Subject: RE: NEW! BT Training Log Syncing with more devices First, I love that you've done this as I already use Tapiriik to do some syncing. I notice that it has duplicated all my workouts in May (I already cleaned them up) that were previously synced from Garmin. Actually, it wasn't all of them, just most of them - I didn't notice a pattern. Not a big deal but something to be aware of and it seems like it doesn't detect duplicates properly. It seems to do a really good job of avoiding duplicates in the other syncs I have setup between TP and Strava and Garmin so it seems like it should be possible. Also, would it be possible for it to copy workout notes? For example, I have it setup to sync from TP -> Strava and it will copy anything I type in a post workout comment in TP into the description field of the Strava post. This is only if it's a new entry in Strava, if the workout is already on Strava from another source then it just sees it as a duplicate and skips it. The same sync from TP -> BT copies the workout but doesn't include those notes. One more thing I just noticed. I did a swim this morning and recorded it in TP but the sync placed the swim workout in yesterday's log on BT. Everything else seems to have worked right and the workout appeared on Strava with the correct date. Edit to add - the swim workout in BT shows a time of day of 10:45 PM while in TP I entered it as 5:45 AM Edited by axteraa 2016-05-25 7:22 AM