Yankz! Sure Lace System review

  • Price Paid:$10.00
  • User rating:
  • Would buy again from this company: Yes
  • Used product for: 5 months
  • # of logged workouts:

"Overall quite happy with product and easy to use "cxk9758


Very easy to install, quite straight forward, and can cut the extra length of the shoe laces


slide in and start to run, found to be quite easy to use as the purpose of the product


Just like any lace can last quite a while


See above about how can customize


Can adjust everytime but can once you set it and then should be all set


yes as above


So far have run in rain and logged many miles on them


worth the extra time in the transition area saving


I belive they offer different colors


Worth the investment but make sure to practice on it before the race

Easy to install and use and great in transition area

None because if too tight then loosen them up or visa versa

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Buyers clubSure Lace System
  • 2 people use
  • 0 workouts logged
  • 55.23 miles / 8.06 hours logged