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2016-03-21 8:52 AM

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Birmingham, Alabama
Subject: Swimming Routine
Just curious what some of you do for swimming each week? I go twice a week and swim around 2000 yards if I can, but other than varying interval distances each workout seems very similar to the one before.

I could use a little guidance in formulating a more purposeful routine and thought I’d run it by you all.

As far as my goals go, I will probably only be participating in sprint/olympic distances this season and it’s likely that I won’t be able to get in a 3rd swim each week because my time is better served putting in miles on the bike (because the bike is my weakness). I know many will suggest a 3rd swim anyway and if enough of you do, that’s fine, but just know that I have to rob Peter to pay Paul (unless you know a way I can add hours to the day).

Thanks in advance for your input.

2016-03-21 9:21 AM
in reply to: marti038

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Minnetonka, Minnesota
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Swimming Routine
Originally posted by marti038

Just curious what some of you do for swimming each week? I go twice a week and swim around 2000 yards if I can, but other than varying interval distances each workout seems very similar to the one before.

I could use a little guidance in formulating a more purposeful routine and thought I’d run it by you all.

As far as my goals go, I will probably only be participating in sprint/olympic distances this season and it’s likely that I won’t be able to get in a 3rd swim each week because my time is better served putting in miles on the bike (because the bike is my weakness). I know many will suggest a 3rd swim anyway and if enough of you do, that’s fine, but just know that I have to rob Peter to pay Paul (unless you know a way I can add hours to the day).

Thanks in advance for your input.

I am pretty much in the same boat as you, but my weakest even is running, so any extra time is spent on that. I generally get in 2 swims a week, each around 2000 to 2500 yards, and do one of several basic workouts that focus on intervals of various lengths from 100s to 500s. I am usually around the top 15% or so in the swim, so doesn't seem to make sense to try and cram in more swims to gain little ground. I do get in some OWS in the summer or while on vacation if possible to break things up and get in some OWS practice. I will also try and get a few weeks of 3 swims per week early in the season before it is nice enough to bike outside (like right now here in MN) to beef up my endurance some.

Good luck with your training and race season!
2016-03-21 9:24 AM
in reply to: marti038

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Katy, Texas
Subject: RE: Swimming Routine
I only swim twice a week, because like you, my bike needs more help than my swim. I however do a bit more distance at each one. I figure that swimming takes the most time to stage, i.e. you have to drive to the pool, change, shower, etc. So you might as well maximize your time when you're in the water.

I swim every Tuesday with a masters group and do whatever the prescribed workout is. There are some really fast swimmers there, so I always get a hard workout. We do anywhere from 2,800 to 3,100 meters, so up to 3,500 yards. The coach typically has us do about 300 meters of drills then we do multiple main sets. On Thursdays I swim on my own. About the same distance. Here are a couple go-to workouts (these are in meters):

500 meter Warm up
5 x 100 kick with flippers (alternate UDK and Kickboard)
5 x 100 fast on 1:30
200 easy with paddles
5 x 50 fast on 0:50
200 easy with paddles
5 x 100 fast on 1:30
200 cool down

500 meter Warm up
5 x 100 kick with flippers (alternate UDK and Kickboard)
10 x 200 on 3:15

500 meter Warm up
5 x 100 kick with flippers (alternate UDK and Kickboard)

2016-03-21 9:29 AM
in reply to: marti038

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Subject: RE: Swimming Routine

If I was in your shoes I would probably be doing some version of 500 WU with some drills in there.  1200 broken up into 50's, 100's, 200's, kicking, IM's, not all in the same day.  My guess is that's along the lines of what you are doing.  If you want to mix it up add in ladders.  For a 2k workout, 500 WU, 1K ladder (25,50,75,100,150,200 and back down) then kick and whatever warm down you do.


2016-03-21 10:13 AM
in reply to: marti038

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Pueblo, Colorado
Subject: RE: Swimming Routine
I once heard (or read) that to maintain your swim, you should be aiming for 2-3 workouts a week. If you want to improve, that should move to 4-5 a week. For sprints/ olympic distance races, I think doing as much "fast" swimming as you can is ideal so the mix of intervals is probably a good idea. This year, I've been focusing more on technique rather than distance. I really haven't gotten any slower, and improved technique is making the workouts a bit easier.
2016-03-21 10:14 AM
in reply to: marti038

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Ottawa, Ontario
Subject: RE: Swimming Routine
I swim twice a week, with one day focused on endurance and one day focused on speed. Endurance day is swimming around CSS pace with short rest (ex: 10x200 w/ 20s rest or 20x100 w/ 10s rest) and speed day is swimming hard on longer rest (ex: 50s on 20s rest or 100s on 30s rest) but I'll also throw in build sets, descending sets, or pyramid sets on speed day as well.

