Comments: Took a nice slow pace. HR jumped right at the start. Swam off to the side to avoid any other swimmers as I was concentrating on pacing and sighting (this as a result of my first OWS performance). Just wanted to go at my own pace, keeping HR down and work on going straight, not zig zag. What would you do differently?: Just need more open water practice. Transition 1
Comments: Still having issues getting the wetsuit off. I bought it off my coach and am beginning to think it may be a size too small. Will be getting a new one by next race. Got a little dizzy when I had to bend down to get the suit off my heals. Took some deep breathes, finished changing gear, and off I went. What would you do differently?: Some more practice, but still really new at this. Bike
Comments: Tried a new drink for the bike, I do not like Heed, sorry, but it just tastes nasty and doesn't agree with me. Switched to my water bottle, not all the soap was rinsed from the mouth piece, stomach felt a little sick after these issues. So needless to say didn't get enough fluids in me, that would show up in the run. About the bike: Everything went good. Passed a lot of people right off and really didn't get passed until the later portions. My bike cpu had me at 19-21mph pretty much most of the race except for the straights with the head winds, there I was 17-18. (At the time of writing comments the official splits were not released) I felt really good and enjoyed this leg of the race. What would you do differently?: Not switch my drink, really could have used the fluids. Work on the higher gears in training, work some longer distances into my workouts. Transition 2
Comments: Could rack my bike, someone had knocked the rack down. Iactually passed it up because my source was gone. Lucky for me I was on the outside gate area, so I rested my bike there. As I was getting my running shoes on, volenteers began to reassemble the rack. Got some fresh water and was off. What would you do differently?: Didn't expect the rack to fall over. Run
Comments: Well, had very little to drink since the start of the race and about .75 miles in, my calve felt like two watermelons. They felt swollen and stiff, not cramping, just incredibly stiff and running became troublesome. I tried to stretch them out, and started to run again. At that point my shoes became untied- twice. I got to the turn around, did a little more walk-run before finishing the final .75 running. At least I didn't get any blisters this time! What would you do differently?: Don't switch my drink for the bike leg, and wash out the mouth piece of all soap residue! Need to concentrate on bike run brick workouts. Post race
Warm down: Ate the grub, and cheered on the finishes of fellow trainees, coach, and others. What limited your ability to perform faster: Still new to this. I want to loose about 15 more pounds, and need to do more workouts, running while tired. Had a great time. Event comments: Really enjoyed the announcer calling out the finishers. Got to hear my name as I crossed the finish line. Last updated: 2009-05-13 12:00 AM
United States
HFP Racing
82F / 28C
Overall Rank = 169/227
Age Group = 30-34
Age Group Rank = 15/15
Woke up at 4:30, got the gear packed up and set off for the race. It was about an 1:30 drive. Got there early enough to get timing chip and marked rather quickly. Set up transition and met with members and coach of my triathlon training group.
Light stretching with quick, short run. Got wetsuit on, went down to the water for quick warmup swim.