Canyonlands Half Marathon - RunHalf Marathon

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Moab, Utah
United States
Rim Rock Roadrunners
60F / 16C
Total Time = 2h 18m 2s
Overall Rank = 2138/3361
Age Group = Female 25 to 29
Age Group Rank = 199/339
Pre-race routine:

Had an Odwalla bar, coffee and water. Tried to stay warm.
Event warmup:

Walk from the bus drop-off up to the starting line!
  • 2h 18m 2s
  • 13.1 miles
  • 10m 32s  min/mile

I really wanted to run this in under two hours.

Mile 1 - 9:24 - too slow! Started out downhill through lots of people traffic.
Mile 2 and 3 - 17:25 - flying! I felt good, made up some lost time from the first mile, and decided to settle into a pace a little slower than those two miles.
Mile 4 - 9:03 - good. steady. happy.
Mile 5 - 9:00 - still a little fast, but I know the uphills are coming. The pace was pretty comfortable.
Mile 6 - 8:54 - really fast!
Mile 7 - 9:12 - made a conscious effort to slow down a bit.

  • the trouble starts...

  • Mile 8 - 9:44 - I walked a few times, for short distances. The outside of my knee was experiencing some stabbing pain! I did some quick math and figured out I could still come in under two hours.
    Mile 9 - 11:07 - Something is seriously wrong with my knee. Every impact with the ground shoots pain. I knew my race was over, but I wanted to finish.
    Mile 10 - 10:31 - Running stiff-legged seems to still work for me. I want to keep moving and get to the finish quickly so the pain will end.
    Mile 11 - 12:56 - Resorted mostly to walking... it was sad, because I had the energy to keep going!
    Mile 12 - 15:09 - Walking. Lots of walking. Plenty of energy. Sad to not be able to move
    Mile 13 (plus .1) - 15:33 - Coming down the final stretch, everyone was talking and pointing at me. I just wanted to be done!

    A wonderful medic helped me hobble from the finish line to the first aid tent.
    What would you do differently?:

    Not mess up my LCL?

    I think when I rolled my ankle two weeks ago, I managed to strain my LCL. Because I didn't run, I didn't feel any problems there...
    Post race
    Warm down:

    Ice at the medical tent. Beer with my lunch.

    What limited your ability to perform faster:

    My LCL (or whatever injury which will be diagnosed next week, hopefully)

    Event comments:

    Awesome race. I'd love to do it again, preferable without knee injury!

    Profile Album

    Last updated: 2011-01-12 12:00 AM
    02:18:02 | 13.1 miles | 10m 32s  min/mile
    Age Group: 199/339
    Overall: 2138/3361
    Performance: Below average
    Course: Really pretty. Not very hilly - ran along the Colorado River and into Moab.
    Keeping cool Good Drinking Just right
    Post race
    Weight change: %
    Overall: Average
    Mental exertion [1-5] 4
    Physical exertion [1-5] 2
    Good race? Ok
    Course challenge Just right
    Organized? Yes
    Events on-time? Yes
    Lots of volunteers? Yes
    Plenty of drinks? Yes
    Post race activities: Good
    Race evaluation [1-5] 5