![]() Swim
Comments: Start by saying I put this race on my calendar as my "C" race as I wanted to get a race done earlier in the summer and needed to resolve some issues I had at Timberman last August. Timberman was my first race post IMStG. And even though I made it through the swim, 30mins slower then normal, the swim left me a bit scared. So at Timberman I was a panicked on the swim and really did not feel comfortable. My goal for the swim was to try to feel as comfortable as possible and not have a panic attack. I am pleased to say I was successful with that. I did not start as close to the front as I normally would but was ok with that as it gave me good clean water to the inside buoy line. I started bilateral breathing right away (which always helps me get into my rhythm). Minor contact and someone tapping my feet for the first 2 buoys. was able to find some feet of my own for the first 3 buoys and happy with how I felt. Only nervousness was when people started to get too close on my left or right, but was able to talk myself through it and pick up the pace if I felt like I was getting sandwiched in between people. Was great on sighting and stayed right on the buoy line, touching each buoy with my arm. Made the first turn and started to come upon the wave before us. This leg was also right into the sun so a bit hard to see the buoys. But realized that they had a SUP at each buoy so I just looked for that shape and went for it. Felt comfortable and never really pushed it. I did start focusing on my stroke to make sure it was clean and easy. Hit the 2nd turn some of the faster men from wave behind started to join the mix of 3-4 waves all together. I felt this section into the finish had the most congestion of all the swim. Stayed calm and swam it in. A couple times on this last leg, I thought about how comfortable I was and that I was not tired at all. What would you do differently?: Very pleased with my mental status and self talk for this swim. My goal was to stay calm, relaxed and not have a panic attack. I accomplished that. I also had a decent swim for not pushing it. Next race I will see about adding in a bit more speed/push to get the pace down a bit. But overall very pleased with this swim. actually saw 34.4X on my watch when I got out which I thought was good enough to beat Nate's olympic swim time from the day before. Oh well, no such luck. ![]() Transition 1
Comments: Uphill run to transition, then over to bike. Had suit down to waist and goggles/cap off by time I got to bike. Turned Garmin on, suit off, dried feet, socks on, shoes on, helmet on, glasses on and lubed up. Decided not to ride with gloves so did not put them on. Put salt tabs in back pocket. Ran to mount line and had to move around a couple of people who were blocking the area. Found clean space 3 bikes past mount line and mounted. What would you do differently?: Garmin could be turned on as running. Definitely room for improvement here. ![]() Bike
Comments: Got up to speed quickly and made my way out onto course. Ended up having and issue around mile 4 where I was forced over into a pot hole by another rider. this caused the Speed Concept rear storage to pop open and I dropped a tube and CO2 on the ground. So I turned around and picked them up. With this course and the road conditions I was not going to ride with only one of each (another thing I am concerned with post IMStG). Put CO2 in back pocket, tube back in box. Lost maybe a min or 2 here. Then started riding again but within a mile or so I started to go up a hill and my chain locked up. Had to quickly unclip and pull over. It was really stuck. It had sucked up in between the break and the small chainring. After fiddling with a bit I finally got it loose. Not sure what caused it other then I possible cross chained it. Probably lost 5-7mins here. But was pleased how I talked myself through this and did not freak out over it happening or it being so early in the race. Lots of people passed me here. After getting back together and going I felt really good and stayed comfortable. I wanted to ride at around 145-150 watts with the hills not going over 190 watts. (Will post wattage once I get to download.) Nutrition was a big focus for this ride. Goal was 250 calories an hour. I thinking I would ride around 3-3:15 which I would have had the calories spot on as I drank and ate everything. 1 bottle gu roctane mixed for 480 calories and 300 calories worth of chomps. I took water at each of 3 water station to fill the aero bottle and dump on head. Chomps I started at 30mins (2 of them). then ate 1 every 15mins after. I actually took the chomps out of the packs and put them in my speed box (bento) which made it so easy to grab one when I needed it. Only issue was they were a bit sticky from sweat and water from aero bottle. 2 salt tabs every hour (total of 6 on ride) Hills felt good but not too hard, powered through the downhills when most people coasted. Never really pushed it too hard, but felt like I need to work more on pacing for Musselman and Mont Tremblant. Had another issues with the rear storage popping open around mile 35 or so, right before most dangerous downhill turn in the course. Ended riding with it that way until next straight flat section and then trying to close it while riding. Ended up grabbing tube and closing it while riding. Had to slow a bit to do this, but was able to do it and put tube in back pocket also. Felt much stronger this year riding the last section home. What would you do differently?: Need to figure out the box situation if it is going to work or not. Do I tape it closed or is there something I am missing with how it closes. Pacing, need to work on pushing more on training rides. Didn't wear gloves, might want to rethink this on hot days as the amount of sweat and water on hands makes gripping a bit slippery. Nutrition was spot on. ![]() Transition 2
