Kurt Kinetic Road Machine review

  • Price Paid:$225.00
  • User rating:
  • Would buy again from this company: Yes
  • Used product for: 3 months
  • # of logged workouts:

"All and all a great trainer."kslamp


I'm not sure I could have put it together the first time but it took my boyfriend less then five minutes. Still, the quick release is super easy to use.


The quick release makes getting the bike on and off a snap. Once your hooked up to the trainer, it is just like being on your bike outside.


Well made.


The trainer is adjustable and fits all three of our bikes.


It seems like it will hold up but if it doesn't there is a life-time warranty.


We paid $225 with free shipping from a dealer on E-Bay. I think it was a great value.


I'm not sure one buy's a trainer for looks but it is black and attractive enough.


The trainer give a great workout by shifting the gears on the bike. By switching out computer to the back wheel, we've been able to keep track of our workouts and the trainer is pretty much just like being out on the roads.

This fluid trainer gives you a great workout by working the gears on the bike. It is well made and seems like it is going to hold up well, though it has a life-time warranty if it doesn't.

In comparison to other fluid trainers it is quiet but it isn't really quiet. We also found it necessary to buy a block to stabilize our front tire especially if we want to get out of the saddle.

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Buyers clubRoad Machine
  • 158 people use
  • 9997 workouts logged
  • 180299 miles / 12068.4 hours logged