02 2:50 PM
in reply to: #3005491

Extreme Veteran
Lenexa, KS
Subject: RE: Canadian Death Race this weekend !
Great Race on Saturday ! Glad to say I finished - 21:57. That put me 86th out of about 350-400 starters (I didn't check how many didn't start, so not quite sure of the total starters). There were 150 finishers for the Solo division.

That sure was a tough run. For someone who mentioned the cutoffs, yes the first 2 are relatively achievable, but that cutoff for leg 3 really reduces the ranks. I guess they want to make sure there's plenty of time to make the hard leg 4 section.

I'd recommend the race for sure - beautiful area, great course, and just a generally good time. I'm very sore still today, but it was sure worth it.

I will work on a more detailed race report soon, as it was sure a memorable experience.

2010-08-02 4:18 PM
in reply to: #3019056

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2010-08-02 6:50 PM
in reply to: #3005491

Subject: RE: Canadian Death Race this weekend !
2010-08-03 2:10 AM
in reply to: #3019056

Ft Gordon, GA
Subject: RE: Canadian Death Race this weekend !
O2BFast - 2010-08-02 10:50 PM

Great Race on Saturday ! Glad to say I finished - 21:57. That put me 86th out of about 350-400 starters (I didn't check how many didn't start, so not quite sure of the total starters). There were 150 finishers for the Solo division.

That sure was a tough run. For someone who mentioned the cutoffs, yes the first 2 are relatively achievable, but that cutoff for leg 3 really reduces the ranks. I guess they want to make sure there's plenty of time to make the hard leg 4 section.

I'd recommend the race for sure - beautiful area, great course, and just a generally good time. I'm very sore still today, but it was sure worth it.

I will work on a more detailed race report soon, as it was sure a memorable experience.


OUTSTANDING!!! Amazing time as well!

Well done! Now, rest up and pick a new goal race!

2010-08-10 9:08 PM
in reply to: #3005491

Extreme Veteran
Lenexa, KS
Subject: RE: Canadian Death Race this weekend !
I had a few people ask me if I was doing a race report.

See the link below for the race report:

Great Race !


2010-08-11 9:34 AM
in reply to: #3005491

Subject: RE: Canadian Death Race this weekend !
Awesome race report, good job. Certainly on my bucket list, I wanted to do it 2011 but I think I will put it off a couple more years.

I posted this on your blog, but, if you are looking for the next race, try Sinister say it is harder than the Death Race. Registration opens December 1.
2010-08-11 11:29 AM
in reply to: #3035929

Ft Gordon, GA
Subject: RE: Canadian Death Race this weekend !
O2BFast - 2010-08-11 5:08 AM

I had a few people ask me if I was doing a race report.

See the link below for the race report:

Great Race !


AWESOME race report!!! It's now on my list of Ultras that I have to do, along with the JFK 50 miler, the Vermont 50 Miler and the Mohican 100 Miler (and dreams of Western States and Badwater--but they are truly only dreams at this point).

How do you like the Nathan 2.0? I just bought one but have not had a chance to run with it yet.

Once again, great race and great race report! Congrats!
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