Zwift Indoor Cycling Tech review

  • Price Paid:$0.00
  • User rating:
  • Would buy again from this company: Yes
  • Used product for: 5 months
  • # of logged workouts:

"Zwift has made riding the trainer this winter and spring somewhat bearable. The graphics are unreal, allowing you to ride with people all around the world. A really great product for the trainer."m.a.burghart


Being Beta, it did have a few bugs to get worked out with the initial download.


It takes a bit of time for me to get my Ant+ worked out sometimes. I have never noticed the same thing occurring similar softwares (Trainer Road).


They have great forums and are quick to respond to questions or comments


It's really great. The graphics and 'islands' make riding on the trainer much more entertaining. Also fun to see others, and train with virtual power

Free (now), ride with others while still on trainer, virtual power

Won't be free forever, does require extra equipment

Buyers clubIndoor Cycling Tech
  • 4 people use
  • 143 workouts logged
  • 2953.23 miles / 148.83 hours logged