2016-03-21 10:41 AM
in reply to: 3mar

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Birmingham, Alabama
Subject: RE: Swimming Routine
Wow. Awesome responses. Thanks to all of you for your input.

It doesn't sound like my swims were as boring as I thought, but there are definitely some useful suggestions here.
2016-03-21 11:39 AM
in reply to: marti038

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Falls Church, Virginia
Subject: RE: Swimming Routine
I pull my workouts from here:
I'm kind of slow and training for sprints/olys, so I use the "C" workouts. I've noticed that with the kind of workouts Sara McLarty does, I find myself doing a fair amount of critical swim speed (CSS) training, and she's got a good number of drills going on as well. I'm never bored, and I have become a stronger swimmer in the last year thanks to these workouts. Big fan, here!
2016-03-21 12:05 PM
in reply to: marti038

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: Swimming Routine

Echoing what others have said, you can usually maintain your current level of fitness swimming 2-3 times per week, but if you want to see any significant improvement, then you need to be in the pool 4-5 times per week.  It really comes down to where you are now and what your goals are.

That being said, my best triathlon results have come in years when I focused primarily on the bike.  Even though running has always been my weakest event, I found I was better off overall coming strong off the bike, rather than trying to just work on improving my run.

As far as swimming, these days I'm more of a "swimmer who does triathlons" as opposed to just being a triathlete.  I swim with my masters group at 6:00 AM 5-6 times per week, averaging about 10K yards per week.  




2016-03-21 12:57 PM
in reply to: marti038

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Subject: RE: Swimming Routine

Originally posted by marti038  It doesn't sound like my swims were as boring as I thought, but there are definitely some useful suggestions here.

I have been toying with starting a challenge based around swim workouts.  Either posting a WO a day or 4 for the week.  If enough people contributed it would break up the boredom.  Just thinking out loud.

2016-03-21 1:43 PM
in reply to: Goggles Pizzano

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Swimming Routine

Originally posted by Goggles Pizzano

Originally posted by marti038  It doesn't sound like my swims were as boring as I thought, but there are definitely some useful suggestions here.

I have been toying with starting a challenge based around swim workouts.  Either posting a WO a day or 4 for the week.  If enough people contributed it would break up the boredom.  Just thinking out loud.

That would be really great.  There was a swim-based challenge group a couple of years ago that was reviewing Sheila T.'s Swim Speed Secrets book, which led to a lot of good discussion (about her coaching techniques and just general swim discussion).

2016-03-21 2:43 PM
in reply to: marti038

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Exton, PA
Subject: RE: Swimming Routine
Good idea to write down the work out before you go, trying to think in the middle of sets can get difficult. When it's all written down ahead of time it becomes harder for you to cut sets short or add extra time.

Keep doing it for a while and you will have dozens of workouts written down ready to go.
2016-03-21 3:30 PM
in reply to: jmhpsu93

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: Swimming Routine

Originally posted by jmhpsu93

Originally posted by Goggles Pizzano

Originally posted by marti038  It doesn't sound like my swims were as boring as I thought, but there are definitely some useful suggestions here.

I have been toying with starting a challenge based around swim workouts.  Either posting a WO a day or 4 for the week.  If enough people contributed it would break up the boredom.  Just thinking out loud.

That would be really great.  There was a swim-based challenge group a couple of years ago that was reviewing Sheila T.'s Swim Speed Secrets book, which led to a lot of good discussion (about her coaching techniques and just general swim discussion).

Sheila T's Swim Speed Workouts card set is nice because the cards are waterproof for use on the pool deck.  It also includes explanations of the stroke drills from her book and dryland stretch band exercises.

Sheila's been coaching my masters team here in Sarasota since last June.  She's taken a massive amount of time off my 100, and I'm a believer in what she teaches. 





