BobbyMcgee's articles on

author : BobbyMcgee
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photoWhen we get ready to train or race, we have a pretty fixed set of thoughts. We are unaware of how they affect our racing.
author : BobbyMcgee
comments : 2
photoWhy triathletes must absolutely warm up, activate muscles, strengthen core, and stretch effectively.
author : BobbyMcgee
comments : 0
photoRunning is often the hardest skill to master for the beginner triathlete as it uses the most muscle and is totally unsupported, thus placing a greater demand on the body than the other two sports.
author : BobbyMcgee
comments : 0
photoHow long should the 1st long run of a new season be and how to determine volumes when beginning training for a specific event.
author : BobbyMcgee
comments : 0
photoBy gradually running for increasingly longer periods on a softer surface, you will learn the technique and come to realize the benefits in injury prevention and speed.
author : BobbyMcgee
comments : 1
photoThere are a couple of very important requirements to consider when using the water as an alternative running environment. Used properly, it will help to strengthen and rehab your legs.
author : BobbyMcgee
comments : 0
photoUse high and low cadence deep water running to improve your turnover, run-specific muscle endurance and functional running strength.
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Bobby McGee is an internationally acclaimed endurance coach who has produced an Olympic Champion, world champions and numerous world record holders. Through his coaching, lecturing and writing, he has become a much sought after figure in the world of human potential fulfillment.