Javelin Sizzano review

  • Price Paid:$450.00
  • User rating:
  • Would buy again from this company: Yes
  • Used product for: 8 months
  • # of logged workouts: 0

"When buying my first bike for triathlons I lucked out and found the sale on the Javelin bikes. I have been very pleased with the performance of the bike."PhatNLazy


Took the bike to LBS and they had it assembled within the hour.


Such an easy bike to use. Once adjusted to my height I was off and pedeling.


Felt this was a great entry level tribike. Well built and no faults observed.


Some tweaking required after returning from the LBS but nothing that wasnt expected.


An entry level bike for under $500.00, what more can be said.


Great blue color. Goes with my eyes.


When I was purchasing the bike I spoke to the company several times. Very helpful with the order and shipping.


Faster than my Huffy!

Great entry level bike for the price. Can't be beat.

none noted.

Buyers clubSizzano
  • 4 people use
  • 59 workouts logged
  • 2555.39 miles / 185.48 hours logged