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2011-09-07 6:49 PM

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Subject: Swim Vs. Bike Vs. Run???

Okay, so for the next 4-5 months I want to concentrate on getting in shape and losing weight before I do any sort of training for my first triathlon.


That being said, what is the best sport to do?  I do love to run, however I know that it can be very hard on my knees.


I was just curious what your thoughts were?



2011-09-07 6:53 PM
in reply to: #3676969

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, Minnesota
Subject: RE: Swim Vs. Bike Vs. Run???
I'd mix running and biking to start with.   Are you a good swimmer?  If so, then I wouldn't bother swimming (unless you want to) but if not then I would start getting swimming lessons and work on that.  You can do all three sports without doing a specific training plan.  Why not?
2011-09-07 6:57 PM
in reply to: #3676969

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Bountiful UTAH
Subject: RE: Swim Vs. Bike Vs. Run???
eat good foods first. Swimming is the best low impact sport you can do and it also doubles as your triathlon training and so does the eating good foods. See you are 1/2 way there all ready.
2011-09-07 7:00 PM
in reply to: #3676969

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Swim Vs. Bike Vs. Run???
if your concerned with your knee's I'd personally do a heavy swim/bike routine with some elliptical or aqua jogging mixed in for the "run" portion.
2011-09-07 8:05 PM
in reply to: #3676969

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, New Hampshire
Subject: RE: Swim Vs. Bike Vs. Run???
You can help your knees by having a very sound running technique... make sure you never land on your heal and never have a fully extended leg. You knee should always be bent when you land and under you, not ahead of you.

Look up natural running, Chi running, etc. etc. and you'll find examples of this.

With all that said... cycling is a great way to get in shape, but it is time consuming (long rides can be a few hours, short ones still an hour...). Swimming is completely free of impact and you can achieve very good results without spending lots of time (although you do need to add the time to and from the pool I guess...).

Best of all, combine the 3 and you have a whole body workout schedule that won't hurt you!
2011-09-07 8:10 PM
in reply to: #3676969

Subject: RE: Swim Vs. Bike Vs. Run???
I love to run and bike, but I've found that when I start really dropping weight are the weeks when I get to the pool at least three times rather than just two. I try to run three times a week, ride three and swim three, but seldom get all of them in. And since I get what I feel is a better workout running and biking, it always surprises me that an extra swim a week seems to make a difference on my weight.

2011-09-07 8:14 PM
in reply to: #3676969

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Subject: RE: Swim Vs. Bike Vs. Run???

I'd do a little of everything so you won't fall out of practice with any of them if a tri is your main sport or end goal. I'm doing that at the moment and it's helping me build strength from head to toe. You can continue to get a good cardio workout on an elliptical too give your knee a break. I never knew that till I really busted out a workout on one one day as if I were running a race (it's so easy for me to dilly dally on those). Yoga has been awesome for strengthening my core and getting a good stretch after the weekend long run and soccer game. 

Whatever you choose, good luck! I'm with you on losing some fluff. Smile

Edited by Blanda 2011-09-07 8:19 PM
2011-09-07 8:17 PM
in reply to: #3676969

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Subject: RE: Swim Vs. Bike Vs. Run???

Do all 3!  You don't need a training plan to work out.  I know several folks who have never done a triathon and swim, bike, run, and weight lift just to stay in shape and maintain a healthy lifestyle.  Also, eat right.  Eat healthy foods, monitor portion size, and work-out.  I bet you knew this was the correct answer though.

However, if you're a crappy swimmer and you have a a few months to spare; take some lessons and learn.  Make yourself more efficient.

2011-09-07 8:22 PM
in reply to: #3676969

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Lakewood, CO
Subject: RE: Swim Vs. Bike Vs. Run???
For me personally, I dropped the weight on the bike and then picked up running
2011-09-07 9:05 PM
in reply to: #3676969

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Subject: RE: Swim Vs. Bike Vs. Run???
swim / run if i want to drop to race weight.  it will get me there quick.  swim in the morning run in the evening, will take me 4-6 weeks to drop some serious weight.
2011-09-07 9:11 PM
in reply to: #3676969

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Dirt Road
Subject: RE: Swim Vs. Bike Vs. Run???


