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Why don't you donate blood?
Afraid of needles4 Votes - [6.56%]
Don't want it to interfere with training/race performance11 Votes - [18.03%]
Not eligible23 Votes - [37.7%]
Don't have time0 Votes - [0%]
Not interested3 Votes - [4.92%]
Body won't share!1 Votes - [1.64%]
let's cut through the BS, I'm lazy.8 Votes - [13.11%]
I do it for the free cookies and juice!3 Votes - [4.92%]
My doctor tells me i shouldn't.1 Votes - [1.64%]
Gulf War Vet - I voluntarily abstain1 Votes - [1.64%]
Too young1 Votes - [1.64%]
They provide me with decent porn while taking my blood.1 Votes - [1.64%]
Its my blood, dammit.1 Votes - [1.64%]
I pass out everytime I try1 Votes - [1.64%]
But, I do donate...2 Votes - [3.28%]

2007-06-18 8:33 AM

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Subject: Why don't you donate blood?

I meant to allow people to add options, sorry about the double post. 

So I went to donate blood last week and had been a little concerned how my double-red donation might impact my race performance 3 days later.  I actually cancelled a donation two weeks ago which was going to be 3 day before my first HIM for that exact reason.

According to the Red Cross, only 5% of eligible donors show up to donate blood.  There is obvioulsy a need.  Its a relatively easy and fast way to do something altruistic.  So why do 95% of people who could donate never do?  What's your excuse?

2007-06-18 8:42 AM
in reply to: #848291

Subject: RE: Why don't you donate blood?
Not eligible due to the weight restriction.
2007-06-18 8:46 AM
in reply to: #848291

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Los Angeles, CA
Subject: RE: Why don't you donate blood?

Edited by auto208562 2007-06-18 8:46 AM
2007-06-18 8:53 AM
in reply to: #848291

Subject: RE: Why don't you donate blood?
Bad experience with the needle operating ladies. Something about missing and such.

2007-06-18 8:59 AM
in reply to: #848291

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Milton, GA
Subject: RE: Why don't you donate blood?
I'm not a big fan of people sticking me with needles but I donate at least once a year (company blood drive).  The last time was two weeks ago and I would bleed at first.  The nurse doing the iron test had to 2 fingers and squeezed one so hard that it immediately started to bruise.  Barely got enough for the test.  The guy who actually did the blood was really good (although they have it easy with me b/c my veins are easy to see and get to).  best one I have had yet.  Needle in didn't even feel it and no soreness at all afterwords.  So I may live to donate another day.
2007-06-18 9:07 AM
in reply to: #848291

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Subject: RE: Why don't you donate blood?

I used to give blood as much as I could, then one time, 6 years ago or so, I had a really, really bad experience. I was fine donating, but a few minutes after, while i was sitting there drinking my juice and eating my cookies, I passed out hard, and for a good 5 minutes. I remember, while I was passed out, thinking I was dead because I couldn't breath. I could hear people around me talking, but I couldn't speak and I couldn't breath. It went on for what seemed like a really long time, but I finally came around.

And when I did, I started vomiting violently and pretty much non-stop for the next hour. It was awesome. I haven't donated since.

2007-06-18 9:10 AM
in reply to: #848291

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Subject: RE: Why don't you donate blood?

Not eligible:  melanoma.    Wish I could still give.  We O-negs need to look out for each other.

2007-06-18 9:11 AM
in reply to: #848291

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Extreme Veteran
Omaha, USA
Subject: RE: Why don't you donate blood?
I'm a bad person and a chicken sh..
2007-06-18 9:37 AM
in reply to: #848291

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Resident Curmudgeon
The Road Back
Gold member
Subject: RE: Why don't you donate blood?
Bad training experience, went out on a run two days after giving and ran out of gas halfway through a six-mile run. Certainly wouldn't donate the week before a race.
2007-06-18 9:40 AM
in reply to: #848291

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2007-06-18 9:47 AM
in reply to: #848291

the desert
Subject: RE: Why don't you donate blood?

I do it for the free cookies and juice!  What better reason! I hold my office record for the fastest pint (Hey, it's something.). I'll arrange my training to make sure that if I've already trained that day and I will probably take the next day lightly (maybe just a swim).

Last time, the nurse said that I'm a beginner nurse's dreams because the good veins in my arms are so easy to find.

2007-06-18 10:02 AM
in reply to: #848291

Las Vegas
Subject: RE: Why don't you donate blood?
I love to donate, but never have the time.  I am one of those guys that sees the setup in the mall, while I am out to lunch, throws down a quickie, and calls it good.  I don't like to schedule appointments, because something always takes precedence.
2007-06-18 10:09 AM
in reply to: #848291

Subject: RE: Why don't you donate blood?
My previous doctor was convinced that me trying to pass out seven weeks after donating blood was related to donating blood, so i'm not supposed to donate. She told me that if i can go ten years without trying to faint, i can donate. Ha.

And i'm a B-, too.
2007-06-18 10:36 AM
in reply to: #848291

Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea
Subject: RE: Why don't you donate blood?

