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2007-08-14 4:51 PM

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Chicago, IL
Subject: Crystal Lake Half Mary
Anybody planning on doing this race? Why did you choose this one over the Chicago Half on the same day? Have you signed up?

Just heard from the RD that there are only "196 registered runners. The 1st 450 will get shirts. I am steadily seeing 15-20 registrations/day."

Do this race have the support you need/want for a half?


2007-08-15 9:41 AM
in reply to: #925957

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Crystal Lake, IL
Subject: RE: Crystal Lake Half Mary

Well, I'm biased because I live in CL and the race is on my home turf, so to speak.  It's not fancy and last year it was drizzly/rainy so there weren't many spectators at all.  There were plenty of volunteers.  You can read my race report here if you like.  Great story about a fireman doing the race in full gear.  Probably the biggest negative was how the early miles were marked short and the last 2 miles seemed to take forever - but overall the course was dead on.

I think of it as mostly flat with a few rollers but someone from Chi last year thought it was on the hilly side.  Nothing extreme, just not as flat as she was expecting.  I can't really tell you if the post race food was any good but it seemed like they had plenty there. 

This actually works out great for me to do this race because it is a recovery week on my marathon plan so I only run 12 miles that day anyway.  I'll just be running it easy instead of racing it.  Well, at least that's what the plan will be. 

2007-08-15 9:59 AM
in reply to: #925957

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Southwest Chicago 'burbs
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Crystal Lake Half Mary

I've done both races, and this year (since they're on the same day - doh!), have chosen to do Chicago instead (sorry, HL!).

They are both great races, just completely different ends of the spectrum.  CL is fairly well supported, but to me -- being from a very flat part of IL -- the course was hilly.  Like HL said, the early miles were marked way short, and later miles marked way long, but it was a dead-on 13.1 miles overall.

Value for the dollar in CL is awesome.  As I recall, it was really cheap for a half mary.

I'm doing Chicago because I'm really hoping to PR... the hills in CL wouldn't provide the best opportunity for that.  Also - Chicago has pace groups, which have helped me in the past.  Another factor for me is that I enjoy being social during longer races, and Chicago gives me more people to bother talk to.

Either race is a fun experience, though.  Just depends on what kind of race you're looking for.

2007-08-15 2:07 PM
in reply to: #925957

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Chicago, IL
Subject: RE: Crystal Lake Half Mary
What about the Alpine Races Half, also on the 9th. Anyone run this one? I didn't even know about it until playing around with an online race calendar. This appears to be their 29th annual race, so sounds pretty well established.

Is Crystal Lake any LESS hilly than Lake Zurich? I did the Lake Zurich Tri, and it seemed hilly to me.

Alpine Races/Lake Zurich Half indicates water stops every 2 miles, anyone have info on Crystal Lake?
2007-08-15 2:57 PM
in reply to: #925957

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Crystal Lake, IL
Subject: RE: Crystal Lake Half Mary

I don't think the water stops were that often but I can't remember what they were.  Maybe 3-4 over the length of the course?  Not sure.

I can't say for sure not having done either race in Lake Zurich, but my guess would be that LZ is a little hillier than CL.  There are parts of CL that are pretty hilly but this isn't them.  Like I said before, I live here and I think it's just this side of a "flat" course with a hill or two and some rollers.

Maybe for one of my next long runs I'll run this course and tell you what the Garmin says for profile/elevation.

2007-08-15 3:00 PM
in reply to: #925957

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Chicago, Illinois
Subject: RE: Crystal Lake Half Mary
yeah if I race any half I have to race Lake Zurich. Some are doing the Chicago Half though I would pick it over LZ only because of the finisher medal. I am such a medal . ok maybe I still pick LZ just too close.

The half is a new course so I really can not comment on the course itself except to say I know alot of people who ran it many times and they really like it and worked long and hard on getting the best course. You do not run on Rand at all like you did the first year.

The area does its share of hills.

Most of all you will porbably have me out there as a volunteer since I am doing the big shoulders 5k swim the day before.

2007-08-15 4:50 PM
in reply to: #925957

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Subject: RE: Crystal Lake Half Mary
I chose Chicago so HL and Schmize wouldn't think I was stalking them.
2007-08-15 4:55 PM
in reply to: #925957

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Chicago, Illinois
Subject: RE: Crystal Lake Half Mary
If anyone is running Chicago I know the 2:30 and 2:40 pace group leaders.
2007-08-15 6:25 PM
in reply to: #927247

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Chicago, IL
Subject: RE: Crystal Lake Half Mary
I would be interested to see the elevation results if you do the run with your GPS. I am afraid of how hills will hurt me, as I've done all my long runs in either the forest preserves or around town in Glenview/Northbrook, which is really flat.
2007-08-16 2:56 PM
in reply to: #925957

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NW Suburbs, Illinois
Subject: RE: Crystal Lake Half Mary

Yea, I did CL last year, and will do it again this year.  HL and StartingtoTri already nailed the description of the race.  I think the course is right in between what they both are saying.  The first 3-4 miles were flat (through park gravel trail).  Then there were some rollers, and a few longer climbs but only of the 3-5% variety.   Rollers and some bigger rollers, but 60% flatter, if that makes sense.  No really huge climbs.

