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2011-09-13 2:05 PM

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2011-09-13 2:21 PM
in reply to: #3684650

Parker, CO
Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin
Really not sure what to say after reading your RR.  Seems to me you were pretty close to your goal until the run and based on your estimates with a really good run you would have KQ'd.  I can hear your disappoinment in the report and can somewhat relate with a couple marathon experiences I have had in the past.  recovering physically was the easy part.  Anyway, you are a fighter and did not quit...take pride in that!  And FWIW...yes, you missed your goal but still finished in a very respectable time.
2011-09-13 2:30 PM
in reply to: #3684650

Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin

That was a truly inspirational race report.  Sorry you didn't realize your dream this year, but you will get there one day.  I have no doubt about that.

Take your time off an heal...BT will be here when you're ready.

2011-09-13 2:40 PM
in reply to: #3684650

Norwalk, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin hurts and heals, you love it and you hate it.  You spoke it, an that speaks volumes about you as a person. If i had not read hundreds of your posts before, this report would have told me all i needed to know about you. That my friend is honorable.

Enjoy your time away, we will all look forward to your return.

2011-09-13 2:48 PM
in reply to: #3684650

, California
Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin
You said you were completely broken, but you still crossed that finish line.  People remember that kind of thing, especially kids and you showed a lot of determination and good sportsmanship.
2011-09-13 3:14 PM
in reply to: #3684650

Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin
Great report Fred. I can honestly say one of my highlights to this years IM was having the opportunity to meet and talk with you. I feel privileged to have gotten to know you in some small way and look forward to watching your journeys in triathlon.

2011-09-13 3:15 PM
in reply to: #3684650

Extreme Veteran
Carrollton, Virginia
Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin

Fred, great report.  I disagree with you, this report is for a lot of people.  A lot of people that are targeting their first IM and want to know that the pain they may feel is the same as others.

Really enjoyed the report, very sorry you had an awful day.  As you know, many of us can relate to a horrible day on race day and for an IM has the be the worst since you sacrificed so much time with family to get there... and then failed to execute.  

But that's the good part about it, when you come out of the funk, you'll likely be more mentally strong and better prepared in the future.  Stay strong, and great report.  Enjoy your time off.  

2011-09-13 3:47 PM
in reply to: #3684650

Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin

I agree with the above. This is for everyone. Thanks for putting up a RR for a race that we all know didn't come near your expectations. Perspective is an amazing thing and people remember the mental and physical grit that it took to make it through the race. I'm sure your family and friends are all the more proud to call you an Ironman after what you put yourself through.

Great job getting to the finish line. Thanks for being such a valuable contributor to the BT community!

2011-09-13 4:05 PM
in reply to: #3684650

Silver member
Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin

I appreciate all of the disclaimers, but it is what it is. Triathlon is not always a happy happy joyful experience. $hit happens. (figuratively and literally, in this sport) Your report was honest and that's what matters most.  

Anyone can type a bunch of bull $hit talking about how great they did, how fast they ran, how well they recovered, etc etc. What people are really interested in, and what people really respect are the challenges a well trained and talented athlete experiences during a race. Honesty. Vulnerability.

Did you have excellent preparation and some fabulous training leading up to this race? -- Yes.

Are you bulletproof? -- No.

Nothing is a given, despite immaculate preparation and huge sacrifice. It sucks.

Congratulations nevertheless. We learn the most about ourselves from the times we are the lowest. Nothing to learn and nothing to gain from smooth sailing happy time. (Although I will argue that smooth sailing happy time is much much more enjoyable.)

Regardless, nice job conquering your mental demons. Talk it thru with Tracie and see what she thinks in regard to your future plan. Figure out what's best for your family together and move forward.

2011-09-13 4:10 PM
in reply to: #3684650

Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin

You're simply a class act Fred. 


2011-09-13 4:16 PM
in reply to: #3684650

Iron Donkey
, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin

Congratulations, FRED!!!

Don't think you would have remembered, but I was the tall lunatic in the yellow shirt telling people to bike mount at the line before going down the Helix, then I was in Camp Randall just you enter - I was telling people to watch their step as they came down and made that right-hand turn onto the turf.

