Other Resources The Political Joe » What are you buying? Rss Feed  
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2016-06-26 8:45 AM

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Subject: What are you buying?
Some of us have agreed that the market getting knocked on it's azz presents a buying opportunity. If that's the case for you, what are you looking at right now?

This timing right now is perfect for me; provided this actually turns out be a correction and the slide continues. My 401K has just been turned over to another firm and I'm going to self direct the new one. I've managed to gradually take investments outside the 401K and have turned them into a more stable, income generating direction. This will allow me to take my 401K funds and guide them from stable ( low performance ) retirement date based investments to somewhere between moderate and aggressive growth investments.

So BT, what are you buying or what would you buy in the moderate to aggressive range?

2016-06-26 10:16 PM
in reply to: mdg2003

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Denver, Colorado
Subject: RE: What are you buying?
I do not have anything specific in mind, but when it comes to "sale on Wall Street" I increase my retirement contributions. I already used the max of the matched plan at work (and we have 10%), so I go with adding more to my Roth IRA account.
2016-06-27 7:48 AM
in reply to: marysia83

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Subject: RE: What are you buying?
That's a nice match they offer you! We only get 3%, better than no match, but not nearly as nice as 10%!
2016-06-27 9:00 AM
in reply to: mdg2003

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Denver, Colorado
Subject: RE: What are you buying?
I know, right?
Well, it is 5% of the annual income regardless if you participate in the plan or not. Plus up to 5%match to your contribution. It would be silly not to take advantage of it!
2016-07-07 8:31 PM
in reply to: 0

Subject: RE: What are you buying?
Besides maxing out my 401K to the match limit and buying company stock at a generous discount I am taking the balance of my investments and putting them in real estate. The plan is to build a portfolio of paid for investment properties that will generate $3K-5K in monthly clear rental income to supplement pension and social security. My house is paid for and I have zero debt.

I don't have the stomach or the time window to endure another market correction and I don't have the savvy to time my purchases of equities with market dips / buying opportunities.

Thus far the plan is working for me. They say to invest in what you know and I know well the concept of real estate and sweat equity.

Edited by HaydenHunter 2016-07-07 8:32 PM
2016-07-11 1:39 PM
in reply to: HaydenHunter

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: What are you buying?

Fortunately I'm putting the majority of my extra money into my business and an airplane (ok, not an investment).  That way I don't have to think about investing externally and have full control.

I've already mapped out my other investing and I'll be putting the rest into commercial and residential real-estate because I simply don't trust the markets.  I'd rather have a safe 5%-8% return with appreciation upside any day over the week than be in the stock market.  

2016-07-11 2:14 PM
in reply to: tuwood

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Minnetonka, Minnesota
Bronze member
Subject: RE: What are you buying?
Originally posted by tuwood

Fortunately I'm putting the majority of my extra money into my business and an airplane (ok, not an investment).  That way I don't have to think about investing externally and have full control.

I've already mapped out my other investing and I'll be putting the rest into commercial and residential real-estate because I simply don't trust the markets.  I'd rather have a safe 5%-8% return with appreciation upside any day over the week than be in the stock market.  

Unless, of course, there is another real estate crash :-)
2016-07-11 3:36 PM
in reply to: ejshowers

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Subject: RE: What are you buying?
Originally posted by ejshowers

Originally posted by tuwood

Fortunately I'm putting the majority of my extra money into my business and an airplane (ok, not an investment).  That way I don't have to think about investing externally and have full control.

I've already mapped out my other investing and I'll be putting the rest into commercial and residential real-estate because I simply don't trust the markets.  I'd rather have a safe 5%-8% return with appreciation upside any day over the week than be in the stock market.  

Unless, of course, there is another real estate crash :-)

How could that possibly happen? President Trump is real estate genius…
2016-07-11 3:52 PM
in reply to: ejshowers

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: What are you buying?

Originally posted by ejshowers
Originally posted by tuwood

Fortunately I'm putting the majority of my extra money into my business and an airplane (ok, not an investment).  That way I don't have to think about investing externally and have full control.

I've already mapped out my other investing and I'll be putting the rest into commercial and residential real-estate because I simply don't trust the markets.  I'd rather have a safe 5%-8% return with appreciation upside any day over the week than be in the stock market.  

Unless, of course, there is another real estate crash :-)

The main risk in that area is buying with leverage and I agree with you completely in that case.  I honestly am kind of waiting for the next crash to buy some real-estate and would only do it if I could buy the property outright.  Everything is way too expensive now.   

2016-07-11 5:12 PM
in reply to: tuwood

, California
Subject: RE: What are you buying?

I bought a Garmin 520 from a UK shop after the Brexit :D

2016-07-11 5:38 PM
in reply to: spudone

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: What are you buying?

Originally posted by spudone

I bought a Garmin 520 from a UK shop after the Brexit :D

Buddy of mine was excited to learn his UK trip this month was going to be substantially cheaper.   

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Other Resources The Political Joe » What are you buying? Rss Feed  

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