You could try and map it out on mapmyrun, based on the website roads. does have elevation.  Should answer your question.

2007-08-16 8:10 PM
in reply to: #925957

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Chicago, IL
Subject: RE: Crystal Lake Half Mary
I guess I have to leave it up to the most important deciding factor, the race T. Anyone have an opinion as to which of the three is the best? Anyone seen the shirts?

2007-08-17 9:33 AM
in reply to: #925957

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Crystal Lake, IL
Subject: RE: Crystal Lake Half Mary
Well, CL was a longsleeve white cotton shirt that doesn't do much for me but act as an undershirt.  But as is mentioned above, it is a very cheap race so I wasn't expecting much.
2007-08-17 9:35 AM
in reply to: #925957

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Chicago, Illinois
Subject: RE: Crystal Lake Half Mary
LZ giving away a sweatshirt so no t shirt for you.

In years past I think the Chicago marathon gave away long sleaved t shirts also.

I would point out the lake zurich is not a techical shirt but an old fassion sweetshirt. Many of us want the tech shirt but the powers that be do not want to have it.

Edited by chirunner134 2007-08-17 9:43 AM
2007-08-17 9:38 AM
in reply to: #925957

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Southwest Chicago 'burbs
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Crystal Lake Half Mary
Yup - Chicago half is also a long-sleeved cotton t-shirt.
2007-08-20 11:17 AM
in reply to: #925957

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Chicago, IL
Subject: RE: Crystal Lake Half Mary
Here's my final plan.

I'm going to do the Runner's Edge Trail Half Marathon on September 3rd, as my final long training run, maybe even walk the last mile (probably not) (, and then RACE the Crystal Lake Half on September 9th. Race being a relative term, having scene a few of your logs, my goal is to break 1:50.

Looks like Crystal Lake is giving long sleeve technical t's, which sounds to me like the best shirt.

Hope to see a few of you at one or the other.


2007-08-20 11:22 AM
in reply to: #925957

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Chicago, Illinois
Subject: RE: Crystal Lake Half Mary
well I might be working a water stop again at the runner's edge. I did that last year and it was not too bad. Last year I did it because I was injuried and this year because I can not make the 2:30 cut off.

Sounds like that cut off will not be an issue for you.

2007-09-01 12:40 PM
in reply to: #925957

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Chicago, IL
Subject: RE: Crystal Lake Half Mary
All signed up and ready to go for Runner's Edge Trail Half. Anyone else going to be there?

I heard that you are better off parking near the finish, rather than parking near the start and having a long walk after the 13.1 run.

The shirts are long sleeve technical in black and are fairly nice.

2007-09-01 11:47 PM
in reply to: #949675

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Chicago, Illinois
Subject: RE: Crystal Lake Half Mary
trithat - 2007-09-01 12:40 PM

All signed up and ready to go for Runner's Edge Trail Half. Anyone else going to be there?

I heard that you are better off parking near the finish, rather than parking near the start and having a long walk after the 13.1 run.

The shirts are long sleeve technical in black and are fairly nice.

I am going to be there. They assign you lots as you come in atleqst they did last year so you may not have a choice.
2007-09-02 3:15 PM
in reply to: #925957

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Chicago, IL
Subject: RE: Crystal Lake Half Mary
This year they pre assigned, lot T is the one closer to the finish (at least according to those working at Runner's Edge).
2007-09-02 3:43 PM
in reply to: #950275

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Chicago, Illinois
Subject: RE: Crystal Lake Half Mary
trithat - 2007-09-02 3:15 PM

This year they pre assigned, lot T is the one closer to the finish (at least according to those working at Runner's Edge).

So you are going to go there and they will look you up when you show up? that makes no sense.
2007-09-03 12:57 PM
in reply to: #925957

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Chicago, IL
Subject: RE: Crystal Lake Half Mary
Ended up parking at lot D, which was a ways from chip pickup and the start. Not a big deal at the start, but after, on the way back to the car, pushing the kids in the stroller, my quads were screaming.

2007-09-03 4:27 PM
in reply to: #950732

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Chicago, Illinois
Subject: RE: Crystal Lake Half Mary
trithat - 2007-09-03 12:57 PM

Ended up parking at lot D, which was a ways from chip pickup and the start. Not a big deal at the start, but after, on the way back to the car, pushing the kids in the stroller, my quads were screaming.

yeah me too atleast it was not too far from the start. Good news I was DFL at about 5.5 miles but was able to pass 7 people on the second half.
2007-09-04 8:02 PM
in reply to: #925957

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Chicago, IL
Subject: RE: Crystal Lake Half Mary
Where's your race report? Haven't seen any others from this race yet.
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