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2014-09-24 10:21 AM

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Lakewood, CO
Subject: Christmas Count Down/Drop Down
Today is Sept 25 – just 3 month until Christmas. Looking back over time I have a history gaining an average of 7 lbs during this window of the year. One year I actually ended at the same weight I started this last quarter, but that was when I was making a concerted effort to maintain or drop. Ideally I would drop 15 lbs over the next 3 months but ending the year at or just below my current weight would be a victory for me heading into 2015.

Anyone want to join me through Christmas/end of the year. Weekly reporting/encouragement?

2014-09-24 1:53 PM
in reply to: peto_primo

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Red Deer, Alberta
Subject: RE: Christmas Count Down/Drop Down
I'm in! Through intensive (read: Ironman) training this summer, I finally shed 15 pounds that had been haunting me for 15 months, and returned to my 2010 Weight Watchers goal weight! I DO NOT want them back, and find this quarter is the hardest - 3 kid birthdays, hub's BD, Halloween (whose idea were mini chocolate bars?? EVIL!!). Then Christmas. (I'm Canadian, our Thanksgiving is in October and really isn't a big deal).

So yes, weekly accountability would be awesome.
2014-09-24 9:50 PM
in reply to: lepfan72

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Subject: RE: Christmas Count Down/Drop Down

IN! (this parallels my other goal very well.)  My 40th birthday is Dec 29th.   When I was 18 years old and in college, I weighed 165 pounds.   Goal is to be "college weight" by my 40th birthday.   Weighed in at 187.6 today. 

2014-09-25 4:48 AM
in reply to: peto_primo

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Christmas Count Down/Drop Down

I'm in. 196 today. Would love to be 184 by Xmas. I need lunch ideas. I eat well until 5pm, and then I gorge. Any tips to avoid that?

2014-09-25 9:12 AM
in reply to: evad

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Red Deer, Alberta
Subject: RE: Christmas Count Down/Drop Down
Lunches for me are usually pretty basic:

Summer - salad with protein (chicken, fish, nuts, eggs, whatever), or planned leftovers

Winter - vegetable heavy soups (sweet potato, chicken & vegetable, potato leek), plus rice, cooked grains, leftovers, etc.

We have a microwave at work, so heating things up is easy. I find I don't mind eating the same foods several days in a row, so a pot of soup, or chili, etc. made on Sunday lasts me most of the week. Plus it's faster to assemble during the busy work week!

A typical day for me has me eating ~600 calories for breakfast; ~500 at lunch; ~350-500 mid afternoon (depends on what my workout will be after work); then ~400-500 for dinner and another ~200 before bed. Usually about 2200 calories total (I'm 5'3" and ~140 pounds), although it of course fluctuates depending on my activity level.

I definitely find breakfast and lunch are a big deal, if I don't eat enough protein I wind up snacking all day!
2014-09-25 11:05 AM
in reply to: lepfan72

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Lakewood, CO
Subject: RE: Christmas Count Down/Drop Down
Great Goals everyone - and good suggestions. I was 220 at the start of the week and I know a few things I need to get out of my diet again - just need to break the addictions/cravings. Peanut Butter, sugary energy drinks or sodas - that would be a great jump start - need to deal with the carbonation/caffeine withdrawals

2014-09-25 3:17 PM
in reply to: peto_primo

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Christmas Count Down/Drop Down

I am IN!! I need to get rid of 30 pounds by March 29th. I am tired of lugging them around and having them make me slow. This season is a tough one with no daylight and colder temps making me want to hibernate!


2014-09-27 9:28 PM
in reply to: ceilidh

Subject: RE: Christmas Count Down/Drop Down
I am in! Hope to be 10lbs lighter by January- could use all the suppoprt I can get.
2014-09-28 4:45 AM
in reply to: lepfan72

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Christmas Count Down/Drop Down

lepfan72, thanks for the menu ideas.


2014-09-28 2:40 PM
in reply to: peto_primo

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Across the river from Memphis, Tennessee
Subject: RE: Christmas Count Down/Drop Down
I'll play. I weighed 254.5 this morning. I've been in a training/diet/real life interference cycle since my last sprint of the season (Riverbluff 9/06).