Too bad I didn't get to see you.



2011-09-13 4:17 PM
in reply to: #3684650

West Bend, WI
Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin
Wow...this made me cry.
Hit home for me in many aspects. 

I think your positiveness is inspiring

Sorry you had such a crap day.
2011-09-13 4:24 PM
in reply to: #3684650

Johns Creek, Georgia
Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin

Sorry you didn't have the race you planned on.  Things don't always go as planned, and yet you still have to push on and never give up no matter how crappy you feel.  You did that, be proud of yourself.  I'm sure your wife and kids will be.

It was nice to meet you briefly at the swim on Friday morning with the Brown Dogs.

2011-09-13 4:32 PM
in reply to: #3684650

Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin
Fred, having followed your training for the past couple of years and being a part of last years mentor group I know this race came with a lot of high expectations that you had of yourself.  Your results at earlier races, especially Musselman where I saw first hand your capabilities and with the training you put in preparing for this race, you certainly deserved a different outcome.  Unfortunately things happen in these races beyond our control and no amount of preperation or ability changes that.

What defines our character is how we respond when life throws a day like you had.  In my opinion you could have given up and no one would have thought any less of you.  But you didn't, you thought of the people that were important to you and how you quitting would influence your family.  I don't know your wife or daughters but my guess is that they are proud of you for not giving up.

I am sure once this settles and you get back into the normal day to day you will want to race IM again and you will learn as much if not more from this experience than any of your more "succesful" races.

Enjoy your downtime! 
2011-09-13 4:59 PM
in reply to: #3684650

West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin

I am in awe.

You took multiple knocks on the course of the day and yet dug deep within to will yourself to finish.  I'm sorry that the day fell below your goals and expectations.  That kind of thing is sucky to deal with mentally.  But, you kept going and refused to quit. 

Enjoy your down time, and your family. 

I look forward to sidelining the process again.

2011-09-13 5:31 PM
in reply to: #3684650

Almaden Valley, San Jose, California
Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin

Amazing, Fred.  I don't think you were broken - I think you had an amazing day, and dealt with the hand given to you.  Nie job.


IRONMAN.....again.  !!!!!!!

2011-09-13 7:36 PM
in reply to: #3684650

Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin
The effort was really quite amazing.  While I understand the hiatus (I've done it myself), I think you should ponder the mentor group a little more.  People learn from great successes AND probably learn even more from listening to people who shoot for the moon and miss every once in a while.  Don't be a stranger.
2011-09-13 8:40 PM
in reply to: #3684650

Falls Church, Virginia
Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin
Thank you for sharing this report. You had a tough day, but I find your inability to quit inspiring.
2011-09-13 9:19 PM
in reply to: #3684650

Iron Donkey
, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin

I finally had the time to read this before my wife would get on the 'puter for work.

THIS report is the truth.  THIS report acknowledges the inner-depth of your thoughts, actions, and emotions.  THIS report is as truthful as it gets.  Jokingly, the only thing missing is a few references of bodily function actions.

In all seriousness, this is one of the better RRs that I have read - it's true to the core, raw, and open.

I'm proud of you, F.D., even if I didn't have that chance to truly meet you out there.

CONGRATULATIONS on your extremely deserving performance, especially in those weather conditions.

From what I suspect, if you took in ANY Lake Monona water from the swim, and then adding on that sun, THAT is what affected you.

Take care and enjoy that time off.

2011-09-13 9:57 PM
in reply to: #3684650

University Park, MD
Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin

Wow. This is an epic race report, and an amazing effort. Especially with all those warnings, I just had to keep reading.

Congratulations for making it through, despite all that you were experiencing. I'm sure you will have learned a lot from your day. And years from now I expect you'll be telling more stories about this day than about the days when everything went great. 

