![]() Swim
Comments: As I watched the waves starting, I waited for my wave. I was in the last wave (4th) with 7 minutes in-between waves. Yikes my warm up is now shot. No problem, I was still smiling for I knew it was going to be a good day. Positive thoughts right! My wave was up, got in the water wading out over the rocks and I chose the inside buoy as my place to start. That choice turned out to be a winner for me. The horn sounded and I was off. Nice and even long strokes with nice body rolls. I was happily warming up. My shoulders and lats were all working and feeling nice. 1st yellow buoy OK James lets roll. Now I was starting to feel my rhythm. I started to apply power still nicely rolling with nice bilaterally breathing. Everything was going great. I was pulling strong and lifting my head every 8-10 strokes to get a sight. WOW sun glare big time! OK no problem, look to the left at the shore. Great that’s working and I was passing right by the buoys. There were plenty of buoys on this swim. Now past the halfway before the turn around. Still sun glare as I cut just inside a white intermediate buoy and there was a boat. Evasive action and hard left not missing a stroke and went right around. I even could here the comments “WOW look at that guy”. Made the turn at the BIG turtle and, for now, the sun glare was gone. My vision got better and thought to myself lets push some more. I was passing all kinds of colored swim caps. Man I was on fire in this swim. Underwater visibility was about 12-15 ft and I was looking for that pike and thought of KathyG. I got to the beach area where there was wide cross channel. The channel supported swells and I could feel myself actually riding them. By now this was over half way on the course. I caught sight of the BIG swan at the final turn around. As I approached the swan boat, which by the way was a pontoon boat with the sides in the profile of a swan, I thought round this thing and home stretch. I passed the swan boat so closely. I thought I heard the people in the boat say “What did he go under”. Last leg and the sun glare returned. I didn’t care it was full power. I was in such rhythm as a pulled my body threw the water. My breathing rhythm was unbelievable. I could feel my body really lift with each stroke and forceful kick. Not a lot of drafting opportunities. Seems like most people were way to the left of the buoys and I was so close to them. Rounded the last buoys with a hard left and there was the red arch swim finish. As I pulled looking for the bottom, it was so stirred up with silt; I finally sensed it and stood up. As the RD promised the rocks were cleared at the swim finish and I ran out of the water. I stripped my cap, goggles and suit top off as I passed under the arch. I here Stacy say “Go James” and made eye contact and threw her my top and goggles. Boy, I love that woman! Where would I be without my loving supportive wife? She got real miffed at this guy because as I threw the wetsuit top this guy turned to Stacy and said, “Your son just threw you his stuff”. She was not happy. What would you do differently?: Use my tinted goggles which I had in my transition bag. Other than that not much, maybe go even harder. I would say this was the best OWS swim I ever did in a half iron race. Truly amazing for me! I am so happy with my performance. Makes me wonder how much better I will get. ![]() Transition 1
Comments: This was a disaster in my book. I did not panic in light of this. I never had to dawn on so much clothing in a tri. I new I needed to wear what I did and I even rehearsed this the night before. Due to my time spent in T1 I decided not to wear the knee warmers or socks. I got into transition, finished removing my wetsuit and dried my arms. I got my arm warmers over my hands and they just stuck. I fought them for what seemed forever. Got my Jersey on, loaded my pockets and then put on my vest. Because the start was on a grade right outside of the bike mount I didn’t leave my shoes clipped into my peddles so I needed to put them on. Then put on my glasses, helmet and removed my bike and headed out of transition. I was not happy with my time spent in transition. What would you do differently?: Use a bento box which I have. I really don't know why I didn't use it. I always used a bento for long courses before. So why not now? Find a solution for wet arms and sticky arm warmers. I heard about a trick with cardboard and will research this. One thing I did remain calm so that was a positive. ![]() Bike
Comments: Yeah MAN what a bike course! “They don’t call this the Wussyman”. That was one of the signs on big Savage Mt. Be warned this is a very challenging bike course with steep grades, technical descents and turns. My suggestion is to train on LOTS of hills, then train on a lot more hills. It was a very doable course for me with my gear selection (see above). I don’t want to scare people away from doing this race. I just want those that are reading this to know that in my opinion it is all about preparation. This is the BIG key for this race. I have now firmly convinced myself, I’m sure some will agree that knows me, that I am a climber on the bike. If you train for this bike course it will be more enjoyable. Living in the central PA area I am lucky with having the terrain I needed to train for this course. My SM bike training was basically a base 50+ miles with 5000-6000ft of climbing hills that ranged from 8% to 22% grade. Medium rides were 30+’ish miles from 2500-3500ft of climbing. Some longer rides 80+ miles 4000-6000ft