BT Development Mentor Program Archives » More Manatee Mayhem - 2017 Edition - Closed Rss Feed  
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2017-01-11 11:06 AM
in reply to: Richardsdrr

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: More Manatee Mayhem - 2017 Edition

Originally posted by Richardsdrr

. Does anyone find all the other social interactions, ie. Strava, facebook etc. has diluted the interaction on BT?


Out of interest, who on here is currently actively following a TrainerRoad plan?

Yes, along with the site redesign a couple (few?) years ago and the banning of some key participants.

I've followed a TR plan in the past (and currently have one set up but due to injury I've been ignoring when I open the app ).  One thing that I will say is that the build and specialty plans are HARD.  You had better have your FTP accurate or you could be in for a world of hurt.  I've had better success cherry-picking certain rides on TR that I find challenging and mesh well with my goals, rather than sticking to a stock plan (though I'll certainly steal some rides from them).  Hope that helps!

2017-01-11 1:12 PM
in reply to: StaceyK

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Alpharetta, Georgia
Bronze member
Subject: RE: More Manatee Mayhem - 2017 Edition

Originally posted by StaceyK
Originally posted by Rileyvb91 I'm very new to being a beginner and I'm forced to run/walk all my runs as of now. Right now I run 5' walk 1'. Whats the best way to increase the time I'm running for? Currently with my overall distance I'm sticking to the 10% rule and feel very comfortable with the distances I'm running now.
I use run/walk for all of my runs (old and fat and new to running). In the past I have just increased the run interval by 30 seconds when I feel like I am a little too comfortable with the current time. But I always keep my walk at 1 minute. If you wanted to eventually go with out the walk then you could increase your run by 10-15 seconds and reduce the walk by 10-15 seconds each week until you are just running. In the past I found this the easiest way to do it without hurting myself.

Same here, especially for distance running. I'm currently training for a 55K in six weeks  and do a 3:1 or 4:1 interval on all of my runs. Every now and then I'll skip the walk intervals on a shorter run, or try out a 9:1 interval to mix things up. For me, I'm not necessarily interested in getting faster (that ship has sailed!) but being able to go further and longer. So for that reason (does it sound like I'm a Shark on Shark Tank to anyone else? LOL) I continue to insert the walk interval to stay comfortable.

As with everything, Your Mileage May Vary, YMMV (quite literally!).

2017-01-11 2:22 PM
in reply to: lisac957

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: More Manatee Mayhem - 2017 Edition

Originally posted by lisac957

Originally posted by StaceyK
Originally posted by Rileyvb91 I'm very new to being a beginner and I'm forced to run/walk all my runs as of now. Right now I run 5' walk 1'. Whats the best way to increase the time I'm running for? Currently with my overall distance I'm sticking to the 10% rule and feel very comfortable with the distances I'm running now.
I use run/walk for all of my runs (old and fat and new to running). In the past I have just increased the run interval by 30 seconds when I feel like I am a little too comfortable with the current time. But I always keep my walk at 1 minute. If you wanted to eventually go with out the walk then you could increase your run by 10-15 seconds and reduce the walk by 10-15 seconds each week until you are just running. In the past I found this the easiest way to do it without hurting myself.

Same here, especially for distance running. I'm currently training for a 55K in six weeks  and do a 3:1 or 4:1 interval on all of my runs. Every now and then I'll skip the walk intervals on a shorter run, or try out a 9:1 interval to mix things up. For me, I'm not necessarily interested in getting faster (that ship has sailed!) but being able to go further and longer. So for that reason (does it sound like I'm a Shark on Shark Tank to anyone else? LOL) I continue to insert the walk interval to stay comfortable.

As with everything, Your Mileage May Vary, YMMV (quite literally!).

I am currently fighting off PF and have been taking walk breaks every mile. This has been an issue for me since Sept/Oct. I didn't used to, and I'm going to stop doing so soon, I just want to be comfortable for a week or so. My experience has been that I should be back to "full" runs shortly, which will be slow, but non-walking.

OK, I have a few questions to go along with my experience, please excuse me if you've answered these already:

  1. Why are you forced to do intervals at this time?
  2. What kind of consistency/mileage are you currently running?
  3. What type of speeds are you generally running at this time and what type of standalone speeds do you race at?
  4. What is "comfortable" as you used it above in relation to distance?