Eat right

Swim, bike and walk.

Repeat until you drop some weight and slowly mix in the run. SLOWLY

2011-09-07 9:11 PM
in reply to: #3676969

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Midlothian, VA
Subject: RE: Swim Vs. Bike Vs. Run???

Live in the pool and start putting some effort into diet. Doesn't have to a be a lot of effort, just try.

I started swimming and switched to diet soda couple years back and dropped the first 20 pounds quick.

Really swim though. The water doesn't melt the weight off, you have to do the work.  (I say this because I've seen some of the same people in the pool all the time slowly doing laps but they have been doing it for years and don't look any different to me.  3 minute hundred meters good.  30 minute 100 meters, um?)

But ya know what, while I can argue that swimming is a great workout and easy on the body impact-wise, do whatever gets you off the couch!

2011-09-07 9:16 PM
in reply to: #3676969

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Swim Vs. Bike Vs. Run???

It's a lot easier to cut 500 calories from your food than it is to burn 500 calories.

If your goal is weight loss first, triathlon training second (or even after), adding weight training to whatever you do is a good idea.

If you build up a decent-ish bike base (3ish hours a week for a couple months), a high-intensity Spinning(R) class will burn some serious calories. Just don't do any weird crap like high resistance/low RPM, pushups or Godknowswhatawfulstuff bad instructors come up with. If it's a movement you wouldn't do outdoors on a ride, don't do it indoor cycling.

If you aren't a proficient swimmer, start NOW and get help. It takes a long time to build good swim technique.

2011-09-07 11:14 PM
in reply to: #3676969

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Subject: RE: Swim Vs. Bike Vs. Run???
combine biking and running, swimming won't help as much with weight loss due to the fact water cools you off and you don't burn as many calories afterwards compared to biking and/or running. that be said swimming is a great sport to stay in overall shape
2011-09-08 5:46 AM
in reply to: #3676969

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Subject: RE: Swim Vs. Bike Vs. Run???
Also agree to do all three. If you cross train you will not stress your body in a negative way as if you ran 5 days a week plus if your goal is to do tris you might as well get the skill set now. Good luck
2011-09-08 6:01 AM
in reply to: #3677319

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New Haven, CT
Subject: RE: Swim Vs. Bike Vs. Run???
Running burns the most calories per hour, biking next, swimming third. Reverse order for impact. biking is likely e best bank for your buck because you can likely bike the longest without issue - a 2 hour swim is obviously a great workout but you may expire of boredom. Also weight loss is about diet, exercise is the cherry on the top.

2011-09-08 7:28 AM
in reply to: #3677078

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Colorado Springs, Colorado
Subject: RE: Swim Vs. Bike Vs. Run???

peto_primo - 2011-09-07 7:22 PM For me personally, I dropped the weight on the bike and then picked up running


I lost about 50 pounds through biking and exercise. I've since lost about 20 more primarily from running every day. The thing is, when I train seriously for tri I tend to not lose anything. The fuel needed for training seems to balance with the calories burned.

2011-09-08 7:45 AM
in reply to: #3676969

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: Swim Vs. Bike Vs. Run???
I would start by making small adjustments to your diet and to your workout routine. Diet soda for regular soda, more salad and less fried food were the starting spots for me. Sprinkle in more bike time, more swim time and, since you enjoy it, more run time. We are all more likely to do that which we enjoy. It is also the perfect opportunity to work on form. If you can start swimming with a coach or a masters program, you will gain some big long term benefits. Same for running, someone mentioned form and it is a bigger factor then I believed when I started. So I am now having to break down my run form and relearn how to run.

Start slow, find what you like and find the joy in the training. Celebrate every victory and every change. If you don't like it, you won't want to do it, which does not promote success.

Congratulations to you on wanting to take the next steps!
2011-09-08 7:45 AM
in reply to: #3676969

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Melbourne FL
Gold member
Subject: RE: Swim Vs. Bike Vs. Run???

