Tímakeppni - CycleTime Trial

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9C / 48F
Total Time = 34m 51s
Overall Rank = 8/22
Age Group = 30-39
Age Group Rank = 1/5
Pre-race routine:

Got up had breakfast, put my bike in the car, drove off.
Event warmup:

Tried to kept the cadence high (90+) I have read that that is what you are suppose to do !
Found it pretty easy going………until I turn around, oh dear, headwind going back, I did not like that.
I did 18k before the race, and I think it was just right, my legs always take some time before they are ready to fight. Did a bit of stretching and then it was of.

  • 34m 51s
  • 20 kms
  • 34.43 km/hr

This was first TT, and I was a bit worried that I might start out to fast, because I knew the headwind coming back would be hard.
This was my first TT, and I was a bit worried that I might start out to fast, because I knew the headwind coming back would be hard.
We started with 1 minute intervals, I got up to speed very fast, and tried to get my breathing under control, never really got under control though, I was simply going to fast. After 2,5k I had already won 25 sec on the guy in front of me. And it did not take long for me to get the rest. At the turn around I was just over 15 minutes, but I had also gone hard. Now the big question was, had I gone too fast ? I focused on keeping the cadence over 90. And it was working soon I began picking up some of the earlier starters who where having big problems in the wind. It was so nice to able to pass somebody and it gave me the extra strength to keep my high pace. At the end my plus was probably getting close to 190 I was giving it everything I had in me, I don’t think I could have gone any faster.
The return had taken just under 20 minutes, almost 5 mints more then the first part, but I had survived, and in a good way :-) I won my age group, oh yes baby, by a cool 4 seconds.
Best news was that I beet the best triathlete in the country, only by 24 seconds, but I did it. Only problem is that he will beet me in the pool by 6 minutes or more :-(
The return had taken just under 20 minutes, almost 5 mints more the first. But I had survived, and in a good way :-) I won my age group, oh yes baby, by a cool 4 second.
Best news was that I beet the best triathlete in the country, only by 24 seconds, but I did it. Only problem is he will beet me in the pool my 6 minutes or more :-(

What would you do differently?:

Nothing :-)
Post race
Warm down:

Warm down? I don’t think so. I have the biggest race of the year next weekend, so I thought this would be the perfect place to get a brick session in !
Crazy? YES
With in a minute from I finished, I had gotten back to my car changed shoes and was of for a 5k run ! I think I chocked some people, I mean who would do something like that? Besides me ! I started the run a little to fast and could simply not get a good breathing rhyme going. It most have been because of the speed I was doing !!!! Turn around at 2,5k 9:50 :-o I was chocked, but happily because I knew I would be able to keep that pace, I could do a 5k in under 20 minutes after a 20k TT, I most be fit !!
And then it happen, CRAMPS but legs died within 100m, I had to stop completely, and wait for it to died down before I could slowly start walking. It happens ones more I had to stop, before I was able to slowly jog to the finish line. Time 23:30 I would have been happy with the time if I had not cramped up, that would have been good enough for me.
Well I have learned that I should not start the run to fast!

When I got home I just went for a very easy 10k ride, just to give my legs a chance to recover.

What limited your ability to perform faster:

Probably my 11 year old road bike, with the clip-on aero bars.

Profile Album

Last updated: 2006-05-27 12:00 AM
00:34:51 | 20 kms | 34.43 km/hr
Age Group: 1/5
Overall: 8/22
Wind: Some
Course: Out and back, a couple of small hills.
Road: Rough Dry Cadence: 90+
Turns: Cornering:
Gear changes: Average Hills: Average
Race pace: Hard Drinks:
Post race
Weight change: %
Mental exertion [1-5]
Physical exertion [1-5]
Good race? Yes
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks?
Post race activities:
Race evaluation [1-5] 4