of climbing and recovery rides of 25+ miles with 1500ft of climbing with a mix of flats and rollers. In my opinion training on rollers is not what you want for this course. Short steep 1/4-1/2 mile ascents with a weekly long hill climb of 4-7 miles. That is a start. Oh yeah did I say do LOTS of hills. Coming out of T1, I mounted my bike and headed up a 200ft hill of a grade of 4-5%’ish. At the top was a slight down hill with a sweeping turn to the left then a right. Crossing a bridge and looking right you can see the swim turnaround turtle. After the bridge you veer left up Toothpick Rd., some call this a stinger. I just loved it. This was warming up my legs real quick and choosing the inside to pass people to get up the hill. Topping Toothpick make a left down to a well supported right and into the country. Now open up, on the aero bars, with rollers some small grades that may take you out of the saddle to crest at speed. Now for the first of the bad descents and the good thing is the road is closed to vehicle traffic. The decent is fast with a mix of smooth and poor road conditions. My opinion here is driving the course to see for yourself. Turns here are fast, off camber and dangerous. I took it easy still doing 35-45mph at times. At the bottom still descending I got passed by 8 guys. I would see them soon enough on the first climbs. My clothing choice was paying off for the descents, but my arms were still getting cold. I reached the bottom and at 15 miles into the race I took a big shot of GU. I started getting mentally ready for the climbs. Westernport is a small town with a paper mill close by so the smell is undeniable once arriving. Actually you call smell the mill coming down the descent. There is a big intersection in Westernport at 135 and 36 which is about 150 yards from the start of the climbing. I took a good swig of water and quickly looked at my computer and I seen an average of 26.5 mph, not bad with the help of the descents. Turning left off 36 on Front St is a steep little pitch that takes you to the last flat at the base of the “Wall”. The 1st bike aid station is here so you can get water and some extra weight for the climb. The next aid station is at the top of Big Savage Mt 7.5 miles. You’ll also roll across a timing mat for the Big Savage Climb time. Now on Rock St look upward 4 blocks which pitches ever increasingly to the top. I heard cowbells clanging and horns blowing. Ok it looks so much easier on the bike. I can do it no problem. Lots of riders on the hill this is the disadvantage of the 4th wave. The riders were in all levels of ability zig zaging and going straight up. I focus and pedaled smoothly in 38-23 with a nice spin. Next block same gearing. The noise grew; people are screaming and cheering, cowbells and horns getting loader. Now I crossed Walnut St with a big grade change to around 18-20%. Another very good gear change to 38-25 still smooth, half way up with full focus ahead still sitting and spinning with more power. I now see dancing devils on the “Wall” 1, 2, 3 and more, WOW! Am I hallucinating? Nope there are dancing devils jumping all across the “Wall”. What a show! Nearing the last cross road with the last gear change to 38-27 and that went very smooth. I remember seeing a few people on the “Wall” and 2 in front of me. I was thinking I am going to half to pass them. I crested the cross road and peddled fast to build up momentum. WOW, I have arrived! It is going great and straight up. I have the power, plenty of spin, staying to the right, focus on 8-10 feet ahead, out of the saddle and balancing. I passed one guy right at the bottom of the “Wall”. Now I am about half way up and nearing the steepest part of the 31% grade. The road is very rough, cobble stones over paved with cement and asphalt, cracks and loose rocks. I hit a hole! I thought I was going to loose it. I hit it with so much power that my rear wheel started hopping; reapplied power and the front end picked up a few inches. Now, there I am 800 ft up on a 31% grade popping a wheelie. I was not going to loose it and controlled my bike to crest the top. While I was popping a wheelie on the “Wall” As I heard my number “443” being called out as a person that made it, that was sweet. With a deep breathe I continued on. The next 6.5 miles was basically just standard climbing with a few very small flats/descents as breathers. I was passing people going up Big Savage and caught a strong gentleman in my AG that passed me on the first descent. We seemed to be back and forth in contact for a while then I looked back and didn’t see anybody. The inspirational signs were great, like “$5000 carbon fiber bike----$2000 Zipp wheels----$150 aero helmet----------Losing 10lbs priceless”. Cresting the Big Savage Mt was the timing mat which stops the time for the big climb. I actually forgot this climb was timed right after the “Wall”. I guess getting your HR to189 will pull a little O2 from your thinking cap. I crossed the mat, grabbed a water bottle at the 2nd aid station and headed for the descent. This descent was another fast one with some fast turns and a sharp near 90 degree turn near the bottom. The road here was much better than the first big descent. I was in and out of the aero bars on this descent. The good thing is I was feeling really good. My hydration and nutrition was all good. As I reached the bottom I knew there was another climb up Savage River State Forest at mile 30’ish. This followed by a short fast tricky descent with a fast S turn on the way down. Another cool