Much like the others above, I am not fast.  But I have been faster than I am now, which came about through consistency, repetition, increased volume, and time. Lisa mentioned her 55K race coming up  and she has been consistent in her training plan on that for a while now. So long term time investment is quite helpful. Also you can decrease your walking time like Stacey mentioned, even if you just do it on occasional runs.

I would stick to the "run more often" train of thought and just take time to build strength, conditioning and comfort. Note that I say more often, not further. 15 miles per week is still 15 miles, whether done all at once or in 15 sessions.

2017-01-12 6:37 AM
in reply to: cdban66

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Caerphilly, Wales, uk.
Subject: RE: More Manatee Mayhem - 2017 Edition
Tried out my Altra I had for Christmas yesterday. Thought I'd take it easy and break them in with a slow 5 km. Oh boy, feels like the muscle either side of my achieves on my left foot is one big knot. How did any of you Altra (zero drop type shoe) users adapt to yours?
2017-01-12 7:08 AM
in reply to: cdban66

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: More Manatee Mayhem - 2017 Edition

Originally posted by cdban66

Originally posted by lisac957

Originally posted by StaceyK
Originally posted by Rileyvb91 I'm very new to being a beginner and I'm forced to run/walk all my runs as of now. Right now I run 5' walk 1'. Whats the best way to increase the time I'm running for? Currently with my overall distance I'm sticking to the 10% rule and feel very comfortable with the distances I'm running now.
I use run/walk for all of my runs (old and fat and new to running). In the past I have just increased the run interval by 30 seconds when I feel like I am a little too comfortable with the current time. But I always keep my walk at 1 minute. If you wanted to eventually go with out the walk then you could increase your run by 10-15 seconds and reduce the walk by 10-15 seconds each week until you are just running. In the past I found this the easiest way to do it without hurting myself.

Same here, especially for distance running. I'm currently training for a 55K in six weeks  and do a 3:1 or 4:1 interval on all of my runs. Every now and then I'll skip the walk intervals on a shorter run, or try out a 9:1 interval to mix things up. For me, I'm not necessarily interested in getting faster (that ship has sailed!) but being able to go further and longer. So for that reason (does it sound like I'm a Shark on Shark Tank to anyone else? LOL) I continue to insert the walk interval to stay comfortable.

As with everything, Your Mileage May Vary, YMMV (quite literally!).

I am currently fighting off PF and have been taking walk breaks every mile. This has been an issue for me since Sept/Oct. I didn't used to, and I'm going to stop doing so soon, I just want to be comfortable for a week or so. My experience has been that I should be back to "full" runs shortly, which will be slow, but non-walking.

OK, I have a few questions to go along with my experience, please excuse me if you've answered these already:

  1. Why are you forced to do intervals at this time?
  2. What kind of consistency/mileage are you currently running?
  3. What type of speeds are you generally running at this time and what type of standalone speeds do you race at?
  4. What is "comfortable" as you used it above in relation to distance?

Much like the others above, I am not fast.  But I have been faster than I am now, which came about through consistency, repetition, increased volume, and time. Lisa mentioned her 55K race coming up  and she has been consistent in her training plan on that for a while now. So long term time investment is quite helpful. Also you can decrease your walking time like Stacey mentioned, even if you just do it on occasional runs.

I would stick to the "run more often" train of thought and just take time to build strength, conditioning and comfort. Note that I say more often, not further. 15 miles per week is still 15 miles, whether done all at once or in 15 sessions.

My experience is that frequency trumps distance for the same volume, so I've been healthier (and faster) doing something like 5-3-3-2-2 on 15 mpw than 6-5-4, with the caveat of making sure that my longest run is longer time-wise (not distance-wise) than my target race time.

That takes some real commitment to getting in those short runs, but that's worked best for me.  I used to run home from the pool after Masters practice and it was 1.2 miles, or I would jump on the treadmill for 15 minutes before the trainer.  It all counts. 

2017-01-12 7:10 AM
in reply to: Richardsdrr

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: More Manatee Mayhem - 2017 Edition

Originally posted by Richardsdrr Tried out my Altra I had for Christmas yesterday. Thought I'd take it easy and break them in with a slow 5 km. Oh boy, feels like the muscle either side of my achieves on my left foot is one big knot. How did any of you Altra (zero drop type shoe) users adapt to yours?

