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Spring Bassman Half Distance Triathlon - Triathlon

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Tuckerton, New Jersey
United States
CityTri Racing
65F / 18C
Total Time = 4h 48m 38s
Overall Rank = 10/113
Age Group = M35-39
Age Group Rank = 2/18
Pre-race routine:

Staple pre-race meal, meat and egg rice porridge with about 20 to 30 ounces of fluids 3 hours pre race. Drove to race. Went between my car, to the porta-potty line, to transition quite a few times. I looked for my Bodyglide (which I knew I packed) for quite some time. (I found it after the race, and yes, there was some unpleasant chafing).
Event warmup:

Stood in ankle deep water listening to pre-race meeting. It was still cold out and I didn't want to get all soaked and get out of the water, and I figured my warm up would be wading out to the start.
  • 39m 16s
  • 2112 yards
  • 01m 52s / 100 yards

I didn't drown, which is probably the only positive thing I have to say about this swim.

I couldn't find any good feet. I couldn't stay straight. I occasionally lost sight of the buoys, and once I went way off course.

I really neglected swim training in the last few months. I was shocked at how slow my first loop was when I looked at my split, and really disappointed when I got out of the water.

My last two HIM I was out of the water in 34:xx, including my first ever which was only 4 or 5 months after learning to swim more than 50 yards at a stretch.
What would you do differently?:

Go out faster, push myself to get on some good feet. Do more than 2x swim workouts per week (5000 yd total)/wk)
Transition 1
  • 00m

Lost some time with my wetsuit, usually I strip to the waist running into T1. The wetsuit also got stuck on my watch, and did not come off the ankles smooth. There was no timing in T1, so I am guessing 4 to 5 min range.
What would you do differently?:

Remember to start stripping on the run to T1. I usually bodyglide my lower legs/ankles to help the suit come off, but since I couldn't find it, that didn't happen. And just learn to shake off those post swim cobwebs and get focused!
  • 2h 28m 54s
  • 57.2 miles
  • 23.05 mile/hr

I've dubbed this year for me as "The Year of the Bike," as my goal was to become a better cyclist. I bought a power meter. I was also lucky enough to be part of the Power mentor group, which taught me how to use it, and gave me some tough workouts to get me in shape.

I forgot to turn my bike computer on before the swim, and lost a few miles as it found satellites, but I had 54 miles of data showing an average of 259 watts. I was happy with that as it put me at about 86% of my estimated FTP.

Last year I was about 20 minutes slower on the same course, and I remember thinking that I lose too much time to the field on the bike. For this years race, I was only about 6 minutes slower than the fastest bike split of the day, so I've cut that down quite a bit.

I also had zero people pass me on the bike, which I guess isn't surprising considering how terrible I swam.
What would you do differently?:

Nothing really. I left just enough to get me through the run with no disasters. If I pushed it more, I probably would have had some serious issues.
Transition 2
  • 00m

Quad started cramping on the way into T2, so I pretty much was on autopilot, mentally I was already trying to figure out how I would make it through the run. I am glad that I remembered to do everything.
What would you do differently?:

Focus on the task at hand, worry about the run when I start the run.
  • 1h 35m 44s
  • 13.2 miles
  • 07m 15s  min/mile

I had to be a bit conservative. During the first mile, my quad was cramping. I tried to stretch it out a bit by bringing my heels up as I ran, but then my hamstring started protesting. I was pretty worried. I had planned to do a steady 7:00 min/mile pace based on my VDOT which is in the 52-53 range, and shoot 1:32-1:33, but I had to slow that down a bit.

The aid stations were pretty much self serve, and I managed about 2 half Dixie cups of water, and no nutrition. I didn't want to slow down or stop. I was worried about bonking late in the run, but managed to hold on, and even speed up the last few miles once I felt I was out of the danger zone. Luckily it was relatively cool and shaded or I would have been in trouble with hydration.
What would you do differently?:

Bring at least a gel or something with me in case the aid stations don't work out as was the case today.
Post race
Warm down:


What limited your ability to perform faster:

The swim!!!!!!!! If I can convince myself to get up early and to the pool 4x or so per week and get up to about 15k/week, I really could start getting competitive overall. Maybe I will dub next season as "The Year of the Swim." For the bike I need to get a professional fit, and just keep up the willingness to suffer during my workouts.

Event comments:

I like this venue and I hope it stays popular enough to keep the race going. It is the only local early season HIM and a great tuning race. And despite it being early May, somehow the water temperature stays above 60 degrees. There were a few issues. Bike security, lack of volunteers overall (especially at the run aid stations), and some timing issues. Obviously bike security is huge, and I am sure that will be addressed (well I hope I am sure). They also could be more strategic with the placement of the aid stations, and probably be able to put more manpower there.

Last updated: 2014-05-07 12:00 AM
00:39:16 | 2112 yards | 01m 52s / 100yards
Age Group: 7/18
Overall: 48/113
Performance: Bad
Suit: Full
Course: 2 x 0.6 mi shallow lake
Start type: Wade Plus:
Water temp: 62F / 17C Current: Low
200M Perf. Average Remainder: Bad
Breathing: Average Drafting: Bad
Waves: Navigation:
Rounding: Below average
Time: 00:00
Performance: Average
Cap removal: Helmet on/
Suit off:
Wetsuit stuck? Run with bike:
Jump on bike:
Getting up to speed:
02:28:54 | 57.2 miles | 23.05 mile/hr
Age Group: 2/18
Overall: 7/113
Performance: Good
HR avg 151. Very steady HR during the whole ride.
Wind: Some
Course: 3 loops, a bit rough on the way out. Flat.
Road: Rough  Cadence: 85
Turns: Cornering:
Gear changes: Hills:
Race pace: Comfortable Drinks: Just right
Time: 00:00
Overall: Average
Riding w/ feet on shoes
Jumping off bike
Running with bike
Racking bike
Shoe and helmet removal
01:35:44 | 13.2 miles | 07m 15s  min/mile
Age Group: 4/18
Overall: 11/113
Performance: Average
Started in 150s, moved towards 160 near the end. My max HR is low 180s, threshold usually around 160-165. HR was in check all race, it was my all my other muscles that were protesting today.
Course: Flat. Some road, some hard packed trail, a bit of soft sand, but not much.
Keeping cool Good Drinking Not enough
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Average
Mental exertion [1-5] 4
Physical exertion [1-5] 4
Good race? Yes
Course challenge Just right
Events on-time?
Lots of volunteers? No
Plenty of drinks? No
Post race activities: Average
Race evaluation [1-5] 3

2014-05-07 1:29 PM

Subject: Spring Bassman Half Distance Triathlon

2014-05-07 4:11 PM
in reply to: #4993010

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Houston, Texas
Subject: RE: Spring Bassman Half Distance Triathlon

Wow, speed racer!!  Smoking fast!

How do you feel about the bike pacing?  Do you think riding at 86% is what resulted in the cramping quads on the run? 

2014-05-07 4:36 PM
in reply to: ligersandtions

Subject: RE: Spring Bassman Half Distance Triathlon
Based on general feedback, I've heard 80 to 85 % for a HIM is a good target. I had a good deal of training after my last test, so I had felt like I had a pretty accurate/conservative FTP to work with, so being on the higher end didn't concern me.

My HR was good so I went with it, I probably needed a bit more strength/long rides and I would have been fine. Hopefully I can remedy that between now and my IM in Aug!
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Training in the cold can be effective and fun with some planning. Overall, prepare for the environment, stay hydrated and dry, listen to your body and have a great safe cold weather outing.