Subject: Ironman 70.3 AustinGOALS AND PRs
In April of this year (6 months ago ) I completed my first 70.3 in a time of 7h 3m. This weekend I smashed that time with 6h 13m. My goal for this race was 6h 30m. I knew I would have to be nearly perfect in my capability on all 3 legs to achieve that. Beating my goal by more than 15 minutes was just icing on the cake. 2 big lessons I learned from this.
#1 I am a better athlete than I give myself credit for and #2 it is possible to complete a ½ ironman without giving up your life as a dad, a husband, a business owner, and someone who is very active in their church. I showed tremendous balance these last 6 months and was rewarded with a day that was spectacular for my ability.
I have a training partner that is very close in my capability on Swim, Bike and Run. He is a slightly better runner because he has been running longer than I. For the last 6 months leading up to this race he has been heckling me because he is training 15-16 hour weeks and I have been training 7 hour weeks. With my ultimate goal of Full Ironman next May I made a deal with my wife that I would only train less than 10 hours a week until December but in December I would have to really step up the volume. We have 2 small boys and it just isn’t fair to her for me to be gone all the time. That said I spent the hours I did train very specific and very strategic. My friend spent his time low intensity high volume. The end result was that I beat him by 15 minutes! He didn’t have a bad day, I just had a great day. I performed to my best ability on every sport. I’m sold on quality training and not necessarily just getting the miles in.
The other big important detail….2 years ago I was 260 pounds with high blood pressure, an eating disorder, and just overall unhappy. Today I’m 180 pounds with a smile on my face from ear to ear, a better husband, a better father, a better Christian, and a Triathlete. I’m a 3 x sprint distance finisher and a 2 x 70.3 finisher and in May 2014 hope to hear the words “Jonathan, You are an Ironman!”
Edited by JJ- 2013-10-29 11:20 AM
United States
World Triathlon Corporation
Overall Rank = /
Age Group =
Age Group Rank = 0/
I did some dynamic stretching then swam about 25 yards and back once I got in the water. There is no official pre-race swim warmup so you can only do what you have time for once you enter the water.