I didn't.  I went for 2 short (like 1 mile) runs in my Newtons, got achilles tendonosis and promptly ended that experiment.  

2017-01-12 7:35 AM
in reply to: 0

Northern IL
Subject: RE: More Manatee Mayhem - 2017 Edition

Originally posted by Richardsdrr Tried out my Altra I had for Christmas yesterday. Thought I'd take it easy and break them in with a slow 5 km. Oh boy, feels like the muscle either side of my achieves on my left foot is one big knot. How did any of you Altra (zero drop type shoe) users adapt to yours?

Slowed down some. Ran shorter, 5k isn't really that short in this context. Broke the run up a little, like some of the other discussion is going. The adaptation time can be quick or take awhile. There may be some stride adaptations to figure out. For some there will be more, others less. Think it helped be having already been in 4mm shoes for some time.

ETA: Which ones did you get?

Edited by brigby1 2017-01-12 8:06 AM
2017-01-12 9:07 AM
in reply to: 0

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: More Manatee Mayhem - 2017 Edition

Originally posted by jmhpsu93

Originally posted by Richardsdrr Tried out my Altra I had for Christmas yesterday. Thought I'd take it easy and break them in with a slow 5 km. Oh boy, feels like the muscle either side of my achieves on my left foot is one big knot. How did any of you Altra (zero drop type shoe) users adapt to yours?

I didn't.  I went for 2 short (like 1 mile) runs in my Newtons, got achilles tendonosis and promptly ended that experiment.  

^^^^ Although mine was One walk/Intense pain/Give up!

To piggyback off something from Ben, I bet going from 10->8->4->0 could be a nice way to go about it. Or some such step down.

Edited by cdban66 2017-01-12 9:09 AM
2017-01-12 9:08 AM
in reply to: Richardsdrr

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: More Manatee Mayhem - 2017 Edition

Originally posted by Richardsdrr Tried out my Altra I had for Christmas yesterday. Thought I'd take it easy and break them in with a slow 5 km. Oh boy, feels like the muscle either side of my achieves on my left foot is one big knot. How did any of you Altra (zero drop type shoe) users adapt to yours?

I wore them just walking around to get my legs used to them. I adore them and, since my foot surgery, they are the only shoes I can wear. They have no stitching or seam where my scar is. Oh... and I also put in a cushier insole.

2017-01-12 9:29 AM
in reply to: 0

Northern IL
Subject: RE: More Manatee Mayhem - 2017 Edition

Originally posted by cdban66

Originally posted by jmhpsu93

Originally posted by Richardsdrr Tried out my Altra I had for Christmas yesterday. Thought I'd take it easy and break them in with a slow 5 km. Oh boy, feels like the muscle either side of my achieves on my left foot is one big knot. How did any of you Altra (zero drop type shoe) users adapt to yours?

I didn't.  I went for 2 short (like 1 mile) runs in my Newtons, got achilles tendonosis and promptly ended that experiment.  

^^^^ Although mine was One walk/Intense pain/Give up!

To piggyback off something from Ben, I bet going from 10->8->4->0 could be a nice way to go about it. Or some such step down.

Maybe. I went from something I don't know to 4 and then to 0. It wasn't really planned. I just liked the 4mm shoes (Kinvaras) quite a bit and didn't have later plans at the time. Just more running with them.

From what I've read though, if one does jump then maybe down to 2-4mm and then to zero. Have heard that many can handle down to the first well after getting through the transition. The last one to zero can be the most notable even when already that low. There are enough significant factors and nuances to this that it's difficult at best to give an outright recommendation though. More trying to do the best you can and be patient.

Edited by brigby1 2017-01-12 9:33 AM
2017-01-12 9:31 AM
in reply to: ceilidh

Northern IL
Subject: RE: More Manatee Mayhem - 2017 Edition

Originally posted by ceilidh

Originally posted by Richardsdrr Tried out my Altra I had for Christmas yesterday. Thought I'd take it easy and break them in with a slow 5 km. Oh boy, feels like the muscle either side of my achieves on my left foot is one big knot. How did any of you Altra (zero drop type shoe) users adapt to yours?