thing about this course is you’ll cross the Eastern Continental Divide, if that’s a consolation. Now up again at mile 32 topping out on McAndrews Hill that didn’t seem too bad at 19%. A few short ups and downs and coming out onto New Germany Rd now in the aero position. A right turn onto and up Otto Lane at 17% for another nice climb. The descent off Otto Lane was not too bad but rough roads made it rather uncomfortable. At the bottom was a 180 degree turn towards “Killer Miller”. “Killer Miller”, I quote another sign “Westernport-----What Ever!!!!”, and that is just about right. Tough climb most likely because it’s now mile 38. The dancing devils were back. So climbing up this hill was tough and changed gears to the 27 for a bit of a breather. I was saying hello to the cows off to the right. I swear they said hello first. This course was so beautiful. Just try to take in the awe and powering through the course was tough. The top “Killer Miller” was the 3rd and last aid station. I grabbed another water bottle and headed for a short calm descent. So now the big climbs are done and three short climbs, some rollers and slight down hill remain. Also the half iron course merges with the international course around Rock Lodge Rd. As I got around mile 46 that one AG contestant I past going up Big Savage past me back. I kept in contact with him for the next 3-4 miles then I lost sight. Now hitting mile 50 I finished a power bar, the rest of my water and started thinking about the run. It was pretty desolate after “Killer Miller” and I thought at the merges with the international course I would see some people on the road. Veering left onto State Park Rd was the final stretch. I got real pumped with adrenalin when I looked at my computer and it showed a 17.5 mph average. The bike course shares a bit of road with the runners. It looked disappointing because of all the runners on the road. I had to remember that these folks were most likely on the short course. I was looking hard for Bjorn and Josh, but didn’t see them. As I made the final right down to the transition I heard Stacy. I quickly glanced at her and don’t remember if I said anything. She didn’t go to the “Wall” to see me climb it. She remained nervously at the Start/Finish area in fear of the course from seeing it the day before. I prepared to dismount by pulling my feet out of my shoes, slowing, swinging my leg over and dismounted. As I did I twisted my left shoe out of the peddle so had to pick it up. I knew I was looking good over all by hearing the comments. As I ran across the mat I looked at my rack and it was empty. I then glanced over the entire transition area and it was empty except for a few bikes on the other end. WOW! This is going great. What would you do differently?: This bike went well for me so not much. I talked to a USAT official before the race on my concerns with drafting penalties on the “Wall”. They got a ruling that below 10mph no penalties would be invoked. The one thing I need to remember is that the Big Climb is timed. Race that sucker! Once the “Wall” sucked the oxygen out of my brain I forgot about the timing. Yes I don’t really know or remember the time I lost by the awe of cresting the “Wall”. I need to keep my head in the race even with the harder efforts. ![]() Transition 2
Comments: I racked my bike well and took off my helmet and glasses. I then removed my arm warmers the rest of the way, cycling jersey and the stuff from my pockets. Why I removed the stuff from my jersey pockets I don’t know. I put on my socks, shoes, glasses and visor. Then I grabbed my Garmin 405 and put it on. I knew the time was ticking and really seemed a lot longer. I could hear the transition support people talking to me, it was encouraging. As I headed out of transition I drop a gel pack turned back to pick it up. I finally made it out on the run and felt great. What would you do differently?: Stop fiddling with stuff and better planning on layered clothing. The 1st thing TURN ON GARMIN! That thing can take forever to locate satellites. ![]() Run
Comments: I was good to start running as I exited transition my legs felt just fine. Moving along on the path I made it around the Discovery Center and turned onto Brant Rd. I felt my pace starting to slow a bit. I thought this wasn’t a good sign but at the same time I knew I had over 3800 feet of ascents to cover. Going over the first roller on Brant Rd I saw Bjorn. He looked so focused and then there was Josh who was right behind him a couple of rollers back. I think Bjorn was out of sight of Josh. This course doesn’t have very many straights or flats that you can see more than 100 yards ahead. I felt invigorated by seeing Bjorn and Josh and for some reason this confirmed I was doing good overall. Then my mind went weird. “Are they on the 1st lap or final?” Like, I was going to catch them or something. I hit the turnaround on Brant Rd. I was still feeling good and seemed to be holding pace at 8:30. On the turn into the campground and OH my, this is now going up. Passing people jogging and walking I was sucking it up but was thinking about walking. Funny my mind was saying walk you can’t be going any faster than a walk, but I was. So run I did. Coming out of the campground the 1st place female Susan Williams and 3rd overall past me on her final lap. I got her lap info from the guy riding the bike in front of her. I could feel my pace pick up for some distance. I was feeling good still over some rollers on State Park Rd. Bjorn and Josh went by again at their 11 miles. Josh