I'd love to hit 225 by the end of the year, but I really doubt that is going to happen.... 225 by Memphis in May is a lot more realistic so... 30lbs by May... Let's shoot for 15 by Jan1 (240).
2014-09-29 7:33 AM
in reply to: WebFootFreak

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Christmas Count Down/Drop Down

Originally posted by WebFootFreak I'll play. I weighed 254.5 this morning. I've been in a training/diet/real life interference cycle since my last sprint of the season (Riverbluff 9/06). I'd love to hit 225 by the end of the year, but I really doubt that is going to happen.... 225 by Memphis in May is a lot more realistic so... 30lbs by May... Let's shoot for 15 by Jan1 (240).

Hey WFF, we can do this!

2014-09-29 8:57 AM
in reply to: ceilidh

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Across the river from Memphis, Tennessee
Subject: RE: Christmas Count Down/Drop Down
Originally posted by ceilidh

Originally posted by WebFootFreak I'll play. I weighed 254.5 this morning. I've been in a training/diet/real life interference cycle since my last sprint of the season (Riverbluff 9/06). I'd love to hit 225 by the end of the year, but I really doubt that is going to happen.... 225 by Memphis in May is a lot more realistic so... 30lbs by May... Let's shoot for 15 by Jan1 (240).

Hey WFF, we can do this!

LOL! Just re-read your post. I guess we are looking for the same loss in the same time frame... LET'S DO THIS!!!
2014-09-29 11:48 AM
in reply to: WebFootFreak

Subject: RE: Christmas Count Down/Drop Down
My weekends need to get better! I let myself eat way too much bad stuff over the weekend. Went into the weekend 171 but can out 174. I know some of this is sodium weight but I have to stop this good during the week/ bad on the weekend.

Anyone else have this problem?
2014-09-29 2:17 PM
in reply to: nicroor

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Lakewood, CO
Subject: RE: Christmas Count Down/Drop Down
Originally posted by nicroor

My weekends need to get better! I let myself eat way too much bad stuff over the weekend. Went into the weekend 171 but can out 174. I know some of this is sodium weight but I have to stop this good during the week/ bad on the weekend.

Anyone else have this problem?

Totally recognize that - I have exemplified that many times in my life !!!!
As I think about the ice cream I had each night this weekend and the 4th quarter chips and salsa last night and ..........
2014-09-30 10:26 AM
in reply to: peto_primo

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Christmas Count Down/Drop Down

Originally posted by peto_primo
Originally posted by nicroor My weekends need to get better! I let myself eat way too much bad stuff over the weekend. Went into the weekend 171 but can out 174. I know some of this is sodium weight but I have to stop this good during the week/ bad on the weekend. Anyone else have this problem?
Totally recognize that - I have exemplified that many times in my life !!!! As I think about the ice cream I had each night this weekend and the 4th quarter chips and salsa last night and ..........

I live this daily. I am GREAT during the day, then the evening hits and I forget all the good I have done all day.


2014-09-30 12:06 PM
in reply to: nicroor

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Across the river from Memphis, Tennessee
Subject: RE: Christmas Count Down/Drop Down
Originally posted by nicroor

My weekends need to get better! I let myself eat way too much bad stuff over the weekend. Went into the weekend 171 but can out 174. I know some of this is sodium weight but I have to stop this good during the week/ bad on the weekend.

Anyone else have this problem?

Same Here... Friday & Saturday (my "weekend") for me are just... uncontrolled . When I'm around the house, I have a tendency to snack, but during the week I only have what I can take to work.

2014-09-30 4:01 PM
in reply to: WebFootFreak

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Red Deer, Alberta
Subject: RE: Christmas Count Down/Drop Down
Originally posted by WebFootFreak

Originally posted by nicroor

My weekends need to get better! I let myself eat way too much bad stuff over the weekend. Went into the weekend 171 but can out 174. I know some of this is sodium weight but I have to stop this good during the week/ bad on the weekend.

Anyone else have this problem?

Same Here... Friday & Saturday (my "weekend") for me are just... uncontrolled . When I'm around the house, I have a tendency to snack, but during the week I only have what I can take to work.

I'm bad for night time snacking too, although I find if I have a workout after work, then eat a good dinner, I can usually keep it minimal. When I don't work out, by 8:30 I'm looking for snacks!

