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Ironman Coeur d'Alene - TriathlonFull Ironman

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Coeur d'Alene, Idaho
United States
Ironman North America
70F / 21C
Total Time = 16h 37m 33s
Overall Rank = 1919/
Age Group = W 35-39
Age Group Rank = 139/151
Pre-race routine:

We left Nevada on Wed and stayed in Boise, Id Wed night. Plan was to get up and leave early Thurs, but I was feeling a head cold coming on so I got some Vit C, zinc and slept as much as I could. Made for a late start but we made it to Coeur D'Alene in the evening. Walked around and found the swim start, which was less intimidating at first glance than anticipated. On Fri morning I made it to the Lake about 7am looking for other BTers. Gave up after about half hour and decided I needed to just get myself in the water! Took a while standing in it before I actually started. It was cold. I swam out to the second bouy and decided to cut across and swim back. Finally now I am warming up and can tolerate the swim. Decided to make one last circle around where I found the group and met a few people. It was nice to put names to faces, even if the names didn't mean alot! Next time I think of a user name I will have to consider actually meeting people with that name!
Fri afternoon we drove the bike course, which started to worry me. I train in the flats so the hills were intimidating. Especially going down, make a sharp right to an uphill. What is that all about? At least let me use momentum from the downhill!
Went to the athletes dinner alone, my family decided they would rather eat junk food in the room! This gave me a chance to meet up with other BTers. I wore my BT shirt and started walking down the long line looking for others. Never found anyone so I got in line, just as Teresa did! She recognized my shirt so we introduced ourselves started talking. Bonnie found us and so we were able to find others and it was fun to meet everyone. Going to the dinner gave me the lift I needed to start getting excited. I had become depressed about wether I could really do this.
Sat. I met up with Teresa for a swim and the water was warmer. It still felt cold, but I managed it better. Swam to the third bouy and back.
Event warmup:

Met up with Teresa at the lake, got body marked and headed to the water. Got in for a few minutes and swim about 10 sdtrokes out and back, repeated once and got out to wait for the start. This was the first time I ever actually warmed up befor the start, but with the cold water I thought it was a good idea. Had on my neoprene cap, booties and even wore earplugs, which is new for me!
  • 1h 48m 35s
  • 4224 yards
  • 02m 34s / 100 yards

There were alot of people here! WOW! I have never been to a tri with a mass start this big. Most have waves starts and only about 30-60 in a wave! I knew I would be slow, so I positioned myself far right, which was quit a ways from the bouy line so my goal was just to swim towards the red turn bouy.
The gun went off and we were on our way. It was crazy as everyone tried to find thier own place. Luckily it thinned out fairly quickly where I was and I only had a few bumps to contend with. I didn't panic, and it wasn't too cold so I was able to get a steady pace going. While it was crowded, I mostly had my own space to the turn, then it was crazy! Everyone seemed to converge at once and now I was fighting for a spot. When we came to the next turn and headed back to shore it got better. It was a long ways out! I was pretty excited the the whole first lap I never breastroked, or went into panic mode! Just stayed steady and kept going. Of course it helped that in my mind I kept thinking- you need all your time for the bike! No time for panicing now! I wasn't wearing a watch in the swim, so when I came out from the first lap, I started looking a for a clock but never found one. This bummed me out. I had no idea how I was doing and swam the next lap very paranoid about not making the cutoff! About half way out this time something was different. I realized now I had a chop to content with! Great, and I have no idea on my time. Didn't seem like there were very many people near me now, so I started all these horrid thoughts that I was to slow and wasn't gonna make it. Enough of that! Time for some positive thinking! Now I have turned and the current is pushing us to shore! Still a long ways. At this point I start to feel cold. Not the shock cold when you can't keep your face in that results in an icecream headache, just a solid chill all the way through. That shore couldn't come soon enough. I was actually trying to remember all these things I have been taught about good form that I have never applied. Here I am in the ironman, trying to perfect my form! Don't know if it helped- but finally I can touch and it's time to get out. No one is stopping me, and people are pointing directions, so my guess is I made it! Still can't see a time!
What would you do differently?:

