Running with the Devil 10k - Run10k

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Boulder City, Nevada
United States
Calico Racing, LLC.
Total Time = 55m 41s
Overall Rank = 27/125
Age Group = 30-39
Age Group Rank = 6/18
Pre-race routine:

Woke up at 4:30am after a solid 5 hours sleep. I made a small bowl of oatmeal with honey and drank some Gatorade. Gathered up my gear, got into my race gear and headed out the door at 5:20am. The sun was just rising, wind was howling outside and the temperature was perfect.
Event warmup:

Got to the event just in time to see the marathon and ultra runners take off which was cool. Most were prepared for the hours of running that lied ahead and the brutal heat that awaited them. I am still amazed that people can run that far!
  • 55m 41s
  • 6.21 miles
  • 08m 58s  min/mile

Started out with a short climb out of the starting area and then flat for a short distance. I was in racing mode and felt the need to start out strong. I was really going hard to get ahead of most people, which I did but in hindsight that was not a smart move. We hit the first hill and I still kept going strong. I was breathing heavy already, almost to the 180 BPM range which definitely was not smart. I tried to keep pace with the eventual 30-39 women's age group winner but I lost her after a half mile or so. I remember thinking to myself that it was going to be a long day if I kept this pace so I slowed slightly. My wireless headphones quit at mile marker 1 and I never got them back going again. Lesson learned, always use wired headphones!
The hill up to the turn around was tough but I didn't stop running, which was good. Hit the turn around and grabbed some water plus I stopped for about 15 seconds. Finished the water and hit the road. The climb down from the turn around was okay, I still felt okay but was feeling the effects from the hard running at the beginning. I got passed by the eventual 20-29 men's group winner as well as the women's 20-29 age group winner. Lesson learned right then and there: you don't have to be a hero at the start! Its all about pacing yourself and saving some energy for the end. At mile marker 4 I was getting winded and this is when I started to get a cramp in my left calf. This was the first time that I have ever cramped up on a run and I remember thinking to myself that I should never run 7.5 miles three days before a race! I also started to feel some chaffing on both of my ankles from my shoes, so I will try to put a large band-aid or tape there next time.I started to drink my Gatorade a little more in the last few miles so I am glad that I wore my hydration belt. Most people in the 10k didn't use one, maybe next time I will try without it.The last hill heading back was brutal and I this is when I started to walk. I was shot due to my outburst in the beginning and I paid for it later on. Lesson learned! Finally made it up that hill and another last hill awaited me to the end of the race. I didnt want to drink any energy, but I took a few swigs of my red bull shot mixed with equal parts water. Not really sure if it helped, but mentally I was able to push myself up that last hill with very little walking. I caught up and passed the eventual 50-59 women's age group winner on that final hill. As I turned the corner to head down the hill to the finish she caught up with me and started to pass. I thought to myself "I want to be ahead of this person" so I kicked it up a few gears. I don't know where the energy came from but I really pushed it hard to the finish with a nice pace. Crossed the line with the clock reading 1:00:00 but my watch read 55:00. I eventually found out that my official time was 55:41 which I was happy with. Just imagine if I had run the whole time, I may have had a shot at a top 25 overall finish and top 3 in my age group. I will evaluate my timing against the others once they post the results.
I was happy with my hydration today, I didn't have that bloated feeling that I got at both of my triathlons this year. I will keep that in my mind when I am on the bike for future triathlons.
What would you do differently?:

1- try to get to bed earlier then 11:30pm!
2- no long runs within 5 days of the race
3- Use wired headphones
4- better pacing at the start of the race, don't try to win the race in the first mile!
5- bring yogurt to eat after the race to sooth my stomach
6- put tape on ankles to prevent irritation on my ankles

Post race
Warm down:

After I crossed the finish line, I was handed a finisher medal and a cup of water with something in it that I thought might be a recovery drink. They clipped off my timing chip and I was on my own. I headed right to my car for my recovery Gatorade drink and walked for about 10 minutes to cool down. Once the adrenaline started to wear off I was greeted with stomach pains that made me stop walking. I found some ice to cool the rest of my drink and also had a cup of water. I sat down to relax for a minute but the stomach pains were really harsh. I saw the overall winner eating some yogurt which made me think that it may help sooth my stomach. I did help a little and I started to feel a little better during the awards.

What limited your ability to perform faster:

Started too strong which zapped my energy for the hill climbing to finish the race. I learned a lot today about pacing which should help me for the triathlon in October.

Event comments:

The event was well organized and they had plenty of post-race drinks/food for everyone. I think the water was from Lake Mead so I will not be drinking that next year!!!!

Profile Album

Last updated: 2011-06-20 12:00 AM
00:55:41 | 06.21 miles | 08m 58s  min/mile
Age Group: 6/18
Overall: 27/125
Performance: Average
Avg Pace: 08:53 min/mi Avg HR: 180 bpm Max HR: 189 bpm
Course: First three miles were a decent climb, turn around gave us a break until the last mile and half which was climbing two hills to get back to the start.
Keeping cool Good Drinking Just right
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Below average
Mental exertion [1-5] 4
Physical exertion [1-5] 4
Good race? Ok
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? Yes
Post race activities: Good
Race evaluation [1-5] 4