was flying! Now a right turn onto Thayerville Fire Tower Rd. Oh man this is going to hurt here. Up I went! I ran it well as Susan was coming down. I moved way right so she had the best line, congratulated as she passed. I made the turnaround grabbed some water and headed down. With the right side of my brain thinking, “That wasn’t so bad and the left side thinking, “Are you nuts you got to do it again”. Onward I go with a right turn on Meadow Mountain Lane. I can sense the finish area and the first lap completed. Hey there is Stacy. I turned to run past the finish and starting my second lap. Pretty much the same effort with a little drop in pace hitting the grades. Talking and thanking all the volunteers for this would be my last chance. Turn back into the campground I passed a girl that was in complete tears. I felt so bad for her and I wanted to stop and encourage her. I hope it helped. Now I was over 8 miles into the hitting the rollers again heading to the Fire Rd. and UP. Ouch again! Back down and now it was home stretch. Turning on Meadow Mountain Lane I now caught sight of the AG’er who passed me at mile 46 on the bike. WOW, I thought, can I catch him. He was about 150 yards ahead and our pace looked the same. Then for some reason he just stopped and I said to myself, no way. I started running faster then he started running again, but now I was closing the gap. Passing the boat ramp and the last fire road section his daughter ran out to hug him. I stopped my attack! He started running again so I put it on and went flying past him. I think he realized what happened but there was no catching me now. I was in another realm I had NO pain. I ran down the finish shoot crossing the line to here my name being called. WOW! I can’t believe I did it so strongly. I finished 21st overall by the results standings and 2nd in my age group M45-49. Not too bad of a season finisher. What would you do differently?: Push myself harder on the run overall. I think I should have trained on more hills and some trails which would have helped. I am getting better in the run in races, after all I gained 1 place back overall. For what it’s worth I still need to focus on the run. ![]() Post race
Warm down: As I ran through the finish line I made a loop of the post event area to cool down. I found Stacy and gave her a big hug and kiss. Then returning to the finish line to get my chip removed, I grabbed a water and got my finisher tee shirt. This is one race that has a true finisher tee shirt that is well earned. I drank the water and grabbed 2 more before heading to the transition area. Got all my stuff and headed to the car. Stacy scoped out the event area and the one park pavilion had showers. I packed a bag for a shower at the car and went to get cleaned up. Now showered with fresh clothes on and my Sugoi compression socks working well I went for the food. The event pretty much had all the regular types of post race foods. There also was BBQ, macaroni salad, cole slaw, baked beans and french fries. Along with the BBQ there was an ice cream stand which really seemed to pack in the crowd. I finished the protein drink I brought then I got a couple of bananas and more water. I then headed for that BBQ. It looked pretty picked over but was able to get a BBQ, macaroni salad, cold slaw and french fries. I was feeling real good and got to talking with some people and friends. Got to see Josh Beck for a bit and congratulated him on a fine race. We were waiting for the race results which were slow to come. What limited your ability to perform faster: My run, yep it’s a project of mine. I accomplished my goals for this race. Have fun, finish under 5:45, average 17.5 mph on the bike, getting a brick and placing. It was a BIG success for me. Stacy had a great time as well. Maybe my next SavageMan race she’ll see me climb the “Wall”. Event comments: This is a well run and organized race. The course is well marked with very good directions. All the major climbs had a sign giving the length and grade. The inspiration signs were very entertaining and funny. There were plenty of aid stations on the bike (3) and on the run (seemed like around every corner) and they were well placed. The support and volunteers were on the job and very helpful. The race was on time and the Race Director was on the ball. The only thing I forgot and regret is thanking the RD in person. I guess an email will do as well. The event has a higher purpose, to raise money for the Joanna M. Nicolay Melanoma Foundation. This is a non-profit public charity for which this race proceeds goes towards. The venue is fantastic with a great atmosphere in a beautiful State Park. There is plenty of parking around at the race site and nice beach for the kids. The venue has showers to clean up after the race. The SavageMan has a very cool web site with tons of info. http://www.savagemantri.org/ Not much of anything to fault this race this was the third annual race so it will only get better. I truly loved this race and will be back. I recommend it to all that really wants a challenging race and that enjoys climb on the bike. Last updated: 2009-09-01 12:00 AM
United States
"Tri-to-Win" Melanoma Foundation
55F / 13C
Overall Rank = 21/257
Age Group = 45-49
Age Group Rank = 2/32
I thank God for granting me the ability and strength to race. I thank my beautiful wife for her loving support. I thank my BT friends for their inspirations and support. This is the first race report I have ever done so bare with me. I hope you find it informative and enjoyable!
