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Richmond SunTrust Half Marathon - RunHalf Marathon

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Richmond, Virginia
United States
60sF / 0C
Total Time = 2h 05m 36s
Overall Rank = 575F/2040?
Age Group = 35-39F
Age Group Rank = 100/351
Pre-race routine:

Woke up early after a cr*ptastic night of sleep. Typically race morning routine of diet Pepsi & mojo bar (oh, and posting on BT) and then I drove downtown. Major fiasco at the parking garage - they had run out of paper tickets so the gate wasn't lifting...but I had the magic monthly pass in Sugar Daddy's car, so I got in after the idiots got out of the way. Went up to the start area, had another mojo bar & diet Pepsi, stripped out of my sweats, dropped off my dry-bag, and went to watch the 8K start. One of my students was running the 8K (that I knew of) so I yelled when I saw him, but I don't think he heard me because I was standing under a speaker playing Springsteen.
Event warmup:

After the 8K took off, I went to my corral and found Judi right away. Chit-chatted with her & her hubby, got our obligatory VANibbs photo taken, and then got to meet DanielG. (He recognized us by our Yankz!) Talked with them until the race started. We were going to run together, but I had a PR burning in me and so I lost them early on.
  • 2h 05m 36s
  • 13.1 miles
  • 09m 35s  min/mile

I felt good about the run from the get-go. It was warmer and more humid than I was expecting, but no different than what I trained in. It was a little tricky with the footing - lots of manhole covers that I anticipated were pretty slick after the rain, but after the first couple miles, I never felt like I didn't have room to run my own race.

Took a Gu after the 4-mile mark and around the 9-mile mark...carried my own Nuun and water and drank at least at all the water stops and sometimes between. Carrying my own water was good, so I could buzz through the water stops. I finally ran out of water around the 11-mile mark so I walked through that aid station and took a cup of water. That was the only time I walked during the whole race. Once I got to the 10mile mark, I knew I could PR unless I blew it up. Once I got to the 11 mile mark, I knew I could almost run/walk if I had to. Once I got to the 12 mile mark, I zoomed it in - and since it was almost all downhill, it was all good.
What would you do differently?:

Nothing. I'm as happy as I can be. I'm also sore as he!!. And I can sniff a 2:00 half.
Post race
Warm down:

Went through the finisher chute, listening to 2 women behind me - one encouraging the other not to puke right then. I agreed - puking on me would have pizzed me off. Called Sugar Daddy from the complimentary phones & left a message with my watch time. Went through the food tent and was highly unimpressed - banana, bagel, powerade. Is that all you got for me? I'm freaking starving. Got my dry bag. Walked through the festival and picked up some more juices and a cup of potato chips w/ spicy mayonnaise - quite honestly the tasty post-race food I could envision. About this time, I got some wicked calf-cramps, just like after my first half. Sucks. Gotta figure those out.

Ran into my "boss" who was also doing the half and chit-chatted some. Went to find my car, but I went into the parking garage in the wrong place and ended up wandering, in a daze, down 3 levels to my car.

On the way home, I ran into an accident that had me parked on the highway for 15-20 minutes. And it made me cry - I just wanted to get home, and I couldn't and I was all emotional. Yeah. Nice. Got home, pretended to help rake leaves but mostly stood around, and have been laying on the couch since. :)

What limited your ability to perform faster:

Nothing. This was better than I hoped for - I was looking to go sub-2:10 (based on my March PR of 2:13:33)...done and done with style. :)

Event comments:

I've done the 8K race that goes along with this, and now the half. (Next year the full...shhhhh - don't tell Sugar Daddy yet...he thinks I'm just doing a full in April.) Sportsbackers puts on a good race weekend. The kids race last night was fantastic. Things were on time. Volunteers were awesome. Plenty of aid stations. Lots of portapotties (that I didn't need, but I was watching for them in case). Not as much music as they promised, but since they let idiots people use iPods, maybe noone noticed except me. My only other gripes were the lame post-race food and the fact that they had "technical difficulties" in getting the official results posted. Otherwise, HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY.

Last updated: 2008-07-01 12:00 AM
02:05:36 | 13.1 miles | 09m 35s  min/mile
Age Group: 100/351
Overall: 575/2040?
Performance: Good
9:36 9:27 9:23 9:51 9:36 9:39 9:25 9:34 7:42 (obviously the mile marker was out of place) 11:56 (see above) 9:43 9:37 9:06 HR avg = 164, max = 178
Course: A beautiful course in Richmond - out Broad Street, up Boulevard, a fun little loop around the Sportsbacker Stadium (where Elder Monkey's race was on Friday night), and then up into some neighborhoods in north Richmond I had never seen before. Loop through there and then back down to the downtown, with a nice downhill on Cary to the finish.
Keeping cool Good Drinking Just right
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Good
Mental exertion [1-5] 4
Physical exertion [1-5] 4
Good race? Yes
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? Yes
Post race activities: Average
Race evaluation [1-5] 4

2008-11-15 6:21 PM

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: Richmond SunTrust Half Marathon

2008-11-15 6:31 PM
in reply to: #1810426

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: Richmond SunTrust Half Marathon

YOU ROCKED THIS RACE!  Congratulations on gettng such a fantastic PR!

I agree, the post race food was uninspiring and the calf cramps were shytty at best.

2008-11-15 6:48 PM
in reply to: #1810426

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: Richmond SunTrust Half Marathon

Awesome race Kristen!!


2008-11-15 8:09 PM
in reply to: #1810426

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Subject: RE: Richmond SunTrust Half Marathon
WAy to go on the race, Kristen. You rock!
2008-11-15 8:45 PM
in reply to: #1810426

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Robbinsville NJ
Subject: RE: Richmond SunTrust Half Marathon
Gotta love those PR's. Good job.
2008-11-15 11:19 PM
in reply to: #1810426

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Richmond SunTrust Half Marathon
Congrats on the PR and the great race!!  You've got the sub 2 hour race well within your sights. 

2008-11-16 1:03 AM
in reply to: #1810426

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Henderson NV
Subject: RE: Richmond SunTrust Half Marathon
Great job Kristin.  I knew you could do it since you are my running guru.
2008-11-16 11:26 AM
in reply to: #1810426

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Subject: RE: Richmond SunTrust Half Marathon


Sub-two is definitely within reach!

2008-11-17 10:30 AM
in reply to: #1810426

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Silverton, Oregon
Subject: RE: Richmond SunTrust Half Marathon
Great job!!! 2 is definitely within reach!!!
2008-11-17 1:56 PM
in reply to: #1810426

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Subject: RE: Richmond SunTrust Half Marathon

awesome job!!!

 i get the 'post race' cry sometimes... i almost cried after yoga yesterday!!

 keep up the good work, enjoy your rest and then get out there at reach the 100% for The Apples  (can you slip me a couple of miles?? - i'm the #1 slacker this week!!)

2008-11-18 1:58 AM
in reply to: #1810426

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Richmond SunTrust Half Marathon

CONGRATS on your sssssssmokin' PR!

It's even okay to cry on the way home.

2008-11-19 10:33 AM
in reply to: #1810426

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Clifton, NJ
Subject: RE: Richmond SunTrust Half Marathon
i've said this in your logs - but it bears repeating - YOU are BLAZING fast!
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