BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Manatee Mentors 2016 - Part deux Rss Feed  
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2016-05-27 9:16 AM
in reply to: melbo55

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Part deux

Originally posted by melbo55

Thank you everyone for your tips and thoughts on power meters.  I think it was MS Matt who mentioned it is worthless without someone who will read it - I agree.  I was looking toward the future, not my current situation.  Speaking of my current situation, I'm in the process of deciding if I'm dumping my coach starting in June.  This is causing some apprehension as I have a HM mid-June I'm training for, not to mention events in July-Oct.  I've got some thinking to do on both coaches and power meters!

I have the impression that you haven't  been happy with your current coach for a while.  I hope that you work something out.  As we've all said, you're worth it!

2016-05-27 9:17 AM
in reply to: Richardsdrr

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Part deux

Originally posted by Richardsdrr
Originally posted by cdban66

Originally posted by mcmanusclan5

Warning: the below might seem like self-horn-tooting (so feel free to just pass on by), but it's really about how lucky I am to work at a great place.  Not tri related, but thought I'd share...

My company just tweeted this from the Cancer Research and Prevention Institute of Texas (CPRIT), from whom we have and are just finishing a grant to use next generation sequencing (NGS) to diagnose and direct treatment in cancer.

Only a part of what we do, but a fun part.  I'm very lucky to be able to work someplace where the product is good ONLY when it helps people.  Having been personally affected recently, it's even more weird/great to work on this stuff (we are hopefully about to have the first FDA cleared test in blood cancer, in addition to the NGS products above, and that's from what my mother recently passed).

Sorry if it seems like bragging or such, but there aren't many groups of folks with whom I even CAN share something as geeky/goofy!


OK, I understood about 10% of that, but you have a great job at a great company!

Not the voice/accent I was expecting.

I 2nd all of what Chris said, plus I had your accent as a Mike Myers Scottish accent for some reason. It makes me laugh sometimes when I finally hear a Manatee speak, like the first time I heard Yanti's voice totally threw me. I'm still waiting to hear Janyne voice. I won't humiliate myself by telling you what I think she sounds like Good work on the cancer front though.

Now I'm scared!

2016-05-27 9:21 AM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Part deux

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by Richardsdrr
Originally posted by cdban66

Originally posted by mcmanusclan5

Warning: the below might seem like self-horn-tooting (so feel free to just pass on by), but it's really about how lucky I am to work at a great place.  Not tri related, but thought I'd share...

My company just tweeted this from the Cancer Research and Prevention Institute of Texas (CPRIT), from whom we have and are just finishing a grant to use next generation sequencing (NGS) to diagnose and direct treatment in cancer.

Only a part of what we do, but a fun part.  I'm very lucky to be able to work someplace where the product is good ONLY when it helps people.  Having been personally affected recently, it's even more weird/great to work on this stuff (we are hopefully about to have the first FDA cleared test in blood cancer, in addition to the NGS products above, and that's from what my mother recently passed).

Sorry if it seems like bragging or such, but there aren't many groups of folks with whom I even CAN share something as geeky/goofy!


OK, I understood about 10% of that, but you have a great job at a great company!

Not the voice/accent I was expecting.

I 2nd all of what Chris said, plus I had your accent as a Mike Myers Scottish accent for some reason. It makes me laugh sometimes when I finally hear a Manatee speak, like the first time I heard Yanti's voice totally threw me. I'm still waiting to hear Janyne voice. I won't humiliate myself by telling you what I think she sounds like Good work on the cancer front though.

Now I'm scared!

Marilyn Monroe?

Demi Moore?

A kid at my high school used to tell me I sound like Kermit the Frog

2016-05-27 9:23 AM
in reply to: rrrunner

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Katy, Texas
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Part deux
Originally posted by rrrunner

So for TJ's lunch and learn I am going to talk about some military related holidays (in the US) and such...

We recently had Armed Forces Day. It's the third Saturday of May and honors active military.

Memorial Day, as  most know, is the last Monday in May and honors those fallen in the line of duty.