I did wonder about one thing that came up repeatedly in the report: the notion that it's bad to quit, and that it not a good example for our children. Is this something you really believe, and that you'd also give as professional advice? I'd like to think that the most positive things that our kids can take from the effort that we put into this crazy hobby are: the importance of working hard and consistently towards a goal through training; the fact that doing your very best can involve risk-taking, sometimes with great success, sometimes without; the value of a healthy lifestyle; etc. I imagine that your kids will have clearly seen these lessons, regardless of what happened in the race. There's a machismo that has grown up around the notion of not quitting. It makes for some great TV drama, but ...

Enjoy the break. We look forward to when the hunger returns.

2011-09-13 10:01 PM
in reply to: #3684650

Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin
Ever since I started training in triathlon, back in 2007, I watched Ironman on television. Wisconsin 2007 was one of the first episodes I watched. I set my TiVo to record them, and I watched them over and over - and still do. I was amazed when I saw Pro Paul F. stop mid-run and stretch his back, and then walk. I immediately thought, WTF? Pro's walk?? At Wisconsin I've seen Chris McDonald walk and go on to win! I've seen many other pro's walk IMOO. And many even drop out. Why? The hills? Late in the season? Who knows. But if it happens to people who train 30 to 40 hours a week, it can happen to anyone.

Back in 2008 is the same time I read the most inspiring race report to date. Some guy Fred did Ironman Lake Placid for the first time and he crushed it with a 10:49!! Are you kidding me... a 10:49 his first time out, and everybody on this site loved him!  After reading that RR, seeing his logs, I sent him a PM and basically said: Please put me on your friend list and let me pick your brain in everything triathlon-related cause I wanna follow in your footsteps and Be Like Fred!! A year later we roomed together at Eagleman and you gave me sage advice.  You also introduced me to Paul F. at the bike racks race morning.  I remember crushing the bike that day with a 20.6 mph avg. My wave was right behind yours and I kept thinking, I'm gonna catch Fred!! But then I was just 4 miles from getting off the bike and there you were, over 4 miles into the Run already!! I was just hoping for a sub 5 but walked in the oven to a 5:20 while you crushed a 4:38!!

Over the next few years I followed your logs every single day.  Rermember when you were contemplating quitting triathlon and becoming a mountain biker?    I watched you crush two more Lake Placids. And last year, just two months post-LP, you climbed the Westernport Wall at Savageman and beat a few Pro's to the tape!! You've had extraordinary results for over four years running. Even this year a bad Eagleman result was still almost 20 minutes sub 5, and you rebounded the following month at Musselman.

Did you deserve a 9:50 at Wisconsin based on past performance and this years training? Absolutely. Did you get what you deserve? Heck No. Was it a fluke? Absolutely. Does it suck? Yes indeed. Big Time. But the bottom-line is: I still wanna be like Fred. Everyone on this site still loves you. And you are an amazing inspiration to your girls and wife.   

Ya know what... forget what I said about that 2007 RR of a guy crushing his first Ironman being the most inspirational report I ever read. I just read a better one. One that exemplifies the saying never, NEVER Quit.

Edited by Dream Chaser 2011-09-13 10:13 PM

2011-09-14 8:10 AM
in reply to: #3684650

ann arbor, michigan
Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin
Can you put me on your friends list as well?

A very sobering race report. There are a lot of great people on this site, many of whom I respect tremendously, and Fred is one of them. One of my goals is to train and race like Fred (and Bryan and a few others).

What this race report says to me is that no matter how well you prepare, no matter how fast you are, no matter what your previous results are, you can have a "bad" day. It is how you react to that day that matters the most. You most certainly reacted and raced better than anyone could expect given the circumstances. It is how people react to adversity that says more about them than how they react when things are going well.

I have had a great training block going up to my first IM and I expect to do well. But, a RR like this one shows me that anything can happen on race day. It also shows me the mental and physical toughness that may be required if things don't go well. Thanks for sharing the dark side with me. It helps me to know what to expect and how to react if things aren't going as planned.

2011-09-14 8:49 AM
in reply to: #3684650

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2011-09-14 8:50 AM
in reply to: #3685371

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2011-09-14 8:52 AM
in reply to: #3684650

Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin
Fred, this is your report and you sure as heck don't need to make explanations or apologies for anything in it. I for one appreciated the raw emotion and honesty in your report.
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