I wore them just walking around to get my legs used to them. I adore them and, since my foot surgery, they are the only shoes I can wear. They have no stitching or seam where my scar is. Oh... and I also put in a cushier insole.

I'm just getting into some of their everyday shoes. Liking so far.

2017-01-12 10:00 AM
in reply to: brigby1

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: More Manatee Mayhem - 2017 Edition

Remedial Inspire Education

Yesterday during the BT outage, some of us were talking on Strava and someone said, "I have no idea what inspires are.

Inspires are a way for other folks on BT to comment on your workout or your blog. Sometimes someone way say, "Nice run!" if you have just posted a run or, if you use your training log as a training blog, they might comment on your day with something like, "Hang in there, I know that PT can be frustrating!" or "What a beautiful sunrise!"  An inspire is a special BT thing.  I've never seen anything like it on another site.  Inspires are a great way to get to know one another on BT.

When someone posts an inspire, it is not a private message between you and the poster.  Other people who inspire you on that same day can see what previous posters have written.

How do you know if you have an inspire?  Look in the upper right corner of your BT screen and it will tell you.  Click the # new inspires and BT will take you to the entry in your training log that is associated with the inspire.

Alternatively, if there is a number in the the "Inspire Me" button in your training log, you can click that to see the inspires for that day.

To reply to an inspire, click the reply button next to the inspire that you are replying to.  In the case below, when I click reply, it will post the response to Socks and she will see it in her inspires.  She can then respond back if she cares to.


2017-01-12 10:34 AM
in reply to: jmkizer

Northern IL
Subject: RE: More Manatee Mayhem - 2017 Edition

Was anything said about privacy levels with the logs and friending people? I'm aware of three levels: completely open to anyone, friends only, and just me. I have it set to friends only. I have to add everyone to my friends list to do that. At the same setting, they would have to add me to theirs for me to see them. I try to make sure everyone in the group can see. Usually done the easy way by letting Chris & Janyne put the table at the top of their training log first. I try to make sure everyone is included, but there are usually one or two that are restricted and can't get to the friend button on their page.

2017-01-12 10:52 AM
in reply to: 0

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: More Manatee Mayhem - 2017 Edition

Originally posted by brigby1

Was anything said about privacy levels with the logs and friending people? I'm aware of three levels: completely open to anyone, friends only, and just me. I have it set to friends only. I have to add everyone to my friends list to do that. At the same setting, they would have to add me to theirs for me to see them. I try to make sure everyone in the group can see. Usually done the easy way by letting Chris & Janyne put the table at the top of their training log first. I try to make sure everyone is included, but there are usually one or two that are restricted and can't get to the friend button on their page.

There is a fourth - BT Members

 I think my table is done at this point, but you never can be sure

Edited by cdban66 2017-01-12 10:54 AM


settings.jpg (25KB - 3 downloads)
2017-01-12 10:53 AM
in reply to: jmkizer

User image

Denver, Colorado
Subject: RE: More Manatee Mayhem - 2017 Edition
Originally posted by jmkizer

Remedial Inspire Education

Yesterday during the BT outage, some of us were talking on Strava and someone said, "I have no idea what inspires are.

Inspires are a way for other folks on BT to comment on your workout or your blog. Sometimes someone way say, "Nice run!" if you have just posted a run or, if you use your training log as a training blog, they might comment on your day with something like, "Hang in there, I know that PT can be frustrating!" or "What a beautiful sunrise!"  An inspire is a special BT thing.  I've never seen anything like it on another site.  Inspires are a great way to get to know one another on BT.

When someone posts an inspire, it is not a private message between you and the poster.  Other people who inspire you on that same day can see what previous posters have written.

How do you know if you have an inspire?  Look in the upper right corner of your BT screen and it will tell you.  Click the # new inspires and BT will take you to the entry in your training log that is associated with the inspire.

Alternatively, if there is a number in the the "Inspire Me" button in your training log, you can click that to see the inspires for that day.

To reply to an inspire, click the reply button next to the inspire that you are replying to.  In the case below, when I click reply, it will post the response to Socks and she will see it in her inspires.  She can then respond back if she cares to.