SavageMan weekend finally arrived. I registered for this race because it was marketed as “World's Most Savage Triathlon” and I like a challenge. I was actually training for this race even during Ironman Lake Placid training. So yes I have been thinking about this race for a long time. Stacy booked us a place at the Wisp Resort. Nice place; however, when we arrived and were taking the bike up to the room the front desk people said we weren't allowed to have the bike in the room. They said they would give us a claim ticket and put it in another room. I said what! I then told them I was taking the bike to my room. Stacy started debating the staff. I asked Stacy if there was any mention of this prior to booking the room she said no. The managements reason is the bike would mare the walls. I have a nice little bike stand I travel with so as not to lean the bike against the wall. Enough said, I took the bike to our room.
We drove the bike course Saturday morning. When we got to Westernport and turned onto Rock Street, I looked up the 4 blocks to the end and at the "Wall". I was in serious doubt that I chose the right gearing. I went with 38-52t chain rings and a Miche 12-27 cassette (12,13,14,15,17,19,21,23,25,27). The Miche has a more suitable last four range (21, 23, 25 and 27) than the Shimano cassette for me. We drove up 3 of the longest blocks I have ever driven and parked just below the "Wall", got out, and walked up the rest. So there I was 900 feet up standing on my destiny, the famous "Wall" and yep it was looking real scary. I was thinking, “So this is what a 31% grade looks like". The base of the Westernport Wall is the start of the Big Climb to the top of Big Savage Mountain. Funny thing as we were checking the "Wall" out we met a couple from Ottawa, Canada and he finished a minute behind me at Lake Placid this year. We finished our visit at the wall and headed out onto the rest of the course.
We got back to Deep Creek Lake and picked up my packet, went to get some lunch and my bike to bring back for inspection. The SavageMan race has a mandatory bike inspection. I think this is a great idea for safety. They check the bike over real good, brakes, aero bars, tires, shifting and helmet as well. The inspection went quickly. When I was getting inspected there were 4 mechanics checking. They were failing bikes too, so it makes you wonder. I got my bike racked and we had the rest of the day to do what we wanted. We stopped at a few local places to spend some money.
We got back to the Wisp and had dinner. I laid out what I was wearing race day and went to bed. I had a solid night of sleep, not long but very restful. Race day I woke up at 4:30 AM and laid in bed until 5 AM then decided to start my day. I ate a large bowl of oatmeal with walnuts, cranberries and raisins; 1 banana; 1 mango; 2 handfuls of blueberries; 1 large cup of coffee and 1 bottle of water. I woke Stacy up at 6 AM, loaded up the car and checked out of the Wisp. We got to the race site around 6:30 AM and had no trouble finding parking.
The morning temperature was around 52F but by race start time it was low 60F. I got my stuff to transition and got body marked. Now I fiddled in transition for about an hour. Why? I really don’t know maybe because I was so flustered about what to wear for the bike portion. I ended up deciding on tri shorts and top, arm and knee warmers, socks, bike jersey and a vest. Something was OFF I am usually very organized in a race and in transition. Stacy even commented about it after the race. Before the race started I ate another banana, 1 multigrain berry cereal bar and drank 2 more bottles of water. Hit the port-o-potty for the last time, got suited for the swim and headed to the start. I got in the water and heard the water temp was 69F, that felt about right. I felt real good about my choice of going with the full T1 suit and not the speed vest. For a warm up I swam about 250-300 yards. I got back to shore just as the first wave was off. I was ready to race.