I've definitely found that I do better if:
a) I have pre-portioned snacks ready for me (or at least weigh/measure as I'm taking them out of the package) - think nuts, raisins, yogurt & fruit, etc.
b) I have some pre-measured snacks in my desk drawer or fridge at work - if I do get hungry, I know I have good choices not vending machine ones!
c) I keep the worst of the junk OUT of the house - not easy with teenage boys always looking for food!
d) Log everything. I use MyFitnessPal, and track calories in and calories burned. (Years of Weight Watchers training)

Sometimes stuff still happens - but this helps keep me on track.
2014-09-30 10:17 PM
in reply to: #5053482

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Iowa City, Iowa
Subject: RE: Christmas Count Down/Drop Down
I'm a recovering night time binge eater! Lol sometimes my dinner isn't until 9pm due to work but I've found two things out so far: (1) keep fresh fruit around the house to deal with those cravings. I used to eat a bowl of cereal before bed each night even with a late dinner but having fruit out in the open (while I'm on my way to a bowl of cereal hehe) helps me make better choices and realize no I don't need to eat that much just before bed. (2) if you're doing later night workouts like I do sometimes, I find saving dinner for after the workout helps curb my appetite to where I won't eat as much. I have been seeing great progress in just eliminating my nightly bowl of cereal but man it's like a drug for me! ?? Good luck everyone!
2014-10-01 8:44 AM
in reply to: ChemNerd23

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Lakewood, CO
Subject: RE: Christmas Count Down/Drop Down
October 1 - - Just 12 weeks til Christmas Eve (no not a shopping plug)

Weighed in today at 219.8 and 26% BF - although I had seen lower over the weekend a couple of days of inactivity were not good to me. Time to get back out walking and on the bike. Oh Well at least I have a 1st day of the month official starting point.
2014-10-01 12:46 PM
in reply to: peto_primo

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Across the river from Memphis, Tennessee
Subject: RE: Christmas Count Down/Drop Down
I forgot to weigh at the house, so I jumped on the scale after my pool time at the Y this morning.

251.5 - not too sure how this compares to my scale at home, but at least it appears that I am losing a bit...

Been better on my training as well. Got a negative split mile in on Sunday and jumped in the pool this morning to grind out 2200yds.
2014-10-01 1:06 PM
in reply to: peto_primo

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Red Deer, Alberta
Subject: RE: Christmas Count Down/Drop Down
Weighed in at home this morning - 141.4. Fantastic, as I had a weekend full of not the best choices for food, and was up on Monday - mostly water weight, it appears.

12 weeks to Christmas Eve hey... that's depressing. :P

OK - my goal for October is to try very, VERY hard to go under 140. That's 1.5 pounds in 4+ weeks, but October is a tough month for me. 2 kid's birthday's plus Canadian Thanksgiving and Halloween - yeah October is not my friend!

But 1.5 pounds seems very achievable.

Good luck everyone!

2014-10-01 2:32 PM
in reply to: WebFootFreak

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Christmas Count Down/Drop Down

I sure hope that no one expects me to actually POST my weight and body fat? Hahahaha. I would rather pull my fingernails out. However. I logged it last week and started logging food again. I am looking at where my weaknesses are and I am going to pick them off week by week. This week I am starting to eliminate ALL calories after 8:00 pm. I did great last night, not so good on Monday, which is our weekly gathering of friends. I will attempt, but not promise, to better that night as well.


2014-10-01 4:40 PM
in reply to: 0

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Lakewood, CO
Subject: RE: Christmas Count Down/Drop Down
Originally posted by ceilidh

I sure hope that no one expects me to actually POST my weight and body fat? Hahahaha. I would rather pull my fingernails out. However. I logged it last week and started logging food again. I am looking at where my weaknesses are and I am going to pick them off week by week. This week I am starting to eliminate ALL calories after 8:00 pm. I did great last night, not so good on Monday, which is our weekly gathering of friends. I will attempt, but not promise, to better that night as well.


Okay you can just post X - 1 with X being the weight you logged last week (known only to you) and 1 being a fill in the blank for how much you have lost so far

Edited by peto_primo 2014-10-01 4:42 PM
2014-10-01 7:23 PM
in reply to: peto_primo

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Extreme Veteran
Nisbet, PA
Subject: RE: Christmas Count Down/Drop Down
Is it okay if I join in? At last Wednesday's weigh-in at WW's I was 379.6. My goal would be to get under 350 before the end of the year. We didn't have a meeting tonight because the church was having a revival meeting. So my next official weight will be next Wednesday.
2014-10-01 9:06 PM
in reply to: leatherneckpa

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Christmas Count Down/Drop Down

Originally posted by leatherneckpa Is it okay if I join in? At last Wednesday's weigh-in at WW's I was 379.6. My goal would be to get under 350 before the end of the year. We didn't have a meeting tonight because the church was having a revival meeting. So my next official weight will be next Wednesday.

Of course it is okay to join in.... bring it!

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