Thanks for Inspires 101 tutorial, Janyne I remember when I first came to this site and someone sent me the inspire. When I wanted to read it again couple days later I could not find it! By clicking here and there I found the log, the blog, and all the inspire crazyness
2017-01-12 10:53 AM
in reply to: brigby1

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: More Manatee Mayhem - 2017 Edition

Originally posted by brigby1

Was anything said about privacy levels with the logs and friending people? I'm aware of three levels: completely open to anyone, friends only, and just me. I have it set to friends only. I have to add everyone to my friends list to do that. At the same setting, they would have to add me to theirs for me to see them. I try to make sure everyone in the group can see. Usually done the easy way by letting Chris & Janyne put the table at the top of their training log first. I try to make sure everyone is included, but there are usually one or two that are restricted and can't get to the friend button on their page.

Good point, Ben!

Training logs have a closed setting, which is fine if you're not a Manatee but we look at each other's logs to help each other so we ask that people please use one of the other settings as a condition of membership.

The other settings are open to anyone and friends-only.  If you want to do friends-only, please use a roster of Manatees to friend us all in the manner that Ben mentioned above (Ben, be sure to include me!).

2017-01-12 10:54 AM
in reply to: marysia83

User image

Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: More Manatee Mayhem - 2017 Edition

Originally posted by marysia83
Originally posted by jmkizer

Remedial Inspire Education

Yesterday during the BT outage, some of us were talking on Strava and someone said, "I have no idea what inspires are.

Inspires are a way for other folks on BT to comment on your workout or your blog. Sometimes someone way say, "Nice run!" if you have just posted a run or, if you use your training log as a training blog, they might comment on your day with something like, "Hang in there, I know that PT can be frustrating!" or "What a beautiful sunrise!"  An inspire is a special BT thing.  I've never seen anything like it on another site.  Inspires are a great way to get to know one another on BT.

When someone posts an inspire, it is not a private message between you and the poster.  Other people who inspire you on that same day can see what previous posters have written.

How do you know if you have an inspire?  Look in the upper right corner of your BT screen and it will tell you.  Click the # new inspires and BT will take you to the entry in your training log that is associated with the inspire.

Alternatively, if there is a number in the the "Inspire Me" button in your training log, you can click that to see the inspires for that day.

To reply to an inspire, click the reply button next to the inspire that you are replying to.  In the case below, when I click reply, it will post the response to Socks and she will see it in her inspires.  She can then respond back if she cares to.


Thanks for Inspires 101 tutorial, Janyne I remember when I first came to this site and someone sent me the inspire. When I wanted to read it again couple days later I could not find it! By clicking here and there I found the log, the blog, and all the inspire crazyness

I once had someone reply, WHO ARE YOU?! to an inspire

2017-01-12 10:56 AM
in reply to: jmkizer

User image

Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: More Manatee Mayhem - 2017 Edition

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by brigby1

Was anything said about privacy levels with the logs and friending people? I'm aware of three levels: completely open to anyone, friends only, and just me. I have it set to friends only. I have to add everyone to my friends list to do that. At the same setting, they would have to add me to theirs for me to see them. I try to make sure everyone in the group can see. Usually done the easy way by letting Chris & Janyne put the table at the top of their training log first. I try to make sure everyone is included, but there are usually one or two that are restricted and can't get to the friend button on their page.

Good point, Ben!

Training logs have a closed setting, which is fine if you're not a Manatee but we look at each other's logs to help each other so we ask that people please use one of the other settings as a condition of membership.

The other settings are open to anyone and friends-only.  If you want to do friends-only, please use a roster of Manatees to friend us all in the manner that Ben mentioned above (Ben, be sure to include me!).

Yeah Ben, me too.

Another aspect I would encourage is logging workouts. It is easier to make a training recommendation when you know where someone is in their training.

2017-01-12 10:57 AM
in reply to: lisac957

User image

Denver, Colorado
Subject: RE: More Manatee Mayhem - 2017 Edition
Originally posted by lisac957

Originally posted by StaceyK
Originally posted by Rileyvb91 I'm very new to being a beginner and I'm forced to run/walk all my runs as of now. Right now I run 5' walk 1'. Whats the best way to increase the time I'm running for? Currently with my overall distance I'm sticking to the 10% rule and feel very comfortable with the distances I'm running now.
I use run/walk for all of my runs (old and fat and new to running). In the past I have just increased the run interval by 30 seconds when I feel like I am a little too comfortable with the current time. But I always keep my walk at 1 minute. If you wanted to eventually go with out the walk then you could increase your run by 10-15 seconds and reduce the walk by 10-15 seconds each week until you are just running. In the past I found this the easiest way to do it without hurting myself.

