![]() Swim
Comments: While I was running to the dock my wife said I was white as a ghost... I put everything out of my mind except what James had told me just keep moving forward, no stopping... I did stop 3 times, once in the narrow channel, just stood up on the left side to adjust my goggles. 2nd time at kayak around first buoy as my speed suit was cutting off circulation to my left arm, and third to drink the infinit flask i stashed in my suit. Before the race I picked out buoys for people... I swam to the first turn around for my wife, because I could never have done this without her help, the next 1000 yards was for my son, so he can say his Dad is an Ironman, the next 1000 for my daughter(for my family and all the sacrifices they made for me) and the last 1000 for me and T3. I actually began to become very comfortable, and aggressive. Some schmuck during the last 1000 yards was being followed by a kayak as he was having issues, he would stop and hang on then swim like hell right into my path, he did this three times, the third time he ran into me I saw him coming and pushed his head down into the water... kinda letting him know NOT to do it again... Ya I turned into the guy that's gonna swim over your ass! I came out of the water and heard them announce my name and then it was ON! I felt AWESOME! I did a flex pose and ran to T1... I remembered what a friend of mine told me, once you get past the swim its all guts from there.. What would you do differently?: I really think that the more comfortable I become the more I can push, I need to do more OWS practices and push myself. I never once got out of breath. ![]() Transition 1
Comments: I was in no hurry here, I just wanted make sure I had everything in order. Volunteers were awesome, they packed up my bag... and I was off... The sunscreen area was interesting, got a good coating, again awesome volunteers! What would you do differently?: Organize my bag a little better, I had things everywhere, maybe if I stack it in order things would go quicker. ![]() Bike
Comments: I started off maybe a little too slow, I knew I needed to pace myself, but by the end I started watching the clock and knew I needed enough time to run a Marathon, SO as me and Glen practiced.., not knowing at the time around mile 85 I laid down the hammer, I was no longer in Ironman pace, but more like a TT... I was yelling at swerving people ON YOUR LEFT!... I brought it home HARD... Had done this many times on the way home from Lincoln chasing Glen and Gene, but never thought I would use it in a race... What would you do differently?: I should have pushed harder in the beginning and middle and not pushed to makeup time, but at least I had it to give. Oh and the last 20 miles my feet were asleep, this was SOOOO painful, I knew if I just stopped and stood for a few minutes it would go away, but I was on a mission to start the run, so I worked through it, and it was tough... I ended up with a black toenail on my left foot pretty sure that had something to do with it. I never did pee during the bike... not sure what happened as I stepped at every aid station and drank constantly... it was still not enough ![]() Transition 2
Comments: This place was a war zone, I was already doing math in my head, what pace do I need to make it in by midnight after starting the swim at 7:30ish... I threw on my Tri shorts and shoes... I did not glide my feet nor did I lube my privates(BAD IDEA) more on that later... I saw Joe leaving T2 as I was coming in... What would you do differently?: Lube the privates then lube them again... ![]() Run
Comments: My wife and kids were at the turn around on the 2nd street bridge, I was already on a war trot but giving my wife and kids a hug, lit the fire... I was not coming this far without bringing home some Iron. I had about 6:30 or so to do the marathon, so that's roughly 15:00 minute miles in the 95 degree heat after a hellish 40 mile sprint on the bike... So I began to focus on cadence and pace, constantly looking at my average pace per lap, I knew I could not just run 15's I had to do some fast miles up front to make up for the fade at the end. I was completely focused on maintaining pace. Stomach was vaery upset first 6 miles, I brought along a pepcid and took that, things cleared up... and I was able to run some 12 and 13 minute miles early. It was great seeing everyone from T3 on the run course... Y'all were surprised to see me, yep that's right I made it out the water!...after the turn around I had gained some time, I calculated I could run 16:30 and make the cut off, but took no chances, hung right in there at 14 - 15 minute pace, up until the last 1.6 miles, I knew something was wrong, it was all I could do to walk as fast as I could... My legs were OK but dehydration was setting in... I had drank and salted all day, but I think that big push on the bike put me behind... Never pee'd on the bike and only 1 time on the run. I felt like I was going to be one of those people laying on the road 1 mile from the finish , so I slowed it down as I had plenty of time to make the cutoff at this point, hit the last aid station and power walked until the corner... AFTER THAT THE ELECTRICITY HIT I HAVE NEVER FELT SUCH A HIGH IN MY LIFE RUNNING DOWN THE FINISH SHOOT GIVING HIGH FIVES... THEN I HEARD IT BRIAN BOTTORFF YOU ARE AN IRONMAN... I MELTED WITH PRIDE. I bowed down and got my medal and saw my family, Alex to my delight was wake, he saw his Dad become an Ironman... the tears started flowing.. I was crying my wife gave me a hug ...she was crying... Olivia was sleeping in the stroller... I walked down to Bob and Lynn to get my hat and a hug from Lynn... WHAT AN AMAZING DAY! What would you do differently?: Drink more and eat more... More long bricks ![]() Post race
Warm down: I walked to the KICC center with one hand on John's shoulder... feeling extremely sick... I grabbed some food sat on the floor and tried to eat after 20 minutes I started to get dizzy and could not catch my breath.. my wife said I was not immediately responding to questions... So we headed to the medical tent... they said they were closed.... REALLY? so I sat for a while , the EMT checked me out and said that we had better head to the ER. the EMT thanked me for asking to stop and puke prior to entering the ambulance... Long story short, I was so dehydrated my kidneys started to shutdown and go into renal failure... They pushed 3 bags of IV fluids through me, oh and remember the part about lubing my privates.... I had to get a catheter... I screamed so loud that every nurse and doctor in the ER was in my room wondering who was dying.. I told them I wanted the cath out as it was painful, and I wanted to go home... They wanted to admit me, but I asked if they could run another bag of fluid through and re-test... At this point I had been up 24 hours , it was 4am... Got the test back, they released me around 6am I had to call my wife who had just gotten back to the hotel.. to pick me up , when we arrived I saw James Pat and Chris leaving for home... We slept for 3 hours packed up and drove home... What a day. What limited your ability to perform faster: HYDRATE Event comments: Awesome volunteers, top notch race Last updated: 2012-06-07 12:00 AM
United States
World Triathlon Corporation
95F / 35C
Overall Rank = 2093/
Age Group = 35-39
Age Group Rank = 320/
Lesson learned from Munice, must have sleep, so I ate dinner around 5:30, carryout from the Old Spaghetti factory,(I also downed 3 bottles of ensure throughout the evening) then took 2 benadryl, by 7:40 I was knocked out.. I woke up around 3:50am immediately had to hit the bathroom, had diarrhea 3 times in the hotel, then had to run onto the lobby for one last round, Kris grabbed me some Imodium from the hotel and we got a late start. Not what I had planned, I wanted to be in line early...
1 mile walk from transition, then another mile to the end of the swim line which was past the end of the island. Dropped my shoes with my morning bag... this was not a good idea. It crossed my mind to jump in line with all my T3 team mates as I walked by, but just knew it wouldn't be right.