Veterans Day always falls on November 11 and honors those who have served in the past.

Some of you may have seen the Blue Star Moms flag, it is flown by Mom's who have a child serving in war time. If there is more than one star on the flag that mom has more than one kid serving.

A gold star mom is something I never want to achieve. She has lost a child in battle. My eyes fill with tears every time I see this flag.

Thanks for reading. "Happy" Memorial Day all.

Thanks for this TJ.
2016-05-27 9:26 AM
in reply to: 0

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Katy, Texas
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Part deux
Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by melbo55

Thank you everyone for your tips and thoughts on power meters.  I think it was MS Matt who mentioned it is worthless without someone who will read it - I agree.  I was looking toward the future, not my current situation.  Speaking of my current situation, I'm in the process of deciding if I'm dumping my coach starting in June.  This is causing some apprehension as I have a HM mid-June I'm training for, not to mention events in July-Oct.  I've got some thinking to do on both coaches and power meters!

I have the impression that you haven't  been happy with your current coach for a while.  I hope that you work something out.  As we've all said, you're worth it!

Yeah, and if you end up getting that power meter (and I think you already have a trainer?), then I'd recommend getting a trainerroad subscription and just doing one of their plans. They've got triathlon specific ones with run & swim workouts too, plus the awesome bike workouts. And you can pick your volume for each plan too to really tailor it to your needs.

I just started on there this week and I'm already amazed at how it's pushing me much more than I used to push myself, and I thought I was working pretty hard before.

edit: Plus, the main trainer/workout planner for trainerroad replys to all training planning/succession question (or really any question) you have on the trainerroad thread on slowtwich. Pretty cool!

Edited by Jet Black 2016-05-27 9:27 AM
2016-05-27 9:28 AM
in reply to: rrrunner

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Part deux

As far as social media is concerned:

  • Facebook - not a lot here, I use it mostly because a lot of local tri and cycling groups use it.  I do check it everyday and mentioned it a while back because if someone hasn't posted here or in their training long in a while, I sometimes see if they are active on FB as proof of life.
  • Twitter - Follow more than contribute
  • Instagram - post maybe weekly?
  • LinkedIn - as Ann-Marie said, I only remember I have when someone sends me a connection request
  • Slowtwitch - look but don't touch. I find it good for information

I have the same ID as here on all of the above.

At work, they are trying to get us more involved in SnapChat (think connecting with 4-H participants, etc.).  That app is a PitA.  I'm jmkizer-snap on that one.


2016-05-27 9:35 AM
in reply to: Hot Runner

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Part deux

Originally posted by Hot Runner  I try to share knowledge/experience if I feel like I have it, which admittedly is not often. I do feel like I don't pull my weight as far as "inspires" and the like--just don't have time to go into people's logs--I can hardly keep up my own! 

Karen, you definitely contribute! I think that everyone who took the time to read and respond about this is contributing in some way.  You are definitely not in the post only when there's a problem camp .  Just look at how you shared info about power meters, traveling in Asia, etc.  Can we look forward to hearing about Mooloolaba?

2016-05-27 9:36 AM
in reply to: rrrunner

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Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Part deux

Originally posted by rrrunner

So for TJ's lunch and learn I am going to talk about some military related holidays (in the US) and such...

We recently had Armed Forces Day. It's the third Saturday of May and honors active military.

Memorial Day, as  most know, is the last Monday in May and honors those fallen in the line of duty.

Veterans Day always falls on November 11 and honors those who have served in the past.

Some of you may have seen the Blue Star Moms flag, it is flown by Mom's who have a child serving in war time. If there is more than one star on the flag that mom has more than one kid serving.

A gold star mom is something I never want to achieve. She has lost a child in battle. My eyes fill with tears every time I see this flag.

Thanks for reading. "Happy" Memorial Day all.

I never knew about the Blue Star Moms' flag.  Thanks for sharing. And, that gold star one is too sad.

