Dallas YMCA Turkey Trot - Run

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Dallas, Texas
United States
Dallas YMCA
Total Time = 1h 00m 51s
Overall Rank = 1026/3838
Age Group = M20-24
Age Group Rank = 48/162
Pre-race routine:

Got up with a few hours to spare. I knew this race had alot of people so I wanted to get there early. Had myself a whole wheat bagel with peanut butter, showered, shaved and was on my way.
Event warmup:

Parked and had to find an ATM so I could pay for my parking. When I got back to my Jeep I ran into my buddy Matt and his wife who were in the same lot. Walked around to try and find the tent with the timing chips. Found the start and finish lines, used the porta-potties, stretched and walked around to stay warm.

Finally I got a call from Mike(Turqy) and we met up at the start line. So Mike, his dad and I BS'ed for a bit while we waited for Brandt(OldAg92) to find us. However I still had to go back to my Jeep and change into my turkey costume so we had to leave our spot before Brandt was able to find us. I managed to wedge myself into my speedo and didn't even rip all the feathers off like I was afraid I would. Took a few pictures to prove my outrageousness and headed to the start line. The pack was already lined up and stayed near the back instead of pushing our way to the front.
  • 1h 00m 51s
  • 8 miles
  • 07m 37s  min/mile

The crowds were thick and it took us a few mintues to get to the actual starting line. Unfortunately starting at the back meant dodging alot of slow people. The first two miles were nothing but zig-zagging back and forth to try and find a group going my pace. Every time I would pass a group of people I would hear gasps and "OH MY GOD!"s and hysterical laughter coming from everyone I passed. Even heard a few people yell my name. Turns out that one of them was Brandt, but I was feeling good and running fast at the time so I never looked back.

After two miles we got into Deep Ellum and the crowds finally started to thin. I was still passing people up a a good clip but everyone was more spread out so I could hold a straighter line. I started to focus more and more on my turnover and breathing and got into a very good rhythm. Finally saw the mile 3 marker and could check my pace. I was just a hair shy of my 5K PR pace and still felt fresh. So I kept pushing to see how long I could keep it up. Running around Reunion Arena I passed a kid wearing nothing but a pair of Texas flag shorts and gave him a little grief for being so overdressed. Hit the mid-way point and was just a hair over half an hour. My "if I have a perfect race" time in the back of my head was one hour flat. I knew that I had a chance to make it but I was already pushing as hard as I realistically could and now needed a 1:00 negative split. This won't be easy.

Came to Houston Street bridge and mile 5. A long uphill run and then a long downhill run. This is where I started to loose my focus and I could feel my pace catching up with me. I had been hearing people laugh and cheer and gasp at me all day but suddenly a girl I had just pasted came flying back up and slapped me on the ass as she passed. Now there's a great motivator! I went back to focusing on my turnover again and quickly passed her back. A one hour finish was still in sight.

Coming off the bridge I talked for a short bit with a girl who knew me from PrairieMan. I feel so much more at home when I have other triathletes to talk to during a race. I saw David(dgillen) running the opposite direction as I got near the turn around at mile six. Made the turn and knew that I only had to keep this up for two more miles, but my time goal would be really close. Ran into a guy who knew me from Iron Star and antoher guy from Stonebridge Ranch.

Mile 7 and I was almost home. I looked at my watch and a one hour finish would mean nearly a six minute mile. Damn. That just wasn't going to happen. So I had to hang on for dear life and at least finish as close to one hour as I could. Enjoyed the looks I got from the crowds as I came down the final straightaway and thought about how nice it would be to finally put some pants on.

I missed my goal by less than a minute but did put up a negative split. A 0:01 negative split, but that still counts. I was just happy that I was able to put up a steady pace that was nearly 7:30/mile.
What would you do differently?:

Not much. I ran strong and steady the whole way. My turkey costume was obviously outrageous and people loved it. Not sure if it will turn into a tradition though.
Post race
Warm down:

Walked around to cool down and got myself an orange. I would have grabbed something to drink and more food but the crowds were just ridiculous. I watched finishers come in for a few minutes hoping to see Mike. But it was Thanksgiving which means I have Cowboy tickets so I didn't have much time to wait around. I walked back to my Jeep, got lots of funny looks along the way, and headed out of Dallas.

What limited your ability to perform faster:

Nothing but the crowds. That was about as fast as I can run 8 miles right now.

Event comments:

Great race. It's the largest Thanksgiving day race in the country (by nearly 10,000 people) so I'll definitely be back. Only reason this race didn't get a 5 was because they could have done a lot better job of setting up the food at the finish. We'll have to wait and see if I pull the speedo and feathers stunt again next year.

Profile Album

Last updated: 2005-11-09 12:00 AM
01:00:51 | 08 miles | 07m 37s  min/mile
Age Group: 48/162
Overall: 1026/3838
Performance: Good
Lap 1: 30:26, AVG HR: 162 Lap 2: 30:25, AVG HR: 163 Overall AVG HR: 163
Keeping cool Good Drinking Not enough
Post race
Weight change: %1.5
Overall: Good
Mental exertion [1-5] 4
Physical exertion [1-5] 5
Good race? Yes
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? No
Post race activities: Average
Race evaluation [1-5] 4