Run-walk intervals can help a lot for the knees.  Start with a short run and long walk intervals and you can slowly work to long run with short walks.  Do all three (s-b-r) at least once a week but see if you can do one of them 3x per week, or 2 of then 2x per week, that's 5 solid workouts to start with.  Also you're all ready cross-training for your first race (why wait!).  See how you can integrate more training into your lifestyle for additional workouts per week.  Making the lifestyle change is often the hardest part.

2011-09-08 7:50 AM
in reply to: #3677142

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Subject: RE: Swim Vs. Bike Vs. Run???
TriAya - 2011-09-07 9:16 PM

It's a lot easier to cut 500 calories from your food than it is to burn 500 calories.

If your goal is weight loss first, triathlon training second (or even after), adding weight training to whatever you do is a good idea.

If you build up a decent-ish bike base (3ish hours a week for a couple months), a high-intensity Spinning(R) class will burn some serious calories. Just don't do any weird crap like high resistance/low RPM, pushups or Godknowswhatawfulstuff bad instructors come up with. If it's a movement you wouldn't do outdoors on a ride, don't do it indoor cycling.

If you aren't a proficient swimmer, start NOW and get help. It takes a long time to build good swim technique.

Not for me, I'm always hungry. I'd rather train more than eat less. Just watch the quality of foods you eat, it's a lot more work to overeat produce, vegetables, and chicken or fish.

2011-09-08 7:54 AM
in reply to: #3676969

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Extreme Veteran
Ridgeland, Mississippi
Subject: RE: Swim Vs. Bike Vs. Run???
I say bike.  I honestly feel that most people don't ride their bike enough anyway.  Working hard on the bike last year not only helped my fitness on the longest split of the race, but it also translated to my run quite well.  YMMV.

Edited by msteiner 2011-09-08 7:54 AM

2011-09-08 8:01 AM
in reply to: #3676969

Subject: RE: Swim Vs. Bike Vs. Run???
I know you said you want to lose weight first but it helped me to have a reason to lose the weight, I say SIGN UP!  Sign up for a sprint distance and start training and eating right. I LOVE FOOD!!!! so going on all kinds of crazy diets would not/did not work for me.  I started by signing up for a super sprint, started training and making better choices on food.  I.E. portion control, single patty hamburger instead of double, salads, etc.  I was able to lose 40lbs so far this way.  If you are worried about your size limiting you on the actual event, don't be! They have a Clydesdale / Athena  division for a reason, you will find people of all shapes, sizes, and ages at tris. 
2011-09-08 8:21 AM
in reply to: #3676969

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Nice South of France
Subject: RE: Swim Vs. Bike Vs. Run???

As someone with no sporting background before I tried to be a triathlete I am going to tell you something a little different to the others. It's something I wish I had heard at the start. 

1. Jump into it, gradually yes, build up slowly, yes, But jump right in. 

2. Get a coach for swimming or classes, or a dvd, or something but find out how to do it right. 

3. Don't let your weight or lack of form be or become  an excuse.

4. prepare to spend cash

5. Jump right in.

6. Do it, don't procrastinate.

7. Go for it.

8. Don't hold back, jump right in.

9 Swim Bike Run

10. When you are tired, Swim Bike run some more.  

2011-09-08 8:22 AM
in reply to: #3676969

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Miami, FL
Subject: RE: Swim Vs. Bike Vs. Run???
BIKE !! I would suggest you do also a bit of running and swimming, and even a bit of weights.  But if you want to loose weight, I think the bike is the best one.  You can easily bike for 2 hours +, without feeling it the next day.  I don't think you can run 2 hours + all that often, unless you're in great in shape.  So I would get HR monitor, and bike away for hours at a time keeping a regular HR.  You might loose more per hour while running, but your knees will feel it a lot more.  Just make sure you get a good fitting bike, and padded shorts.
2011-09-08 9:20 AM
in reply to: #3676969

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Subject: RE: Swim Vs. Bike Vs. Run???

Thank you all very much for the wonderful advice.


Once again, BT comes through for me!

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