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2007-07-02 7:55 AM

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Rhode Island
Subject: Sprint to Oly - Nutrition?
I'm going to be doing my first Oly in a few weeks. I have done sprints for the last two years, usually finishing in about 90 minutes and never needing anything more than water or a little Gatorade. I'm expecting to finish my Oly in about 3 hours. Should I expect to need any food during the race? Do most people need to eat during an Oly? Just something small?


2007-07-02 8:13 AM
in reply to: #868408

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Grand Rapids MI
Subject: RE: Sprint to Oly - Nutrition?
Other than the water and\or Gatorade - I usually have a power bar (or something like that) a half hour or so before the swim, then take two gel's with me on the bike but normally only use one. Then at T2 I have one more gel sitting there and either eat it in T2 or shove it in my jersey for along the way.

Remember to not do anything different then what you have practiced with

Have a Great Race !!

2007-07-02 9:03 AM
in reply to: #868408

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Subject: RE: Sprint to Oly - Nutrition?
#1 Avoid Solids - Bad idea in any racing situation.....
#2: Infinit Nutrition. Go out to the web site and think about it. It's great stuff. There is a portion of the web site where you take a survey. It gives you a blend based on your answers.
#2. Stick with gels, water and or gatorade.

If you are doing the race in a few weeks I would get on the nutrition yesterday. You want to try the stuff out in your training to see if you can stomach it. You also want to see what the impact is after you take the nutrition and after your training is done.

Good luck.
2007-07-02 11:15 AM
in reply to: #868408

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Subject: RE: Sprint to Oly - Nutrition?
I generally try to drink about 32 ounces/200 calories of cytomax on the bike leg and then run hard to the finish with just water at the aid stations. But I'm also trying to go about 2:15 or better. Approaching the 3 hour range, I would recommend adding a gel on the bike and perhaps a gel on the run.

Just don't overdo it. Nutrition is emphasized so much here and elsewhere that I think people have a tendency to think the need more calories than they really do.
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