I need to work on technigue to improve my swim, but otherwise I don't think I could have changed anything for this race.
Transition 1
  • 10m 41s

The stripers were a great help. Had that wetsuit off before I even realized what was going on! Pointed me to my bag, which I had marked with colerful shoelaces on the off chance there was still a crowd of bags there when I got out! At least I didn't need to double check my number, was easy to know it was my bag!
Off to the changing tent where I just sat! The volunteer was great and trying to help me hurry, but I just needed a minute to take it all in before I could decide what to do next! Decided against arm warmers and stayed in my clothes. I thought I was going to be much colder, but it wasn't bad. Just as I was leaving the tent I asked a volunteer the time. It was 8:55, so I was pretty happy! One time I had in my head was to be on the bike by 9, which gave me 8 1/2 hours for the bike. Had to stop in the bathroom, then I was off to find my bike! Not much trouble since most of the bikes were gone by this time.
What would you do differently?:

I could have gone faster I suppose, but I since this was my first IM, and I was pretty clueless I just took my time.
  • 8h 14m 43s
  • 112 miles
  • 13.58 mile/hr

Now for the bike! For me this is the most challenging section of the race. My friends and family are all concerned about wether I can make the cutoffs. This is unsterstandable as all my long rides have taken me over 8 hours to do, and the longest was 100 miles! I also have struggles with hills and wind can really slow me down. I go up hills ok, not fast, but ok. Going down pretty much terrifies me! I tend to hit the brakes which defeats the purpose and drives my husband crazy!
So I head out on the first out and back section which isn't too bad. I start hearing this ringing. I keep hearing it every few minutes and its driving me crazy. I finally decided I must have not turned off my alarm this morning on my cell, and now it was going off. I had several alarms set for fear I wouldn't wake up! This was a new phone and I wasn't real familiar with it. For 10 miles it kept ringing. I am not coordinated enough to eat on the bike, I sure wasn't messing with a phone! By 10 miles I had to pee and there was no waiting! Swimming does that too me. So at the first aid station I stopped and checked my alarms, which were off! I just turned the whole thing off. It was for emergencies anyway! I was bummed I had to stop so soon, but I topped off my drink and got quickly back out there. Now I am remebering that I was messing around and set an event marker on the calander for the IM. Didn't know how to change the time so I left the default at 9am. That must have been the ringing I heard! Now I am headed through town which is a good ride. Here come the hills! I did ok, but man was I working! I next thing I know my aerobottle is empty and I need to pee! Again! its only mile 30 and I am almost out of my infinit! I dump the rest into my bottle and now trade my empty bottle for a gatorade. This wasn't the plan, but I seem to be drinking more than I usually do! I am still feeling good though. Out of the hills and back through town- yeah a little break! Oh no- the wind has picked up and it looks stormy. As I am making a turn into town I here someone asking for a tube, at first I tried to ignore it, but I can't and when he asks again I stopped. I know I have two, and a spare in my special needs bag coming up. The selfish part of me didn't want to stop because I was afraid of losing any time, but I watched others go by and if it was me, I would hope someone would help. I didn't even get off, made hime grab the stuff from the back and I kept on going with only about a minute lost. I felt better having helped, but wish I would have got his number to see if he finished. I keep watching my garmin and I am right on track to finish the loop at 4 hours. This weather change could be bad and I start getting worried. The wind isn't bad enough to put me in danger of not making the cutoff so I am happy! First loop done! Right at 4 hours and theres my family! It is great to see them! I wave and keep on going. Time to do it all again. I now had 4 1/2 hours to finish. At the point I still had some doubts because I knew the second trip in the hills would be tougher. The first lap, I don't think I passed anyone! I was passed alot, and lapped by some. It was kind of neat to see the pro's as they went by. I was surpised at the support they gave me as they passed and it gave me a boost to keep going!
Time for special needs. I quickly changed out my bottles, grabbed my fig newton- and kept on going. Back into to town and heeaded towards the hills again. The stormy clouds I saw didn't seem to amount to much so that was good. The weather actually stayed great for the bike. Now I am passing people, not alot, but a few! I see Bonnie coming the other way. Great to see a familiar face out there. I am really watching my watch because I am determined to do this, and it will be close. Some people are walking up the hills, but I keep going. My nutrition has been good. Drinking a little faster than planned, but am feeling good so I just topped off with water at the aid station. The infinit was a great idea and really helped me keep it simple when there were so many other things to worry about. Now I am actually having some fun in the hills. No brakes for me! Starting really pushing my lmits on the downhills to help with the uphills. Thats when I started noticing I was passing people going up. Oh no, whats the problem? Chain fell off. Start to panic as I get off because I know there is no room for problems if I am going to make it. Quickly calmed myself down, fixed the problem and was back in no time, passing those who passed me while I was stopped. I will say that the people out on the course up in the hills were great! The majority from the first lap were still there when I came back by!
Back into to town- no more hills! Now people are starting to cheer me on and encourage me because I will make it! Everyone starts calling at the time as I pass them. When I get back to my family I knew I was good. Only had the little 1 mile added on stretch and I was in! My husband was still worried because he didn't realize how short that loop was!
Now I am there! I can see the dismount and I am being encouraged foward! I was so happy to be at the point. Part of me was never really sure if I could make it, but I did it when it counted! Now I kept thinking-I still have to run a marathon? No way! What was I smoking when I signed up for this?
As I got off the bike, I was suprised they took my bike right at the line. I expected to wealk it towards the racks before a volunteer took it. Now I get off and here them say- you made it- it's 5:17! As I stepped onto the ground, my jello legs were wishing for that bike to hold me up! How am I ever going to run? Just keep moving foward- and that meant to the tents!
Transition 2
  • 10m 47s