2016-05-27 9:39 AM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Part deux

Originally posted by jmkizer

As far as social media is concerned:

  • Facebook - not a lot here, I use it mostly because a lot of local tri and cycling groups use it.  I do check it everyday and mentioned it a while back because if someone hasn't posted here or in their training long in a while, I sometimes see if they are active on FB as proof of life.
  • Twitter - Follow more than contribute
  • Instagram - post maybe weekly?
  • LinkedIn - as Ann-Marie said, I only remember I have when someone sends me a connection request
  • Slowtwitch - look but don't touch. I find it good for information

I have the same ID as here on all of the above.

At work, they are trying to get us more involved in SnapChat (think connecting with 4-H participants, etc.).  That app is a PitA.  I'm jmkizer-snap on that one.


One of my nephews keeps telling me I need to get on snapchat, but all I know about it is he will take pictures of us doing something stupid together and snapchat it to somewhere!!

2016-05-27 9:39 AM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Part deux

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by Hot Runner  I try to share knowledge/experience if I feel like I have it, which admittedly is not often. I do feel like I don't pull my weight as far as "inspires" and the like--just don't have time to go into people's logs--I can hardly keep up my own! 

Karen, you definitely contribute! I think that everyone who took the time to read and respond about this is contributing in some way.  You are definitely not in the post only when there's a problem camp .  Just look at how you shared info about power meters, traveling in Asia, etc.  Can we look forward to hearing about Mooloolaba?

I just learned how to pronounce that the other day watching an IM event on TV

2016-05-27 9:42 AM
in reply to: amd723

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Part deux

Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by rrrunner

So for TJ's lunch and learn I am going to talk about some military related holidays (in the US) and such...

We recently had Armed Forces Day. It's the third Saturday of May and honors active military.

Memorial Day, as  most know, is the last Monday in May and honors those fallen in the line of duty.

Veterans Day always falls on November 11 and honors those who have served in the past.

Some of you may have seen the Blue Star Moms flag, it is flown by Mom's who have a child serving in war time. If there is more than one star on the flag that mom has more than one kid serving.

A gold star mom is something I never want to achieve. She has lost a child in battle. My eyes fill with tears every time I see this flag.

Thanks for reading. "Happy" Memorial Day all.

I never knew about the Blue Star Moms' flag.  Thanks for sharing. And, that gold star one is too sad.

On a somewhat happier note, many military moms wear R.E.D. on Friday to signify remember everyone deployed. I can usually be found in red on Friday and usually accompany it with my anchor earrings

2016-05-27 10:37 AM
in reply to: rrrunner

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Denver, Colorado
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Part deux
Originally posted by rrrunner

Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by rrrunner

So for TJ's lunch and learn I am going to talk about some military related holidays (in the US) and such...

We recently had Armed Forces Day. It's the third Saturday of May and honors active military.

Memorial Day, as  most know, is the last Monday in May and honors those fallen in the line of duty.

Veterans Day always falls on November 11 and honors those who have served in the past.

Some of you may have seen the Blue Star Moms flag, it is flown by Mom's who have a child serving in war time. If there is more than one star on the flag that mom has more than one kid serving.

A gold star mom is something I never want to achieve. She has lost a child in battle. My eyes fill with tears every time I see this flag.

Thanks for reading. "Happy" Memorial Day all.

I never knew about the Blue Star Moms' flag.  Thanks for sharing. And, that gold star one is too sad.

On a somewhat happier note, many military moms wear R.E.D. on Friday to signify remember everyone deployed. I can usually be found in red on Friday and usually accompany it with my anchor earrings

Thank you so much for sharing this information. I love reading about traditions of this country. I heard about wearing red t-shirt on Friday. I used to listen to DreX in the Morning Show on the radio and DreX always had a red shirt on Fridays.
Kudos to all military moms. I think it takes a lot of strength, patience, and faith. And probably some other things that I cannot even imagine....
2016-05-27 10:39 AM
in reply to: rrrunner

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Simsbury, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Part deux
Originally posted by rrrunner

So for TJ's lunch and learn I am going to talk about some military related holidays (in the US) and such...

We recently had Armed Forces Day. It's the third Saturday of May and honors active military.