2016-03-21 3:34 PM
in reply to: jmhpsu93

Northern IL
Subject: RE: Swimming Routine

Originally posted by jmhpsu93

Originally posted by Goggles Pizzano

Originally posted by marti038  It doesn't sound like my swims were as boring as I thought, but there are definitely some useful suggestions here.

I have been toying with starting a challenge based around swim workouts.  Either posting a WO a day or 4 for the week.  If enough people contributed it would break up the boredom.  Just thinking out loud.

That would be really great.  There was a swim-based challenge group a couple of years ago that was reviewing Sheila T.'s Swim Speed Secrets book, which led to a lot of good discussion (about her coaching techniques and just general swim discussion).

I think the challenge part of that group was to add one or two swim workouts a week to your normal routine.

2016-03-21 7:17 PM
in reply to: #5173058

Subject: RE: Swimming Routine
Me: FOP swimmer... usually top 3 in my AG, occ 1st.

I swim 4 - 5 times a week now. Sometimes it's as little as 1500 yards, but I try to do 10 - 12k yds a week.

Typical workout:

500 yds w/u (or until my shoulders stop making that popping noise)

10 × 100 at moderate effort (1:20 interval for me these days, 105 in days past)

10 × 50 sprint first lap all out, lazy back, 15 seconds rest

10 x 50 stroke drill down, swim "perfect" back

5 × 200 sprint first 50, then race pace remaining 150

500 warm down

I don't mess with pull sets or kick sets because I don't really kick, so my regular sets are basically pull sets.

The hard start and back off to race pace efforts are a great way to practice for the typical swim start where everyone, regardless of if they are crap swimmers, takes off full tilt. By practicing a sprint and back off to race pace, you don't have to deal with passing all the people as they die.
2016-03-22 7:53 AM
in reply to: marti038

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, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Swimming Routine
Just to highlight the other end of the spectrum.

I'm 3x a week for 30-32min

I used to just swim a straight 1500-1600 and call it a day

Now I do 100's one day, 50's one day, 1500 one day.

I'm at 1:42(avg)/100y for the 100's(20sec rest), 45-47 for the 50's(30sec rest) and 1:50/100y for the 1500.

Surprisingly I'm still getting faster even though I'm not at 10k a week. I'm usually at 4000 to 4500 per week. Hardly ever have time to get over 2000 in per day.

2016-03-22 10:08 AM
in reply to: Nick B

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Swimming Routine

heres a killer workout for ya, adjust send offs as necessary.

2x (6x250) broken 250's on 4:00.  you are trying to hit the same times as you go.  I swam 35's and 2:40's.  The rest varies as the set progresses.  You take 5 seconds rest from the 200 and give it to the 50

so the send offs look like this:

50's           200's
:40             3:20
:45             3:15
:50             3:10
:55             3:05
1:00           3:00
1:05           2:55

take 5 minutes to swim easy/rest a bit, then reverse it

50's           200's
1:05           2:55
1:00           3:00
:55             3:05
:50             3:10
:45             3:15
:40             3:20


you'll hate me by the end but its a great set.  On the second half use your pull buoy or paddles if you need them to hit the times.


2016-03-22 10:15 AM
in reply to: ejshowers

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Great White North
Subject: RE: Swimming Routine

Skip reps over 300 yards/metres...

Try sets like this (at your pace :-) )

2016-03-22 10:26 AM
in reply to: dmiller5

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Katy, Texas
Subject: RE: Swimming Routine
Originally posted by dmiller5

heres a killer workout for ya, adjust send offs as necessary.

2x (6x250) broken 250's on 4:00.  you are trying to hit the same times as you go.  I swam 35's and 2:40's.  The rest varies as the set progresses.  You take 5 seconds rest from the 200 and give it to the 50

so the send offs look like this:

50's           200's
:40             3:20
:45             3:15
:50             3:10
:55             3:05
1:00           3:00
1:05           2:55

take 5 minutes to swim easy/rest a bit, then reverse it

50's           200's
1:05           2:55
1:00           3:00
:55             3:05
:50             3:10
:45             3:15
:40             3:20


you'll hate me by the end but its a great set.  On the second half use your pull buoy or paddles if you need them to hit the times.


