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Maple Grove Triathlon: Dare to TRI - Sprint Course - TriathlonSprint

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Maple Grove, Minnesota
United States
Dare to Dream Events
71F / 22C
Total Time = 1h 25m 8s
Overall Rank = 183/342
Age Group = 45-49
Age Group Rank = 4/25
Pre-race routine:

Overall results are for females only

Got up at 4:00, showered and had breakfast. I ate the normal peanut butter on an English muffin, a banana, glass of milk and a cup of coffee. Because my start time was so late, I added a scrambled egg to the mix. I ate a half a peanut butter an honey sandwich 2 hours before start time.
Event warmup:

Once we were allowed to sneak back into the water for a warm up, I got out and swam a hundred yards or so. I had a bad leaking goggle that I thought I got fixed.
  • 12m 4s
  • 525 yards
  • 02m 18s / 100 yards

The leak I thought I had fixed during warm up, wasn't. I stopped at least 3 times to try to fix it. I finally got it good enough so I could breath on the one side and have less of a leak. I was really worried about losing a contact. Luckily I didn't. However I took a minute or two trying to fix the goggles.
What would you do differently?:

Get new goggles!
Transition 1
  • 02m 49s

Of the 25 racks for the sprint race, I was assigned rack 22. At least that is where all of age group was. The timing chip was HUGE. It was hard to get the wet suit off over it.
What would you do differently?:

Not too much I could change that I had control of.
  • 44m 55s
  • 14.3 miles
  • 19.10 mile/hr

Bike felt really good - I passed a ton of people. I was passed by several people who were just flying. Felt strong.
What would you do differently?:

It may be time to investigate a time trial bike.
Transition 2
  • 01m 17s

LONG run to my rack
  • 24m 4s
  • 3 miles
  • 08m 01s  min/mile

Still a bit slow, but really happy with it - I know I'll get faster.
What would you do differently?:

More speed work - I think I'm finally ready for it!
Post race
Warm down:

a little stretching, a little walking.

What limited your ability to perform faster:

I had much more endurance than last race. Now I need to work on regaining my run speed. I can honestly say I did not feel pain in the ankle today. It is cranky tonight and I'm contemplating a visit to the chiro. We returned from vacation late Tuesday and race on Saturday. Not sure if this was a bad or good thing.

Event comments:

I thought the number of life guards was low. There were a few on knee boards and more in the water using the life saving noodle thingy. I don't know that they could really see if people were in trouble and couldn't get to them quickly if they were.

Last updated: 2012-04-19 12:00 AM
00:12:04 | 525 yards | 02m 18s / 100yards
Age Group: 10/25
Overall: 183/342
Performance: Below average
Suit: Profile Design
Course: Triangle with Right turns!??
Start type: Run Plus:
Water temp: 78F / 26C Current: Low
200M Perf. Bad Remainder: Average
Breathing: Average Drafting: Below average
Waves: Navigation: Average
Rounding: Average
Time: 02:49
Performance: Average
Cap removal: Average Helmet on/
Suit off:
Wetsuit stuck? No Run with bike: Yes
Jump on bike: Yes
Getting up to speed:
00:44:55 | 14.3 miles | 19.10 mile/hr
Age Group: 5/25
Overall: 41/342
Performance: Good
5 miles splits - 17.3, 20.9 and 19.6
Wind: Little
Course: Large square on country roads. Roads were smooth for the most part, but there was one stretch of gravel because of road construction.
Road: Smooth Dry Cadence: 88
Turns: Average Cornering: Below average
Gear changes: Average Hills: Good
Race pace: Hard Drinks: Just right
Time: 01:17
Overall: Average
Riding w/ feet on shoes Bad
Jumping off bike Bad
Running with bike Good
Racking bike Good
Shoe and helmet removal Good
00:24:04 | 03 miles | 08m 01s  min/mile
Age Group: 7/25
Overall: 45/342
My splits are a bit messed up, but last mile was the fastest of the three.
Course: Killer hill at the start and several other good hills on the course.
Keeping cool Good Drinking
Post race
Weight change: %
Mental exertion [1-5]
Physical exertion [1-5]
Good race? Yes
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? Yes
Post race activities: Average
Race evaluation [1-5] 4

2012-08-25 7:40 PM

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Subject: Maple Grove Triathlon: Dare to TRI - Sprint Course

2012-08-29 1:59 PM
in reply to: #4380333

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, Minnesota
Subject: RE: Maple Grove Triathlon: Dare to TRI - Sprint Course
Nice work!  Although I think you need to change your AG rank to 2/ from 4/   You don't want to forget about that! 
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