Memorial Day, as  most know, is the last Monday in May and honors those fallen in the line of duty.

Veterans Day always falls on November 11 and honors those who have served in the past.

Some of you may have seen the Blue Star Moms flag, it is flown by Mom's who have a child serving in war time. If there is more than one star on the flag that mom has more than one kid serving.

A gold star mom is something I never want to achieve. She has lost a child in battle. My eyes fill with tears every time I see this flag.

Thanks for reading. "Happy" Memorial Day all.

"Happy" Memorial day

Thank you.
2016-05-27 10:48 AM
in reply to: jmkizer

User image

Denver, Colorado
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Part deux
Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by Hot Runner  I try to share knowledge/experience if I feel like I have it, which admittedly is not often. I do feel like I don't pull my weight as far as "inspires" and the like--just don't have time to go into people's logs--I can hardly keep up my own! 

Karen, you definitely contribute! I think that everyone who took the time to read and respond about this is contributing in some way.  You are definitely not in the post only when there's a problem camp .  Just look at how you shared info about power meters, traveling in Asia, etc.  Can we look forward to hearing about Mooloolaba?

Omg Karen I found your posts so full of knowledge, experience, advice, tips, do's & donts', and anything else.... WHat I like the most is that you don't respond in a tone of the technical book, but you speak from experience and give examples from your own life: examples of what did not work - and how to make it work, and not try it at all lol - and what worked out perfectly.
2016-05-27 10:49 AM
in reply to: mcmanusclan5

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Part deux

Racing Manatees!!!

May 28-30
TJ - Believe in Heroes 10k on Saturday
McMatt - Autism Speaks 8k on Sunday
McMatt - CapTex Tri (international distance) on Monday
Tom A - Lou Cox 5k on Monday

Disabled List
Yanti - under the weather
Laura - ankle

I'm thinking of renaming this Injured Reserve.  I think that it's more appropriate but I do like saying, "the DL."  Thoughts?

2016-05-27 10:54 AM
in reply to: 0

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Denver, Colorado
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Part deux
Originally posted by jmkizer

Racing Manatees!!!

May 28-30
TJ - Believe in Heroes 10k on Saturday
McMatt - Autism Speaks 8k on Sunday
McMatt - CapTex Tri (international distance) on Monday
Tom A - Lou Cox 5k on Monday

Disabled List
Yanti - under the weather
Laura - ankle

I'm thinking of renaming this Injured Reserve.  I think that it's more appropriate but I do like saying, "the DL."  Thoughts?

Go Racers Go!!!!
Yanti and Laura - I hope you will both get better!
IR vs DL (I actually said it out loud to get the sense of pronunciation). I think for me it's easier to say DL-ers than IR-ers, but I like IR

Edited by marysia83 2016-05-27 10:56 AM

2016-05-27 10:58 AM
in reply to: jmkizer

User image

Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Part deux

Originally posted by jmkizer

Racing Manatees!!!

May 28-30
TJ - Believe in Heroes 10k on Saturday
McMatt - Autism Speaks 8k on Sunday
McMatt - CapTex Tri (international distance) on Monday
Tom A - Lou Cox 5k on Monday

Disabled List
Yanti - under the weather
Laura - ankle

I'm thinking of renaming this Injured Reserve.  I think that it's more appropriate but I do like saying, "the DL."  Thoughts?

Go racers!

McMatt you've got this! Just remember, no wetsuit on Sunday

I think either DL or IR works.

2016-05-27 11:04 AM
in reply to: 0

Northern IL
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Part deux

Originally posted by Jet Black
Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by melbo55

Thank you everyone for your tips and thoughts on power meters.  I think it was MS Matt who mentioned it is worthless without someone who will read it - I agree.  I was looking toward the future, not my current situation.  Speaking of my current situation, I'm in the process of deciding if I'm dumping my coach starting in June.  This is causing some apprehension as I have a HM mid-June I'm training for, not to mention events in July-Oct.  I've got some thinking to do on both coaches and power meters!

