Beginner Triathlete - Heart-Rate articles

author : BradSeng
comments : 0
photoWhile running, I've been really struggling to keep my heart rate down in the zone 2-3 range as frequently prescribed in the plan. This seems too slow?
author : mikericci
comments : 6
photoI am a new runner and my heart rate spikes with a very small increase in effort. So, when I run 2 or 3 miles (non-stop), I jump up to Zone 3, 4, and 5 almost immediately. What can I do?
author : mikericci
comments : 7
photoTriathlon Coach explains Zone 1 and Zone 2 training and the benefits of each training zone
author : Coach AJ
comments : 2
photoIn this second part, AJ will show you how your training pace and heart rate training zones are setup from the results of your lactate threshold test.
author : Coach AJ
comments : 0
photoHave you been thinking about getting a lab test done to determine your Lactate Threshold number for generating precise heart-rate zones? Follow AJ as he subjects himself to this grueling test.
author : mikericci
comments : 0
photoIf you are just getting off the couch, chances are you aren’t in any shape for an all out 30 minute run or bike LT test. So, what should you do?
author : AMSSM
comments : 1
photoCPET physiology and the applications toward which CPET can be applied, with special attention to endurance athletes.
author : KevinKonczak
comments : 0
photoHighly trained athletes can maintain a specific HR longer than a newbie without much creeping; their endurance is greater—thus able to keep pace efficiently and without much additional increase in HR.
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photoCan you tell me how my LT and V02 max have not decreased after 8 months of absolutely no speedwork? I did very minimal running up until February 2005.
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photoYesterday I found that my heart rate was maxed at 95% and averaged 80% for the bike and run with no breathing problems. However, I just couldn't seem to get more out of my legs. Thoughts?
author : dara
comments : 0
photoAn explanation about how the cardiovascular system works, so that it makes more sense about how the human body responds to exercise in the heat.
author : mikericci
comments : 4
photoComparing Heart Rate Formulas: Age, Karvonen, Leger, MAF and Friel.
author : sherrick
comments : 2
avatarBecoming a Better Animal: How to Effectively Use Your Heart Rate Monitor.
author : sherrick
comments : 1
avatarBecoming a Better Animal: How to Effectively Use Your Heart Rate Monitor.
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