EFS Liquid Shot review

  • Price Paid:$6.50
  • User rating:
  • Would buy again from this company: Yes
  • Used product for: 1 months
  • # of logged workouts:

"i really like the new product from EFS and am glad the finally came out with this. the flask is reusable so if you can store it do so, but on race day you can toss them and not worry, also less trash unlike ripping the tops of of the gels cause who knows where the tab goes off the top"mac3116


real easy comes in a flask and has multiple servings in it, or you can get it in a 32oz bottle and refill flask


the flask of course is a bit bulkier then gel packs but in turn the flask holds 5oz. but it fits in hand or in a bag on the bike, flask holder also or in a tri top pocket


as far as price pre serving it is about the same a gels but not as thick


i got mine from EFS and the only thing ordering them is the mail time but they have never done me wrong. sure they wil have the liquid shot all over soon


i got a few of them to try and so far no problems. been skipping the regular fuel for longer rides just to use it and water or along with nuun

each flask has 400 sodium, 290 potassium, 1000 amino acids and 400 cals. and is much less cost wise to buy by the jug. the only flavor right now is vanilla but it is sweet and the ease of swallowing it is much better than some thick gels

none to report so far has been great

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