I have the impression that you haven't  been happy with your current coach for a while.  I hope that you work something out.  As we've all said, you're worth it!

Yeah, and if you end up getting that power meter (and I think you already have a trainer?), then I'd recommend getting a trainerroad subscription and just doing one of their plans. They've got triathlon specific ones with run & swim workouts too, plus the awesome bike workouts. And you can pick your volume for each plan too to really tailor it to your needs. I just started on there this week and I'm already amazed at how it's pushing me much more than I used to push myself, and I thought I was working pretty hard before. edit: Plus, the main trainer/workout planner for trainerroad replys to all training planning/succession question (or really any question) you have on the trainerroad thread on slowtwich. Pretty cool!

Hard days are not "moderately uncomfortable"!

ETA: Should add that it's not really about burying oneself entirely with those. I'm trying to figure out how to better explain ways that things feel different with hitting some the hard workouts as high as I have been. Not just training benefits at that.

Edited by brigby1 2016-05-27 11:13 AM
2016-05-27 11:14 AM
in reply to: jmkizer

User image

Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Part deux

Coach Scott sent me an "intake form". A 15 page questionnaire about medical history, training background, etc. I'm sure I did one the first time I worked with him but I don't remember it being that long. Anyway, a couple of the questions:

2) When I have a bad workout, I: a) lament on FB, b) analyze the training data to look where things went wrong c) get back out there and do it again d) google, there must be an explanation e) take an extra recovery day, its not that big of a deal

3) What's blaring through your earbuds before a race? a)"Happy" by Pharrell b) a voicemail from my coach reviewing the race plan c) "Thunderstruck" by AC/DC d) Nothing - I like to find a quiet place in transition, close my eyes and visualize e) a recording of my children singing and laughing


And the questions go on. It feels like an athletic dating site    Too funny.


2016-05-27 11:15 AM
in reply to: jmkizer

User image

Falls Church, Virginia
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Part deux
Originally posted by jmkizer

Racing Manatees!!!

May 28-30
TJ - Believe in Heroes 10k on Saturday
McMatt - Autism Speaks 8k on Sunday
McMatt - CapTex Tri (international distance) on Monday
Tom A - Lou Cox 5k on Monday

Disabled List
Yanti - under the weather
Laura - ankle

I'm thinking of renaming this Injured Reserve.  I think that it's more appropriate but I do like saying, "the DL."  Thoughts?

Goooooo Racers!
Heal up Yanti! I am vastly improved compared to last weekend, so all the healing Manatee vibes must be working.

IR vs DL...doesn't matter to me. I just wish we didn't have to have the list at all.

And TJ - thank you for the lesson. I'm ashamed to say I have family and friends that serve and still never seem to keep the observances straight in my head.
2016-05-27 11:18 AM
in reply to: rrrunner

User image

Falls Church, Virginia
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Part deux
Originally posted by rrrunner

Coach Scott sent me an "intake form". A 15 page questionnaire about medical history, training background, etc. I'm sure I did one the first time I worked with him but I don't remember it being that long. Anyway, a couple of the questions:

2) When I have a bad workout, I: a) lament on FB, b) analyze the training data to look where things went wrong c) get back out there and do it again d) google, there must be an explanation e) take an extra recovery day, its not that big of a deal

3) What's blaring through your earbuds before a race? a)"Happy" by Pharrell b) a voicemail from my coach reviewing the race plan c) "Thunderstruck" by AC/DC d) Nothing - I like to find a quiet place in transition, close my eyes and visualize e) a recording of my children singing and laughing


And the questions go on. It feels like an athletic dating site    Too funny.


Wow, that's in depth, for sure. Those are the kind of questions that leave me paralyzed, and then forever questioning if I answered "right" or not. Good luck!

2016-05-27 11:20 AM
in reply to: rrrunner

User image

Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Part deux

Originally posted by rrrunner

So for TJ's lunch and learn I am going to talk about some military related holidays (in the US) and such...

We recently had Armed Forces Day. It's the third Saturday of May and honors active military.

