Pearl Izumi Gavia Jacket review

  • Price Paid:$159.99
  • User rating:
  • Would buy again from this company: Yes
  • Used product for: 1 years
  • # of logged workouts:

"A really outstanding cold weather cycling jacket. The main thing you want it to do is keep you warm- it does an excellent job."joker70


Really put together well.


A snug fit... which is good. I don't feel like it's slowing me down aerodynamically.


Really nice liner material. Feels so good!


Decent price for a cold weather cycling jacket


Mine is bright blue. I like it alot.


This jacket keeps you real warm on cold windy rides.

Warm but very breathable. Close fitting, so it doesn't feel like your wearing a parachute.

None I can think of really

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