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Buffalo Triathlon - Sprint Course - Triathlon

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Buffalo, Minnesota
United States
Buffalo Triathlon
60F / 16C
Total Time = 1h 15m 8s
Overall Rank = 100/798
Age Group = 25-29
Age Group Rank = 10/52
Pre-race routine:

Did not sleep well the night before due to the excitement of the day to follow. I was very nervous about wearing a cold wet top on the bike due to the cold forecast so I was nervous about what to wear the following day. Woke up ate the usual food and went to the event with my parents. about 45 mins to get there and we parked about 1/2 mile away. Arrived on site about 7:30 Packet pickup and body marking all went smoothly and I set up transition. I noticed a lot of people taking up large amounts of space in transition, maybe that is normal but it was difficult to find a spot as I did not arrive that early
Event warmup:

Just a few stretches and I swam maybe 100 yards in the warm up area about 10 mins prior to my wave. I filled my wetsuit with water and got in line for my wave to start. Wave 15, 9:28 am. The water was not as bad as everyone made it sound. 66 F
  • 08m 14s
  • 440 yards
  • 01m 52s / 100 yards

This was my first tri so I wanted to make it fun and did not want to ruin it with being kicked and swam over so I started in the rear outside (left) I am happy with my time but look to start differently in the future. After the first 70 yards the filed opened up and I found my speed to be faster than a lot of people in my wave so now I was having to find my way around them instead of just starting in front of them like I will do in the future. Again this was my first tri I elected to go around them instead of through them and quickly found myself about 10 yards to the right of everyone. I was off course and all alone, though passing people. I made a line towards the first buoy and from there found a mass of people hanging on to the buoy treading water doing the backstroke or breast stroke. These were all previous groups. I navigated the best I could but did get kicked a few times by breast strokers. Turned the line in and found more backstrokers or treaders. I was sighting every 6 strokes or so and found I was on top of a person every time I looked forward. about 30 feet from shore I ran into a line of people who were walking in, the water was about 4-5 feet deep. got around them and ran up to T1.
What would you do differently?:

I would start in the front line instead of having to navigate around them later. I will also forward sight more often to avoid going off course.
Transition 1
  • 02m 12s

Removal of cap goggles was awesome. I also had silicone ear plugs in but came out with ease as I practiced that prior. I had my wetsuit unzipped going up the hill into T1 and only had a slight snag with the left ankle because of the timing chip. I peeled it off and only added 3-5 seconds. My right leg was able to be kicked out just as I had practiced. I swam topless because of the weather so I had to put on my zip up cycling jersey. This added maybe 10-20 seconds as if I was wearing my tri top. as you mount the bike it is uphill. I did not get my feet into the shoes until after the uphill.
What would you do differently?:

Possibly wear my timing chip higher so it will not interfere with wetsuit removal.
  • 40m 37s
  • 12.8 miles
  • 18.89 mile/hr

Course was open for me and did not have any traffic that have me issues. There was a sprint biker in front me who was veering back and forth going up a straight climb. As an elite or Olympic guy passed me they had a near collision. They exchanged pleasantries and I passed the short course biker without issue. I liked the challenge of the course and think my performance was good but I need to spend more time on the bike.
What would you do differently?:

Climb faster and train harder.
Transition 2
  • 01m 20s

Coming downhill i got my feet out of my shoes and on top. I got to the dismount line and realized my right leg had not been swept over my seat as I had practiced. I struggled to get my leg over as I had no momentum left and had to hop 2-3 times on my left foot to avoid a face plant. I recovered and ran into T2. My dad got a great video of it and made me laugh!
What would you do differently?:

I practiced dismounting enough and had it down. I just failed to execute it properly.
  • 22m 47s
  • 3 miles
  • 07m 28s  min/mile

I almost always run with a watch and if I am training hard I pay attention to my mile times. My legs took about 1/4 mile to get under me after the bike and from there I was able to maintain a comfortable pace.
What would you do differently?:

I would push harder. I cam capable of a faster run time. About 1 mile in I realized I was going to hit my goal so I just enjoyed it. I am going to practice brick workouts and work on running faster.
Post race
Warm down:

Walked, stretched and drank some water and ate seom recovery food provided my the race.

What limited your ability to perform faster:

Training. I am very happy how I performed overall. I just started running 11 months ago, started road biking in Sept 2012 and learned to swim in Nov 2012. I will get better with more time in each event and plan to bump up training volumes and intensities and try to get a better time next year.

Event comments:

I covered most in the report but this is a great event. I will attend in years to come. I got the itch and look forward to many more tris in the future!

Last updated: 2013-05-03 12:00 AM
00:08:14 | 440 yards | 01m 52s / 100yards
Age Group: 14/52
Overall: 211/798
Performance: Average
I would bet the second half was a lot faster than the first.
Suit: Sleeveless
Course: 2 left turns,
Start type: Run Plus: Waves
Water temp: 66F / 19C Current: Low
200M Perf. Below average Remainder: Good
Breathing: Good Drafting: Average
Waves: Average Navigation: Below average
Rounding: Average
Time: 02:12
Performance: Good
Cap removal: Good Helmet on/
Suit off:
Wetsuit stuck? Yes Run with bike: Yes
Jump on bike: Yes
Getting up to speed: Average
00:40:37 | 12.8 miles | 18.89 mile/hr
Age Group: 13/52
Overall: 123/798
Performance: Average
Did not wear a watch or HRM
Wind: Some
Course: easy to navigate and not as crowded as others have said. This could possibly be to me starting in one of the first few sprint waves and not many Olympic course people out of the water yet.
Road: Smooth Dry Cadence: 90
Turns: Average Cornering: Average
Gear changes: Average Hills: Average
Race pace: Hard Drinks: Just right
Time: 01:20
Overall: Average
Riding w/ feet on shoes Average
Jumping off bike Below average
Running with bike Good
Racking bike Good
Shoe and helmet removal Good
00:22:47 | 03 miles | 07m 28s  min/mile
Age Group: 11/52
Overall: 100/798
Performance: Below average
Course: OUt and back mostly flat
Keeping cool Good Drinking Just right
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Average
Mental exertion [1-5] 3
Physical exertion [1-5] 3
Good race? Yes
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? Yes
Post race activities: Average
Race evaluation [1-5] 4

2013-06-03 2:41 PM

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Subject: Buffalo Triathlon - Sprint Course

2013-06-03 7:15 PM
in reply to: #4765349

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New user
Subject: RE: Buffalo Triathlon - Sprint Course
Wow! Great job! Was fun to read your race report. Thanks for sharing! Will we get to see video of the near face plant? Ha!ha!
2013-06-03 7:20 PM
in reply to: themomma03

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Subject: RE: Buffalo Triathlon - Sprint Course
Tom great job!
2013-06-03 9:49 PM
in reply to: 0

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New user
Subject: RE: Buffalo Triathlon - Sprint Course
Thanks for the encouraging words. The file is too large to attach, I do not know any other way of showing it on this website. Maybe a good thing

Edited by trying2swim 2013-06-03 9:50 PM
2013-06-04 9:48 AM
in reply to: #4765349

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Subject: RE: Buffalo Triathlon - Sprint Course
Fantastic first tri! Very impressive times throughout, well done.
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General Discussion Race Reports! » Buffalo Triathlon - Sprint Course Rss Feed  

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I was passing others who were saying, "Good job, 587" (that was my race number). People were cheering me on. These were the nicest people I have ever been around!
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Any good race director will go over the triathlon swim course directions many times.
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Experts agree, doing a “mock,” triathlon on the course you’re racing can aid you in your training; performance and most of all quell some nervous energy.