That's pretty cool...never heard of that before. I think I'm going to do that Thursday. These times are for SCM I presume?
2016-03-22 10:28 AM
in reply to: 3mar

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Swimming Routine

it was scy, don't underestimate how much fatigue you'll put on by the end.  the first set is really doable, the second set is agony.


2016-03-22 10:46 AM
in reply to: dmiller5

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Katy, Texas
Subject: RE: Swimming Routine
Originally posted by dmiller5

it was scy, don't underestimate how much fatigue you'll put on by the end.  the first set is really doable, the second set is agony.


Yeah, but anything other than a 4:00 interval and the timing gets hard....I am certain to mess that up. I'd rather be hurting than trying to figure out the clock. Maybe I'll just go for it and see how long I can hang on. Well, let me take that back, averaging 1:20/100 would result in about 20 seconds rest between the two broken parts of the 250....that would get tough to maintain. Dang, where is a SCY pool when you need one?

2016-03-22 10:52 AM
in reply to: 3mar

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Swimming Routine

maybe bump it out to 4:30.  still makes the clock FAIRLY easy.  and if its too easy you can always swim the 50's faster to make the 200's harder.

2016-03-22 11:06 AM
in reply to: dmiller5

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Katy, Texas
Subject: RE: Swimming Routine
I was able to pull of 15 x 100m on 1:30 last week. It wasn't fun, but that's a 1,500m set in 22:30 and doing this one on 4:00 would be the same distance in 24:00. I know I could do it once. The second go would be brutal. Aren't we in this sport for the punishment though? I have to try. Worst case scenario I have to bump the interval part way through the second round. If you hear anyone cursing your name Thursday morning, that's me.
2016-03-22 3:51 PM
in reply to: #5173161

, Ontario
Subject: RE: Swimming Routine
I think it depends on what you want to improve and how fast. I swam once a week the last three years and got up to enough volume to do Olympic without problems but couldn't get much improvement in speed. I've done two to three times a week with a masters group for the last six months and I've gone down 20 sec over 100 m in speed. That's a big enough improvement for me that I don't feel I need to increase to 3 to 5 swims a week. The change for me has been more technique and more focus on what I'm doing in the swims rather than just swimming for an hour without a real plan or sets with rests in between
2016-03-23 11:34 AM
in reply to: Nick B

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Stairway to Seven
Subject: RE: Swimming Routine
Originally posted by Nick B

Just to highlight the other end of the spectrum.

I'm 3x a week for 30-32min

I used to just swim a straight 1500-1600 and call it a day

Now I do 100's one day, 50's one day, 1500 one day.

I'm at 1:42(avg)/100y for the 100's(20sec rest), 45-47 for the 50's(30sec rest) and 1:50/100y for the 1500.

Surprisingly I'm still getting faster even though I'm not at 10k a week. I'm usually at 4000 to 4500 per week. Hardly ever have time to get over 2000 in per day.

Thsi is similiar to y current project... I'm just returnign from a significant neck injury and need a very structured way to get back to motivate me and not intimidate me.

Every swim is exactly 1650yds. It takes as long as it takes.

My tuneup is 500yd ,and consists of focal points or drills to imrpove my weakest link, which right now is left side breathing without twisting my neck or torso. Examples of drills I do inlcude one armed swimming breathing to the left. Fist swimmign breathing to left. I emphasize the right leg kick, helping me feel my hips "open the door" so I can breath to the left with less neck discomfort.

After that I rotate through oen of three main sets, each 1000yds. The results of one practice determine how I'll appraoch the next.

5 x 200 (20-30" rest)
10x 100 (30-45" allow me to change my tempo trainer for exmple)
5 rounds of 4x50 (rest as needed to hit targets. Sometimes up to 1')

The goal is that I adapt to faster tempos by shorting the distance I'm swimming, ie 50s are faster than 100s, are faster than 200s.

My cooldown is an easy 150 swimming of any stroke.

I'l do this routine for 6-8 weeks...until I get bored of it, or until I stop seeing rapid improvements. I am also carefully to insert 1 or 2 technique only focused swims so I don't get too speed driven and let my technique fall apart without realizing it, which happened by swim #5...I looked awful, even though I was improving. Time out to do 2 skill based practices and my subsequent swim of 200s was the fastest yet.

Just one idea to create a swimming "improvement project", in this case to improve my 1000 yd swim TT.
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