Comments: I can't believe how much trouble I had on the swim! I've done the exact same swim in the exact same pool probably 100 times! When I first pushed off the wall, my goggles flipped down and off my face- WTF! That has never happened to me before. Then I made an interesting discovery, I can't breathe when I don't have goggles on. Oops. So I fixed them and then pushed off and they came off again! Third time was a charm, but holy crap! I was really glad to be done. Looks like there's lots more swim practice on my docket. And I need to try to figure out how the heck I got my goggles to come off like that so I can avoid it next time. What would you do differently?: Not have my goggles fall off. And I'm going to practice swimming sans goggles now just in case of future disaster. My little brother (who went through BUD/S training with the Navy) says that water around the eyes can sometimes trick your body into thinking you're drowning. The Navy does lots of drown proofing relating to that, so I'm going to work on drown proofing myself a little bit. Transition 1
Comments: I lost my bike. It wasn't where I thought I put it. That needs to change next time, I knew where it was in relation to the setup entrance to transition, but not from where I was coming in or going out for any of the transitions. Otherwise the transition was pretty good. I put on my running shoes for this one because I don't have bike shoes yet. There was also a "dash" portion of this transition which is the time it takes to run from the pool area to the transition area. That took me 1:58. What would you do differently?: Next time I'll be scouting out my bike from every entrance to transition right after I set it up. That's really the only problem I had. Bike
Comments: The bike was good. I still have trouble drinking sweet stuff when I'm exerting myself, but I choked down about half a bottle of CytoMax to have a little more fuel for the end of the race. Otherwise I drank from my camelback which was good. I had ice in it - that is a trick worth repeating. What would you do differently?: I would not take a wrong turn, that's for sure! I didn't feel so bad because the other guy who did it was super fast and in an aero helmet, so I think he was much more experienced than me and obviously made the same mistake. Oh well! Transition 2
Comments: I lost my transition area again. I biked in my running shoes, so all I had to do was rack my bike, strip off my helmet, gloves and camelback. That all went pretty well except for racking my bike. My bike is a vintage Bianchi (vintage= heavy) so my bike was knocking over the rack- haha! I didn't want to get penalized for "throwing my bike down" so I had to do a little finessing to get it to stay put. What would you do differently?: See above. Find my transition area from all angles before I go for the swim. That's it really. I guess I should also learn how to get on and off my bike at a run. Run
Comments: It was a great run. I've never run such a painful 5k, but I've also never had the feeling that I could keep it up forever while running either. So I give it an A. What would you do differently?: Nothing. Post race
Warm down: Stretched a little, ate some Qdoba and walked around with my "fans" (aka family). Drank a whole gatorade too. What limited your ability to perform faster: Goggles, finding my bike, wrong turn. Event comments: My only real issue is that I was allowed to pass by people who were supposed to keep me on the correct path- they were literally stopping traffic in the intersection letting me go the wrong way. They were cops, so they get a little pass on that I guess since they're not official "race volunteers" but still, the other cops on the route kept me going the right direction. Oh- and the swims were an hour early? That was both good and bad- good because they were early so I got to go out earlier, bad because I had to call my family and make them get going a lot earlier than they thought. I told them to be there 40 minutes early, but that wasn't enough. They made it though. So all is well. Last updated: 2009-04-22 12:00 AM
United States
70F / 21C
Overall Rank = 313/533
Age Group = 25-29
Age Group Rank = 15/25
The night before I went over to Mom and Dad's (they're 5 minutes from the race, I'm an hour away). We ate Chipotle, I got an acupuncture treatment and sat in the infared sauna, then went to bed pretty early. I got up at 6, put new rim tape in and made sure my tires were good to go. I ate a bagel with cream cheese and jelly and then got dropped off at 8:30 for what should've been a 10:40 start. I set up transition, got to the pool area and got in line. Didn't warm up really but that was fine.