Comments: This definitely could have been faster. Racked bike, shoes off, shoes on. Stuff out of pockets. Sip of water. Helmet off, Fiddled with Garmin. Visor on and grabbed nutrition. Started running out and put race bib on while running. What would you do differently?: Worry about garmin, visor and race bib until running out. ![]() Run
Comments: I knew the course from 2 years ago and knew it was going to be a tough one with the heat. Goal was to stay on top of nutrition and try to run as much as I could around 8:45-9:00 min/miles. Starting out I saw Nate and Sloan right away as I left park, so I stopped to give kisses and hugs as Sloan was asking for them. Then made my way down the road. My Garmin has been acting up lately and it was again on this race. It had mile one spot on for distance but saying I ran it 30secs faster then my other watch which I hit 1 sec before leaving transition. So I did not pay much attention to Garmin after this point especially when it ended up saying I only ran 12.65 miles. The first 2 miles were in full sun but downhill so just kept reminding myself that there would be shade too, but with it can the hills. At each aid station I took a water to sip, a cup of ice to hold in hand and chomp on, and a second cup of ice to dump down top. Hit the dirt road feeling pretty good and set to run up it. Made great headway at a slow pace, but passed a ton of people. But right before the last steep up I had to walk as it was full sun and breathing got really labored. Walked the rest of the up and then started running again. Made it to the aid station between 5-6 started the process of walking the aid stations to get in more fluids. Worked well as I only lost about 30-40secs a mile. Made it to the aid station at 9 and got my first sip of coke since December. It tasted sooo good. last 4 miles went by quickly as they were shaded and I knew I was close. Passed a 42 year old right before the last climb. Running up the last hill I was really proud of myself as everyone else was walking. There were several spectators cheering me on and giving me encouragement to dig deep and finish strong. Ran to the park and turned to find Sloan and Nate. Grabbed Sloan's hand and ran down the finish shoot. Love that they let you do this. He was so happy to run with me and Nate (the day before). Nutrition for the run was 1- 9oz bottle with 240 calories of gu roctane, 2 gus (1 at mile 5 and 1 at mile 9.5). 2 sips of coke (1 mile 9 and 1 mile 11). 2 salt tabs at mile 7. What would you do differently?: more mental toughness needed to hold pace longer and overcome the mental aspect about the heat. It was easy to start walking the aid stations when everyone around you is. I probably could have ran through more of them. Also need to find a friend on the course who runs at my pace, that way we can work together to fight through the tough spots. Was really pleased with nutrition because in the past in this type of heat I would have not taken the gus and shut down on eating. This time I just did it without questioning. (calories for run = 420 + small amount of coke) ![]() Post race
Warm down: Walked about 100yards and saw the ice baths setup, so waited in line for those. Sat in one for about 5mins. Then over to food. Wasn't ready to eat so Nate had my veggie burger while I drank a pepsi. Sloan had spent the morning riding the rides and now was ready to go to the water park again. I went and picked up my transition stuff, then changed and went to the water park to cool off more. What limited your ability to perform faster: heat, training at race pace, minor mechanical. Event comments: REV3 really knows how to put on family friendly races. They hold them at locations that are fun and easily accessible. The course is challenging and the support is amazing. Even though I knew REV3 was a good race to do from 2011, I was even more impressed this year as the race director and team personally called people after they registered to see if they needed any information. They added more family activities with 5k glowstick run on Friday night, a big screen move and more. I can't say enough about this organization. I hope to do more races put on by them in the future. only issue I had was that I saw no sunblock on the course. I put some on pre race, but there was no more to put on while on the course, so needless to say my back/shoulders are a bit more red then I would like. Last updated: 2013-03-01 12:00 AM
United States
Revolution 3
84F / 29C
Overall Rank = 444/996
Age Group = F40-44
Age Group Rank = 16/47
spent the day before spectating for Nate who did the olympic. Tried to stay in the shade every opportunity possible as it was 89 and not a cloud in the sky. Once Nate finished and we all got lunch, I organized my things, registered, rode and ran. Did not get to swim as I had the time mixed up thinking it was from 2-4 when it was from 12-2. Spent some time at the water park playing with Sloan and Nate. Then went home and napped for 1.5hrs. Has some pizza for dinner and organized my bag and nutrition. Went to bed by 9.
Up at 4:30, made coffee, collected bags and in car by 4:50. Prerace food = 1 cup coffee with skim milk, 1 bottle gu roctane brew, 1 bonk breaker bar. Arrived at park by 5:20.
Prepped transition, hit port-o-pots 2xs, then made my way to the beach
at about 6:50 went in the water and swam about 100yards before the pros went off. then fiddled with goggles.
1 gu 30mins prior to start