Beginner Triathlete - Beginners articles

author : malvey
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photoTraining for mature and older adults is the key to staying young.
author : mikericci
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photoA few tips to go faster without investing more time into your training
author : mamakt
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Be a better mother/wife/employee by putting yourself first.
author : rautorino
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Does it matter how fast you go? Does it matter if you win? No. It only matters that you tri your best and smile when you cross the finish line.
author : Glenn
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avatarWithout a doubt, we begin to notice patterns in our training performances. We notice when our good and bad days repeat themselves in our logbook.
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avatarSo how do you turn a weakness into strength? It begins with effecting a fundamental change to your triathlete self-image.
author : Michael
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avatarI heard an athletic trainer say that in life we have many setbacks. The key is to overcome these setbacks, but the question is how?
author : Ken
comments : 7
photoDon't worry, you can't do anything that hasn't been done before. Read this article for some humorous insights of one triathlete's introduction to the sport.
author : kanoelani
comments : 0
avatarMy first experience as a triathlete and my post-season plan.
author : malvey
comments : 0
avatarAdvice on how to get started with a fitness lifestyle - for parents and grandparents.
author : gsmacleod
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avatarAn overview of planning and implementing the first month of a beginner program.
author : Akuma
comments : 3
avatarA bike is NOT a piece of metal with a couple of wheels at either end and a steering thing to stop you running over old ladies. No! ... a bike is a space-age “weapon of mass confusion.”
author : gsmacleod
comments : 0
avatarThe story of how I lost 60lbs and decided to start training for a triathlon.
author : Andrea
comments : 0
photoI'm on the other side of the college-student desk. I'm the one with the red pen in my hand. Those of us with schedules that change from day to day actually have an advantage, I think.
author : Glenn
comments : 0
photoI have seen cyclists go to a bike shop the day before a race expecting their problem to be fixed, only to be told the shop cannot complete the job in time.
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