Memorial Day, as  most know, is the last Monday in May and honors those fallen in the line of duty.

Veterans Day always falls on November 11 and honors those who have served in the past.

Some of you may have seen the Blue Star Moms flag, it is flown by Mom's who have a child serving in war time. If there is more than one star on the flag that mom has more than one kid serving.

A gold star mom is something I never want to achieve. She has lost a child in battle. My eyes fill with tears every time I see this flag.

Thanks for reading. "Happy" Memorial Day all.

Thank you for the clarification on our holidays, and educating me/us about the flags as I've never known about them and possibly never seen them.  May everyone's Memorial Day be full of remembrance, and safe celebrations! 

2016-05-27 11:26 AM
in reply to: jmkizer

User image

Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Part deux

Originally posted by jmkizer

Racing Manatees!!!

May 28-30
TJ - Believe in Heroes 10k on Saturday
McMatt - Autism Speaks 8k on Sunday
McMatt - CapTex Tri (international distance) on Monday
Tom A - Lou Cox 5k on Monday

Disabled List
Yanti - under the weather
Laura - ankle

I'm thinking of renaming this Injured Reserve.  I think that it's more appropriate but I do like saying, "the DL."  Thoughts?

GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO RACERS!!!  McMatt's gonna be a busy boy!

Yanti, heal up, dear.  Laura, I hope your progress is continuing!

DL, IR, doesn't matter to me but IR always makes me think of infared.

2016-05-27 11:42 AM
in reply to: melbo55

Northern IL
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Part deux

Originally posted by melbo55

Originally posted by jmkizer

Racing Manatees!!!

May 28-30
TJ - Believe in Heroes 10k on Saturday
McMatt - Autism Speaks 8k on Sunday
McMatt - CapTex Tri (international distance) on Monday
Tom A - Lou Cox 5k on Monday

Disabled List
Yanti - under the weather
Laura - ankle

I'm thinking of renaming this Injured Reserve.  I think that it's more appropriate but I do like saying, "the DL."  Thoughts?

GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO RACERS!!!  McMatt's gonna be a busy boy!

Yanti, heal up, dear.  Laura, I hope your progress is continuing!

DL, IR, doesn't matter to me but IR always makes me think of infared.

First thought for me too. These are fun when you have people from various aspects of medical fields together. What does "In Vitro" have to do with post race activities??

2016-05-27 11:51 AM
in reply to: brigby1

User image

Denver, Colorado
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Part deux
Originally posted by brigby1

Originally posted by melbo55

Originally posted by jmkizer

Racing Manatees!!!

May 28-30
TJ - Believe in Heroes 10k on Saturday
McMatt - Autism Speaks 8k on Sunday
McMatt - CapTex Tri (international distance) on Monday
Tom A - Lou Cox 5k on Monday

Disabled List
Yanti - under the weather
Laura - ankle

I'm thinking of renaming this Injured Reserve.  I think that it's more appropriate but I do like saying, "the DL."  Thoughts?

GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO RACERS!!!  McMatt's gonna be a busy boy!

Yanti, heal up, dear.  Laura, I hope your progress is continuing!

DL, IR, doesn't matter to me but IR always makes me think of infared.

First thought for me too. These are fun when you have people from various aspects of medical fields together. What does "In Vitro" have to do with post race activities??

This is so interesting. For me DL makes me think of truck drivers (CDL).
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2006-12-20 4:55 PM Ron
date : April 21, 2014
author : Tre_bor
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The running aspect of an Ironman triathlon is a marathon. Most people take on a marathon as a single event and the training for this uses up a lot of their time. Here are some tips for the run.
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Coming off of a tibial stress fracture in 2000, stevebradley made his way into triathlon. Now he has over 60 triathlons completed and is one of the most active mentor groups on BT.
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author : EndurancePlanet
comments : 0
Not only is he a great athlete, he is a great mentor. I have been in his mentor group for the last two rounds and he inspires and encourages our entire group daily.
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Find a mentor. Make a list of at least three people that you could approach for help, list your specific needs and then be courageous enough to begin asking.