Same here, especially for distance running. I'm currently training for a 55K in six weeks  and do a 3:1 or 4:1 interval on all of my runs. Every now and then I'll skip the walk intervals on a shorter run, or try out a 9:1 interval to mix things up. For me, I'm not necessarily interested in getting faster (that ship has sailed!) but being able to go further and longer. So for that reason (does it sound like I'm a Shark on Shark Tank to anyone else? LOL) I continue to insert the walk interval to stay comfortable.

As with everything, Your Mileage May Vary, YMMV (quite literally!).

I used to do run/walk strategy and it worked for me fairly well. I just run for ten minutes, walk for one or two - depending how I felt. But for about over a year now I followed BarryP plan (not entirely, just the main ideas) and I run all the time - just very, very slow. Everyone is different, and different things help different people, but running slower helped me a lot.
2017-01-12 11:01 AM
in reply to: cdban66

User image

Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: More Manatee Mayhem - 2017 Edition

Originally posted by cdban66

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by brigby1

Was anything said about privacy levels with the logs and friending people? I'm aware of three levels: completely open to anyone, friends only, and just me. I have it set to friends only. I have to add everyone to my friends list to do that. At the same setting, they would have to add me to theirs for me to see them. I try to make sure everyone in the group can see. Usually done the easy way by letting Chris & Janyne put the table at the top of their training log first. I try to make sure everyone is included, but there are usually one or two that are restricted and can't get to the friend button on their page.

Good point, Ben!

Training logs have a closed setting, which is fine if you're not a Manatee but we look at each other's logs to help each other so we ask that people please use one of the other settings as a condition of membership.

The other settings are open to anyone and friends-only.  If you want to do friends-only, please use a roster of Manatees to friend us all in the manner that Ben mentioned above (Ben, be sure to include me!).

Yeah Ben, me too.

Another aspect I would encourage is logging workouts. It is easier to make a training recommendation when you know where someone is in their training.

Of course! Training logs being open is only useful if people actually log training!  Hopefully something a bit more than an auto import.  ;-)

2017-01-12 12:19 PM
in reply to: jmkizer

User image

Bronze member
Subject: RE: More Manatee Mayhem - 2017 Edition

Originally posted by jmkizer

Remedial Inspire Education

Yesterday during the BT outage, some of us were talking on Strava and someone said, "I have no idea what inspires are.

Inspires are a way for other folks on BT to comment on your workout or your blog. Sometimes someone way say, "Nice run!" if you have just posted a run or, if you use your training log as a training blog, they might comment on your day with something like, "Hang in there, I know that PT can be frustrating!" or "What a beautiful sunrise!"  An inspire is a special BT thing.  I've never seen anything like it on another site.  Inspires are a great way to get to know one another on BT.

When someone posts an inspire, it is not a private message between you and the poster.  Other people who inspire you on that same day can see what previous posters have written.

How do you know if you have an inspire?  Look in the upper right corner of your BT screen and it will tell you.  Click the # new inspires and BT will take you to the entry in your training log that is associated with the inspire.

Alternatively, if there is a number in the the "Inspire Me" button in your training log, you can click that to see the inspires for that day.

To reply to an inspire, click the reply button next to the inspire that you are replying to.  In the case below, when I click reply, it will post the response to Socks and she will see it in her inspires.  She can then respond back if she cares to.


Inspires are fantastic. They have helped me keep my head above water many a time. Inspires along with the ability to have groups like this make BT a way better social site (IMHO) that any other I have seen. Add to that the logging of training, nutrition, etc. It keeps me here.

2017-01-12 12:24 PM
in reply to: jmkizer

User image

Caerphilly, Wales, uk.
Subject: RE: More Manatee Mayhem - 2017 Edition
Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by marysia83
Originally posted by jmkizer

Remedial Inspire Education

Yesterday during the BT outage, some of us were talking on Strava and someone said, "I have no idea what inspires are.

