![]() Swim
Comments: This was almost perfect! the incoming tide wasnt as strong as thought so minimal current, but felt great all the way. Althou busy, didnt get too jostled. sleeveless worked great after a little cold at start. Managed to draft off guy for last third. Kicked hard last few 100 yards to wake up legs. Climbed out ok and wasnt too dizzy, welcoming warm shower to wash off salt. What would you do differently?: nothing. ![]() Transition 1
Comments: First fail of the day - I came out of water ahead of james by 3 minutes, but decided to wait for him; why? I dont know, maybe a reason to stop maybe dizziness, I didnt even realize James said GO ON!. It was cold and my hands numb so suit off was tricky, but kept me warm from water exit. This wasnt a sprint and wasnt meant to be fast but 9+ minutes! if I had gone when I was ready it would have been ~6 mins. What would you do differently?: focus when tired and dizzy and cold. maybe use strippers if not so cold. Just get on bike and go! ![]() Bike
Comments: I was cold to start; riding in shade and wind and wet suit made it uncomfortable. legs felt great just low moral. saw the family at mile5 and James passed mile six - I had no motivation to keep up just everything I could to stay on bike! every bit of sun was a blessing. To start threr were bikes everywhere! even on freeway, three abreast! at times it evened out but at times became busy as caught up with IM racers. At mile 20 my butt hurt, even with two pads knowing previous issues at mile 40, but not 20! Had to suffer all way home. Missed first water stop then garmin ran out of power. Fortunately had enough fluid to last until45mile station. long stretch on 421 was headwind all way - 16.5mph ugh - comforting knowing ride back this way. Coming back it was easy to hold 20mph and aide station boosted moral. Great feeling coming into town watching all cars standing still while we zipped by. Came upon THE bridge and took it easy, no issues as dry :-) ride into Expo was awesome and such a relief. saw James starting run and family saw me so another blessing. remembered shoes out but not intended to be fast T2. What would you do differently?: look at new saddle, consider aero bike/bars. use disposable bootles and hand off not refill. wear a bike jersey long sleeve not running shirt. ![]() Transition 2
Comments: failure number two - handed bike to volunteer and ran around the expo, legs felt great! someone called out my number to prepare T2 bag hand off. hand off was great headed to changing tent; where I noticed it was wrong bag! smiled took deep breath and walked back, got right bag the strolled to changing tent. sat down abd quickly swapped out clothes; was about to head off and noticed still had bike shorts on - doh! - had to take off and untie bag; again smile and walk on. as I enited onto the run I felt amazing! legs were fine and I was ready to run ... too fast ... failure three ... What would you do differently?: check bag number! apart from two mistakes this was a quick T2. ![]() Run
Comments: failure three, started out way to quick. Planned 10:30m/m for four miles I ran 8-9m/m; even after focusing on slowing down I only got to 9:00m/m; I pick up water/heed at every aide station then started adding salt and gel as time went by. by mile 7 it was starting to hurt and times weredropping closer to 9:50m/m. at turn around I saw changes 3 mins ahead but I knew already there was no chance of catching; just everything I had to finish. aid stations now included a walk, pace was 10;20m/m and slowing still. each walk was a huge mental effort to restart. every run was a challenging one step in fro the other. Last four miles were hell - no more did I encourgae anyone, no smiling at aide stations, just focus on finish.every incline seemed like an eternity. I knew there was a small steep downhill section and I knew I couldnt run it for fear of falling, so I walked up to the aide station and walked down it; a few feet from the botom I used the incline to get me going and as I rounded the corner I saw teh faintest sign of black inflatable finish line - I was there! I managed to pick up pace after walk to about 9m/m and just coming down the chute saw the faqmily in time to give high fives and eveything I could muster to cross the line. this wasnt the final sprint Im used to just a welcoming stride across the line. I burst into tears. James was there for a hug and so was the family. sobbing started; i realized the last half mile i was crying all the way making my breathing hard. I had done it. overall this was the fasted 13.1 to date - sub 2hrs. if only I had followed the race plan at 10:30m/m start. What would you do differently?: walk first four miles as writing on arm doesnt work! ![]() Post race
Warm down: walk about hugging family, drinking eatting, and stretching. I hurt real bad, good hurt but it hurt. If I stopped moving I felt like the Tin Man from Oz moving again. nHUng out for about an hour then headed back to T2 to get in car. Waddle there was ok but I knew I wasnt moving fast for rest of day. I saw massage tent. What limited your ability to perform faster: cold weather preparation for bike - right clothing and metal approach. inability to follow race plan and run slow out of T2. Was I just exhausted at end of run or was my nutrition off? Event comments: THis is noted as one of the top 5 world events - I see why - awesome location, flat course, amazing spectators, downhill swim. Whether a beginner or experienced this is an amazing course and race to enter. Last updated: 2013-01-07 12:00 AM
United States
Set Up Events
40F / 4C
Overall Rank = 272/604
Age Group = 40-44
Age Group Rank = 50/140
left hotel at 600am in a frosty car and waited in event parking until 640am. had fruit smoothie, cliff bar gatorade and water. It was COLD so tried to keep warm with several layers of clothing. Had to setup T1 but due to temps/dew/risk rain left most stuff in bag. Did my own BM so no long lines. Once T1 ready went to swim start on shuttle.
warm clothes then wetsuit at 20mins to go. rolled arms and stretched triceps. getting in the 70* water was a blessing after 40* air temp! did usual face slpash, blow bubbles routine -worked well and quickly acclimatized. we were in wave 2 so thankfully minimal time (still2.5hrs!) hanging around.