Peaks to Prairie Duathlon - Duathlon

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Red Lodge, Montana
United States
Yellowstone Valley Cycling Club
36F / 2C
Total Time = 3h 17m 11s
Overall Rank = 1/14
Age Group = Women
Age Group Rank = 1/14
Pre-race routine:

Two days before the race I had my worst ever mountain bike wreck over the handlebars on a big rock. I bruised the palm of my right hand, had whiplash and a cut on my right hip that was painful to touch. I worried about being able to complete the bike portion with my hand and neck so sore. Decided to see how I felt the morning of the race.

Alex, the dogs and I drove to Red Lodge Saturday night, picked up my race packet and spent the evening at the Front Bar for a friends' birthday party. As we were leaving, the first flakes of SNOW started to fall... woke up to 2-3 inches of fresh snow in the morning! Half-considered going back to bed! Finally got up took a hot shower and ate a breakfast of blueberry oatmeal, banana and ibuprofen.
Event warmup:

Rode my bike from the house to the transition area in the snow. It was the first time on my bike since the wreck, but my hand felt okay. The sun was shining at least! Had a really hard time deciding what to wear, had a backpack full of winter clothes in transition for the bike, just in case. Caught the bus up to the run start. I was on the last bus, so only had a few minutes before the start. Ate 3 shot blocks.
  • 1h 06m 21s
  • 8.8 miles
  • 07m 32s  min/mile

Felt awesome on the run. This is definitely the fastest run I've ever had. The slight downhill helped. Sun was shining and warm despite all of the snow. Was worried after the first mile that I went out too fast, but was able to maintain the pace pretty much throughout. During the last mile through town there was a decent headwind and I started to worry that the bike portion wouldn't be as easy as I had hoped.
Splits: Mile 1: 7:28, Mile 2: 7:34, Mile 3: 7:25, Mile 4: 7:28, Mile 5: 7:38, Mile 6: 7:34, Mile 7: 7:36, Mile 8: 7:41, Last .8 Mile: 7:08
What would you do differently?:

Maybe drink a bit more beforehand. Felt rushed getting everything ready in the morning. Probably could have planned a bit better the night before.
Transition 1
  • 00m

The transition area was a big mess. Most of the participants in this race do it as a team, so there were people with bikes all over waiting for their runners to come in. I think there was a special spot for solo bikers near the front, but I set up my bike near the back in the middle of the craziness. Looking back at the times, I don't think they included transition times in the final time, I wasn't there long though. Pretty straight forward. Was a bit worried about being cold on the bike. It was 36 degrees, but I was warm from running and just decided to stay in the same clothes. No hat, no booties.
  • 2h 10m 50s
  • 43 miles
  • 19.72 mile/hr

This is the longest road ride I've ever done. For the first 20 miles the wind was absolutely brutal. Gusting up to 30 mph. It turned into more of a crosswind toward the middle of the ride where I felt like I may get blown off the road several times. I got passed by lots of people during the first half of the bike. Noticed that most all of them had aerobars... think it's about time I tried some out. Miles 20-30 were a welcome break from the wind and then the last 10 miles or so were windy again. Used Perpetuem for the first time and drank that every 5 miles or so. Ate hammer gel around every 10 miles. The wind definitely seemed to slow me down, but I never bonked or felt overly fatigued. With so many teams on the course, it was hard to gauge how things were going, but I just kept pedaling and tried to push it a bit when I could. Tried to enjoy the scenery, but the wind made it impossible to enjoy much and I found myself swearing on occasion. :) Felt a bit of solace when other riders around me had good natured complaints of their own about the wind.
What would you do differently?:

Try aerobars.
Transition 2
  • 00m
  • 00m
  • 0 miles
  •  min/mile
Post race
Warm down:

The finish for me was the transition area for the kayakers. Suddenly the weather changed, the sun disappeared and it was cold. I was so so grateful that it wasn't me getting into the river to paddle down the Yellowstone for another several hours.

What limited your ability to perform faster:


Event comments:

Right after the race I was happy with my time, but had no idea until the next day when I checked the results that I ended up winning the women's solo duathlon! Have to admit that the focus of this race isn't the duathlon and there were only 15 women overall, but still seems pretty cool. I was using this race as training for the half ironman coming up and I'm feeling pretty good that I'll be able to finish now!

Profile Album

Last updated: 2010-04-02 12:00 AM
01:06:21 | 08.8 miles | 07m 32s  min/mile
Age Group: 2/14
Overall: 2/14
Performance: Good
Course: Paved, mostly downhill, gorgeous point to point course south of Red Lodge through downtown
Keeping cool Good Drinking Not enough
Time: 00:00
Overall: Good
Run with bike? Average
Jump on bike? Bad
Getting up to speed and into shoes: Average
02:10:50 | 43 miles | 19.72 mile/hr
Age Group: 1/14
Overall: 1/14
Performance: Good
Wind: Headwind with gusts
Course: Downhill and flat course from Red Lodge through several small farming/ranching towns to Laurel
Road: Smooth Dry Cadence:
Turns: Cornering:
Gear changes: Hills:
Race pace: Comfortable Drinks: Just right
Time: 00:00
Riding w/ feet on shoes
Jumping off bike
Running with bike
Racking bike
Shoe and helmet removal
00:00:00 | 00 miles |  min/mile
Age Group: 0/14
Overall: 0/14
Keeping cool Drinking
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Good
Mental exertion [1-5] 4
Physical exertion [1-5] 5
Good race? Yes
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time?
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks?
Post race activities:
Race evaluation [1-5] 5