Got my bag and again I just sat. No rushing me! Had to change my shorts, as I never found any I was able to bike in and then comfortably run in. I have chafing issues, so changing into my good running shorts and refreshing the body glide was best. As I head out of the tent, my legs feel better and I am ready to go again! My race belt breaks as I am heading to the bathroom. Looked at it for a minute, I had a spare one back in transition but had opted not to trade sine this one was working fine! A volunteer fixed it while I was in the bathroom and now I was off on the run.
  • 6h 12m 49s
  • 26.2 miles
  • 14m 14s  min/mile

Felt pretty good and decided to walk at the aid stations, wether I needed anything or not. This was a good strategy for a while. A couple miles in I started having issues with my shorts, I had a hole at the seem high on my thigh. These were not old shorts, so I was pretty upset. This was going to be a major problem, but luckily I put a new pair of shorts in my SN bag and was looking foward to that, even if it was 12 miles away! I saw Suzanne at the first aid station and was glad to see a familiar face! Now I am doing good, running, walking at the aid stations and playing with my shorts to try and limit the chafing. I grabbed a cookie, which hit the spot, so I had another one. Then a coke. Then I got a stomach ache! What was I thinking with all that sweet stuff! Now I couldn't eat anything! My planned worked great until mile 10, then I started walking more as the nausea got worse! I met up with Sue, (PTinVA) and we walked and ran a bit together, then settled into a nice sub 13 min mile walk for a while. Thats when I started doing the math and knew I could walk it in and finish. Eventually I was too sick to keep that pace and let Sue go on. Slowed it down and tried some chicken broth which seemed to help a little. The SN bag was coming up and I knew it wouyld get better! Oh no, the shorts are not in here! Now I remember the conversation I had with myself about wether to pack them or not. I started getting worried about not getting my bag back and didn't want to loose a $50 pair of shorts. Figure I have never had to change on any long runs, so why now? So I keep on going, mostly walking now. As the miles I go by I keep doing the math to see what pace I need to keep at! As I leave town, they give my a glow necklace and I knew it would be getting dark soon. I am feeling better and start taking in broth and pretzals, which seem to help. I tried to run a bit but I think all that walking made my body think it was done, so the pain set in! All my joints ached and I started noticing blisters. I can feel my thigh getting tore up from the hole, and I just keep moving foward. Finally its time to turn around and I know I will make it. The lake was really great to run by in the daylight, but now I am not really liking it. It is very dark out and the glow necklaces don't help much. I try to run, but can't see in front of me. I know its a good path, but I am a clutz so the dark makes me nervous! The people are scattered apart at this point in the race. Now I am running only in the lighted areas, and only if its downhill! I met up with a father and daughter and walked with them the last few miles. About 1/4 mile from the finish my family joined me! They walked with my until I was able to see the crowds and decided to start running to the finish! What a great feeling! Tons of people still in the stands even as midnight is close. I had to slow a little to give the father and daughter both time to get in without my ruining their pitcures! I starting high fiving everyone as I went by and discovered I may be hurting a bit, but was still in rather good shape! No dropping at the finish line for me! A volunteer came up to me and walked me past, gave me a t-shirt and hat then I got my picture done, which turned out quite aweful! Next he handed me off to my family and now I wasn't sure what to do. There wasn't any food or drink that I could see, so we headed to the car.
Post race
Event comments:

Awesome experience to top off my IM journey! The area was absolutely beautiful and the volunteers and spectators were great.

Last updated: 2008-05-10 12:00 AM
01:48:35 | 4224 yards | 02m 34s / 100yards
Age Group: 143/151
Overall: 1947/
Performance: Good
Suit: Full
Start type: Wade Plus:
Water temp: 60F / 15C Current: Low
200M Perf. Remainder:
Breathing: Drafting:
Waves: Navigation:
Time: 10:41
Cap removal: Good Helmet on/
Suit off:
Wetsuit stuck? Run with bike: No
Jump on bike:
Getting up to speed:
08:14:43 | 112 miles | 13.58 mile/hr
Age Group: 142/151
Overall: 1972/
Wind: Some
Road:   Cadence:
Turns: Cornering:
Gear changes: Hills:
Race pace: Drinks:
Time: 10:47
Riding w/ feet on shoes
Jumping off bike
Running with bike
Racking bike
Shoe and helmet removal
06:12:49 | 26.2 miles | 14m 14s  min/mile
Age Group: 132/151
Overall: 1753/
Keeping cool Drinking
Post race
Weight change: %
Mental exertion [1-5]
Physical exertion [1-5]
Good race?
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? Yes
Post race activities:
Race evaluation [1-5] 5

2008-06-30 3:35 PM

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Subject: Ironman Coeur d'Alene

2008-06-30 6:20 PM
in reply to: #1499819

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Portland, OR
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene
Awesome job out there Tanya!!!! You kicked butt on your first IM It was great to see you so many times out on the course.
2008-06-30 8:35 PM
in reply to: #1499819

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene

Congrats Ironman!

You did awesome, learned a lot about yourself and finished strong.

Thanks for a great RR and sharing your day with us! 

2008-06-30 9:03 PM
in reply to: #1499819

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St Petersburg, Florida
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene

Hi there!

Fantastic job again!  You definitely made it look like you've done an ironman several times already.  I didn't pick up any anxiety from you at all!

So when is the next one?  Heh. 

 Teresa 'Tbatt'

2008-06-30 10:24 PM
in reply to: #1499819

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Wylie, TX
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene
Great job IRONMAN! You had the right attitude and just kept moving forward. jah2212 and I were at the bike dismount for the last 30 min so I am sure we saw you come through. It was pretty exciting stuff.
2008-07-01 7:24 AM
in reply to: #1499819

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Coeur D'alene, ID
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene

Congratulations IRONMAN!!  Way to plan your race and then stick to your plan.  And the good karma you gave out by sharing your tube will come back to you too.  That was classic!  Enjoy your post-Ironman deserve it!

2008-07-01 9:04 AM
in reply to: #1499819

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Gulf Shores, AL
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene
Congrats, you nailed it. I really enjoyed your report!
2008-07-02 6:35 PM
in reply to: #1499819

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San Francisco
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene
Tanya, I'm so proud of you!  I know how hard you worked to get there and the doubts you had along the way.  But in the end, you had what it took to be an ironman.  It's a great accomplishment and one that can only be understood by having done it.  Congrats again and thanks for a great race report.
2008-07-03 5:32 PM
in reply to: #1499819

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Virginia Beach, VA
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene
Tanya, congrats on a great race Ironman! It was great seeing you out on the run course and sharing some miles with you!
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