'Cause I'm a huge wimp! I really want to donate. I really, really do! I'm not afraid of being stuck but I know with 100% certainty that I can't watch myself being stuck. I passed out in college during an allergy test. The nurse was going to do four shots on the inside of each forearm using large bore angled tip needles designed to go between the layers of skin so they can test the reaction. I watched as she got through one arm and was about to start another when things got hazy. This happened again when I was having a test to check my kidneys (IPV?) and the radiologist shot right through the big fat vein in my arm and filled up my elbow with whatever contrast solution they use. I was lying flat that time and still nearly passed out!

I really want to donate 'cause its the right thing to do but I'm just a tad gun shy...  

2007-06-18 10:57 AM
in reply to: #848291

Spring (Houston), TX
Subject: RE: Why don't you donate blood?
I have several times before. I tried to just a few weeks ago and they wouldn't let me. I was born with 3 heart defects (called Tetrology of Fallot). They were surgically corrected when I was six, but MD Anderson Cancer Center's blood bank lists my heart issues as a reason to not give. There's nothing wrong with my blood - it has something to do with my safety. I might be able to give through the Red Cross. Haven't tried that yet.
2007-06-18 11:03 AM
in reply to: #848588

Subject: RE: Why don't you donate blood?
Matchman - 2007-06-18 10:36 AM

'Cause I'm a huge wimp! I really want to donate. I really, really do! I'm not afraid of being stuck but I know with 100% certainty that I can't watch myself being stuck. I passed out in college during an allergy test. The nurse was going to do four shots on the inside of each forearm using large bore angled tip needles designed to go between the layers of skin so they can test the reaction. I watched as she got through one arm and was about to start another when things got hazy. This happened again when I was having a test to check my kidneys (IPV?) and the radiologist shot right through the big fat vein in my arm and filled up my elbow with whatever contrast solution they use. I was lying flat that time and still nearly passed out!

I really want to donate 'cause its the right thing to do but I'm just a tad gun shy...  

Tom, just don't watch!  Close your eyes, or find something fascinating to stare out on the other side of the room, but under NO circumstances should the squeamish actually see the process happen.  When I COULD donate, I just turned my head away.

And I always gave them my right (dominant) arm, because they once had trouble finding the veins in my left.  Right, no problem.

And I was the SLOWEST donor ever - small veins, low blood pressure, I don't know what it was.  They would complain about the eternity it took me to fill a pint.  While not looking.

The only time I ever came close to passing out, i hadn't eaten enough prior.  Eat a burrito, donate... and don't look!

2007-06-18 11:09 AM
in reply to: #848291

In limbo
Subject: RE: Why don't you donate blood?
I'm lazy....I always donate when they bring the stuff to me (school blood drives and that kind of thing) but actually making an appointment and fidning a time to drive myself down there to give just seems like too much work....
2007-06-18 11:16 AM
in reply to: #848685

Subject: ...
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Edited by SweetK 2007-06-18 11:16 AM
2007-06-18 11:20 AM
in reply to: #848291

San Jose, CA
Subject: RE: Why don't you donate blood?

I am gay...they won't take my blood


But when I worked for the YMCA I started organizing blood drives with the American Red Cross...

Edited by runningwoof 2007-06-18 11:21 AM
2007-06-18 11:37 AM
in reply to: #848291

Portland, Oregon
Subject: RE: Why don't you donate blood?

The last time I gave blood I had a bruise bigger than my palm that travelled up and down my arm from low bicep to mid-forearm. Lasted for weeks, and turned every color a bruise can turn. Since it was summer, I couldn't wear sleeves all the time to cover it and spent weeks answering questions from strangers on what kind of gangrene I had. Then they would inflict their blood-giving/misc. medical/unrelated neighbor's bruise stories on me.

Give me a good phlebotomist and I would be happy to give again. No more hack attacks though.

And I HAVE to watch. LOL!

2007-06-18 11:38 AM
in reply to: #848291

Carlsbad, California
Subject: RE: Why don't you donate blood?
I used to be really good about giving blood and have probably already given more than most do.

I stopped when I had a really bad experience during training with giving blood. Seemed to take forever to recover from the experience and I ended up getting sick from being run down.

The literature is a bit misleading. (At least it was on the topic of recovery) It said that you should be recovered in a couple of days. In reality, although the blood volume does recover in a fairly short period of time, it seemed like the red blood cell counts took quite a while to bounce back. (As well as my immunity)

Unless it is an emergency, I won't even do blood draws for lab work while I am training

2007-06-18 12:41 PM
in reply to: #848291

Subject: RE: Why don't you donate blood?
I am probably still not eligable - malaria.  It has been almost 3 years now....   I might be good to go soon.....
2007-06-18 12:49 PM
in reply to: #848291

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2007-06-18 12:51 PM
in reply to: #848291

Subject: RE: Why don't you donate blood?
Geez..there are some pretty f..ing scary stories here.  Guess Ive been lucky...so farSmile
2007-06-18 1:07 PM
in reply to: #848291

Subject: RE: Why don't you donate blood?
Not eligible.  Lived in Europe during the great Mad Cow Disease scare and have to wait until 2009 before I am eligible again.  Kinda strange if you ask me...
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