Inspires are a way for other folks on BT to comment on your workout or your blog. Sometimes someone way say, "Nice run!" if you have just posted a run or, if you use your training log as a training blog, they might comment on your day with something like, "Hang in there, I know that PT can be frustrating!" or "What a beautiful sunrise!"  An inspire is a special BT thing.  I've never seen anything like it on another site.  Inspires are a great way to get to know one another on BT.

When someone posts an inspire, it is not a private message between you and the poster.  Other people who inspire you on that same day can see what previous posters have written.

How do you know if you have an inspire?  Look in the upper right corner of your BT screen and it will tell you.  Click the # new inspires and BT will take you to the entry in your training log that is associated with the inspire.

Alternatively, if there is a number in the the "Inspire Me" button in your training log, you can click that to see the inspires for that day.

To reply to an inspire, click the reply button next to the inspire that you are replying to.  In the case below, when I click reply, it will post the response to Socks and she will see it in her inspires.  She can then respond back if she cares to.


Thanks for Inspires 101 tutorial, Janyne I remember when I first came to this site and someone sent me the inspire. When I wanted to read it again couple days later I could not find it! By clicking here and there I found the log, the blog, and all the inspire crazyness

I once had someone reply, WHO ARE YOU?! to an inspire

You're Jane with 2xN+Y aren't you?
2017-01-12 12:31 PM
in reply to: brigby1

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Caerphilly, Wales, uk.
Subject: RE: More Manatee Mayhem - 2017 Edition
Originally posted by brigby1

Originally posted by Richardsdrr Tried out my Altra I had for Christmas yesterday. Thought I'd take it easy and break them in with a slow 5 km. Oh boy, feels like the muscle either side of my achieves on my left foot is one big knot. How did any of you Altra (zero drop type shoe) users adapt to yours?

Slowed down some. Ran shorter, 5k isn't really that short in this context. Broke the run up a little, like some of the other discussion is going. The adaptation time can be quick or take awhile. There may be some stride adaptations to figure out. For some there will be more, others less. Think it helped be having already been in 4mm shoes for some time.

ETA: Which ones did you get?

I've bought the Lone Peak ones. Am going from Nike Pegasus, which I believe are 4mm. Have worn the shoes around the house a little, probably not enough :/ 5km was probably too much but I find any less a waste of time getting changed. May try some walk/run combo. I can't really run much slower so maybe that would be best.
2017-01-12 12:36 PM
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Caerphilly, Wales, uk.
Subject: RE: More Manatee Mayhem - 2017 Edition
Originally posted by Richardsdrr
Originally posted by brigby1

Originally posted by Richardsdrr Tried out my Altra I had for Christmas yesterday. Thought I'd take it easy and break them in with a slow 5 km. Oh boy, feels like the muscle either side of my achieves on my left foot is one big knot. How did any of you Altra (zero drop type shoe) users adapt to yours?

Slowed down some. Ran shorter, 5k isn't really that short in this context. Broke the run up a little, like some of the other discussion is going. The adaptation time can be quick or take awhile. There may be some stride adaptations to figure out. For some there will be more, others less. Think it helped be having already been in 4mm shoes for some time.

ETA: Which ones did you get?

I've bought the Lone Peak ones. Am going from Nike Pegasus, which I believe are 4mm. Have worn the shoes around the house a little, probably not enough :/ 5km was probably too much but I find any less a waste of time getting changed. May try some walk/run combo. I can't really run much slower so maybe that would be best.
I just searched for pagasus heel/toe drop. 13.8mm No wonder I felt it Edit:I think my 4mm ones were my Hokas, but I don't wear them much. I bought the Altra more for the extra roe box room. I suffer with my pinky getting blistered so thought these may help. Perhaps I'll dig the Hokas out to use.

Edited by Richardsdrr 2017-01-12 1:47 PM
2017-01-12 1:45 PM
in reply to: Richardsdrr

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Subject: RE: More Manatee Mayhem - 2017 Edition
I'll fess up that I'm the one (maybe not the only one?) who didn't know what inspires are. Based on what I've read from your explanations, I'm having a hard time understanding the difference between an "Inspire" and giving someone a thumbs up/commenting on Strava. As far as I know I'm following all the Manatee's and find it very easy to give shout outs on there given my garmin and Zwift auto-upload all my workouts there. Are people using both Strava and BT and giving shout-outs on both? Seems a bit redundant based on my newfound understanding of Inspires.
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