![]() Swim
Comments: After the fiasco in Drummondville (let's just say 1st time in open water, 60 degree water, 1st time in wetsuit, chest cold) This time, no wetsuit (they were allowed) and I had practiced ALOT in a river near home. This time I was ready. The water was very shallow for the first and last 200m. I felt amazing in the water, slow but comfortable all the way. I absolutely loved this swim! What would you do differently?: Dolphin dive at the start and at the end to make up for shallow water. Swim a little harder on the last half. ![]() Transition 1
Comments: (Official resultats have T1, Bike and T2 all included in bike time. Separate times for those I took from my Garmin) It may not add up perfectly. We had a fairly long run to TI. Once at my spot, I think I was pretty efficient and no time was wasted. Bike shoes on, sunglasses and helmet and off I went. Pretty pleased for a first time, without practice. What would you do differently?: em, nothing really. ![]() Bike
Comments: A very nice bike course, packed with volunteers, cheering fans and police cars at intersections. A section of the course was not closed to traffic but it went well. Not a hilly course but some ups and downs. Legs were numb after the swim, it took a couple of kms to wake them up. Almost at the end instead of doing a complete out and back we to a right and went down Chemin Southière. I hit 71.2 km/hour Wheeeeeeeeeeee! Loved it!!! I took one gel at 3/4 of the course, drank a little but both my bottles were almost full when I came back. I feel this was perfect for me. What would you do differently?: I think I paced well. I feel I could have pushed more, but as you'll see further on I'm not a runner so I was trying to save some for the run. So I guess maybe push harder next time, just to see :) ![]() Transition 2
Comments: Again a while was spent running to and from rack. Once there I took off bike shoes, put on run shoes, switched helmet for running hat, grabbed my number belt and put it while running. Oh, I also took a gel and put it in my pocket but that was unnecessary. What would you do differently?: Not take that gel for the run. Buy some of those quicky shoe laces... other than that, I don't see. ![]() Run
Comments: Oh, the DREADED run... I am not a runner, although I worked hard on my run the last couple of months. Still I am super pleased with how this one went, given my usual run abilities (or lack thereof). The pace was a little faster than what I am used to but I kept going and the cheering crowds were helping A LOT! Also there was a small hill about half way of the course, I am not used to train on hills as my surroundings are very flat. What would you do differently?: That one is simple : run more. The end. :) ![]() Post race
Warm down: Regrouped with my troops, donated my 2 pieces of watermelon to my kids (yeah they worked hard too, following me around T1 and T2 to give me high-fives!), found a nice spot in the shades, stretched out and ate lunch. Perfect! What limited your ability to perform faster: My general newbie-ness, my lack of run abilities. And of course, train more to swim and bike faster, d'uh :) Event comments: This was my first tri ever and I had A BLAST!!! A very humbling experience and a great race. I really want to do it again next year and compare. These conditions will be hard to beat though, they were perfect! Last updated: 2013-06-26 12:00 AM
20C / 68F
Overall Rank = 350/412
Age Group = F35-39
Age Group Rank = 31/36
My first tri! I got butterflies in the stomach the moment I signed on and they pretty much stayed with me since. I said to my hubby : Take lots of pictures, cause I don't know if I'll be doing this again. He laughed at me and said, yeah, right! (He knows me well).
Got up at five, prepared breakfast to-go for the troops - hubby and kids were coming along today! PB & banana on toast, fruit juice and coffee. Drove 1.5 hours to Magog, on a beautiful morning! Stood in line for packet pick-up, body mark & chip, and to access transition. Set-up transition and took the time to figure out the ways in and out. All pre-race meetings and start time were delayed but I did not mind, as I just realized I forgot my water and PowerAde bottles for the bikein the car, yikes!! My favourite Sherpa (DH) was quick to go and recover them. Hit porta-potty and went close to the swim start.
Entered the water a few minutes before start and swam a little. Water was freezing at first but once acclimated it was perfect. I am used to training in a cold river, so this was good for me. There was a little wind, and some waves, but no chop. I watched a few groups for their start and cheered them on.