Comments: we wait. I felt good the first 10 mile. We ran & walked. Everything was good. I kind of started thinking that I could finish in 5:30. But it's a long 26.2 miles and anything could happen and it did. At mile 8, my stomach wasn't agreeing with the gel I had taken and I needed to use the bathroom. At mile 9 went to use the bathroom and when I came out the pace team was gone. No problem, I still felt good and I felt comfortable that I could catch up with the pace team. The next 4 miles my goal was to catch up with team. I was pushing my pace to hard and was doing the run & walk. After a mile I could see the pace team (I may have been 30 second behind). At mile 12 my stomach started to act up again. It was a long potty break...I was to the half way mark and about 2 minutes behind the pace team. The next two miles just took everything out of me and it started to heat up pretty fast. By mile 16 it was pretty much a walk. I start to cramp up in my left calf. The next aid station I had some bengay applied on both calves and that help out. Than the next station I had bengay applied on my quads. At mile 22 I call my wife to let her know where I was at and how much longer it was going to take me. I tried to run/walk the last 4 miles, but its was mostly walking and more like a death march. As I made the last turn the crowd was still going crazy. They all cheered me in, so I had to at least push myself to finish with a jog & a smile. What would you do differently?: Train more. Here is the excuse. I entered myself for this marathon back in April & had hoped to break 5 hours, but at the same time I started to enjoy my first full season doing triathlons and trained alot more in the swim & bike instead of the run. I had only done two long runs to train this season a 13 mile & 16 mile all about a month ago. I bearly made the 16 miler. I was thinking that with all the swimming & biking I was doing that I could make it in the run with hardly any training. BIG MISTAKE. Respect the run!! Post race
Warm down: Got my finisher medal. It was a hot day & with my GI issues one would think I would be hungry for solid food but I wasn't. I went for ice cream (popsicle) & a couple of cups of ice cold coke. The ice cold coke was like the fountain of youth, at least the first couple of cups were(I think I had 5 or 6). I met up with my wife in the runner area and she wanted me to take a picture with the finisher background but I was pretty much done and wanted to get home. What limited your ability to perform faster: Lack of training & hot weather Event comments: This is a great race. Runners magazie rated it as the best well orgazined race in the nation and it is. I'm glad its in my city and I'm guranteed to be in every year(its a lottery for everyone else). Though next year I plan to take it off as I want to train more for triathlon races!! Last updated: 2010-06-04 12:00 AM
United States
Overall Rank = /
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Age Group Rank = 0/
Woke up at 4:30am. Had a bowl of oatmeal, a granola bar, & cup of ice coffee. Left the house @ 5:00 to catch the bus up to the starting line. I have done this race six times now. I raced two year ago & its was the coldest & wetest race ever. Well this its was the hottest race ever. I noticed right away as I got out of the bus that its was pretty warm. The bona fire that they use to keep the runners warm wasn't being use.
Ate a banana & power bar & sipped on gatorade. 10 minutes before the race I had a gel pack waiting in line to use porta pottys. As I got closer start to gag. I don't know if it was from the smell of the porta potty or if my stomach didn't agree with gel I just took. I then found the 5:30 pace runner and just listened to what she had to say. It was mostly how she planned to race, which was run & walk.