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2020-09-18 6:51 PM

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Subject: RBG dead
Now what? Will reps try to force thru a replacement before the election?

Her calculus was off. She should have retired under Obama but, like most of us, we underestimate our own mortality.

Just heard something I hadn’t thought about. While the election is only 46 days away, there is also a lame duck session after the election so plenty of time to get a replacement seated.

Gonna get interesting...,

Edited by Rogillio 2020-09-18 7:14 PM

2020-09-18 7:43 PM
in reply to: Rogillio

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, Arizona
Subject: RE: RBG dead
What happened to "voters should decide in the election" McConnell? Doesn't count this time? Of course they will jam it through. It's going to be an absolute schit show though, I can guarantee you that.
2020-09-18 8:19 PM
in reply to: Synon

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Subject: RE: RBG dead
Originally posted by Synon

What happened to "voters should decide in the election" McConnell? Doesn't count this time? Of course they will jam it through. It's going to be an absolute schit show though, I can guarantee you that.

The difference is back then one party held the Senate and a different party held the WH. Now reps hold both.

My prediction is that Trump names a woman. Better yet, a black woman.

Agree it’s gonna be a show. Pass the wine and cut the cheese.
2020-09-18 9:30 PM
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, Arizona
Subject: RE: RBG dead
Originally posted by Rogillio

The difference is back then one party held the Senate and a different party held the WH. Now reps hold both.

Do you really feel that was a valid excuse for the senate to not fulfil their constitutional duty?

A few women made Trumps short list, but all of them are white. A black women would certainly be a checkmate and the dems would be able to do nothing but flounder, I expect we will get an answer in pretty short order.

Edited by Synon 2020-09-18 9:30 PM
2020-09-18 9:41 PM
in reply to: Synon

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Bronze member
Subject: RE: RBG dead

Originally posted by Synon What happened to "voters should decide in the election" McConnell? Doesn't count this time? Of course they will jam it through. It's going to be an absolute schit show though, I can guarantee you that.

Just like the dems “me too” McConnell recognizes the error 4 years ago and will do the right thing now...

2020-09-18 9:50 PM
in reply to: Synon

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Subject: RE: RBG dead
Originally posted by Synon

Originally posted by Rogillio

The difference is back then one party held the Senate and a different party held the WH. Now reps hold both.

Do you really feel that was a valid excuse for the senate to not fulfil their constitutional duty?

A few women made Trumps short list, but all of them are white. A black women would certainly be a checkmate and the dems would be able to do nothing but flounder, I expect we will get an answer in pretty short order.

Actually I don’t. But they held the power and they used it. Just like the Dems did when the did away with the super majority. Politics is politics. Was it “right” or “wrong”? I don’t know. It was obviously legal or would have been challenged. Was it right what the Dems did to Kavanough? No! It was all politics.

My sense is this will shift the focus of the election. Trump will name someone and the pressure will be on Biden to release his SCOTUS list. He is on record saying he would nominate a black female.

I also think this will galvanize Trumps religious base.

I hate to predict anyone’s passing but I’ve thought all along she would not last 4 years. But I didn’t think it would come this close to the election.

2020-09-19 6:25 AM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Subject: RE: RBG dead
“I’ve never heard you speak so highly of him.”

“He’s never been dead before.”

Line from Shakespeare In Love. It comes to mind every time I hear what a great jurist RBG was.

My prediction is Trump will nominate someone and they will start the confirmation process but won’t vote on it till after the election. There is no value in voting before IMO. The same Senate will be in place after the election in the lame duck congress and the ‘pressure’ of the election will be gone.
2020-09-19 7:45 AM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Subject: RE: RBG dead
Cracking up at Dems threats and warnings if (when) Trump nominates someone. They sound like a 3 year old threatening to hold their breath if they don’t get their way. Elections have consequences!
2020-09-21 6:10 AM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Subject: RE: RBG dead
Pelosi won’t “rule out” impeachment to block Trump on nomination. SMH. If they thought the last attempt went bad wait and see how bad this one goes. I can see the articles of impeachment now, “Trump had the gall to perform his constitutional duty....”

The words of senators on both sides is coming back to haunt them. The fact is, the situation now if slightly different with the same party in the WH and Senate. Why does that matter? Because they can.

Best scenario is for Trump to win then the SCOTUS debate is moot.

I said during the Kavanaugh debacle that the left would blow a head gasket if/when Trump replaces their hero RBG with a constitutionalist. They have not let me down. Gonna be harder to try to slander a woman though. I’m looking forward to the hearings.
2020-09-23 12:29 PM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Subject: RE: RBG dead

There is not one. single. thing. the Democrats can do to stop a Trump appointment to the Supreme Court.   I'm tired of listening to the stupid crap they are putting forth.  For once, just sit down and shut up.

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