XC #1 SD Invitational 6K - Run

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Seattle, Washington
United States
60F / 16C
Total Time = 24m 22s
Overall Rank = /210
Age Group =
Age Group Rank = 0/
Pre-race routine:

There is very limited parking so I just parked way off site and jogged in. I met my coach and team at the park and grabbed my number and timing chips. They do two chips, one on each shoe.

I had gone back and forth on what shoes to wear since I don't own XC spikes yet. Because the majority of the race was "groomed" dirt trail with some loose gravel, I just went with my racing flats.

Event warmup:

Ran a few miles with my teammates then headed to the start and did some strides.
  • 24m 22s
  • 3.73 miles
  • 06m 32s  min/mile

I was so excited to do something new!!!! I have seen a few meets and have done a few practices geared towards XC racing but I didn't really know what to expect. I'm using fall XC to build up some strength before I dive into marathon training this winter.

I'm just coming off a break so this was my first race. My fitness is not totally up to par yet so, in addition to this whole thing being new to me, I had fairly low expectations. The race was a college race so it was very, very competitive.

My goals for this race were pretty simple: enjoy something new and try not to suck. There were 7 of us on the team and the top 6 score, so, I was kind of hoping to score but that wasn't really the top priority this time around.

We gathered in the starting box. In cross country each team starts in a box across a really long start line. There were 200+ women in this race, so you can imagine what that might look like. As for what it sounds like? When that gun goes off, it sounds like a stampede.

The start and finish in an XC race are like and all out sprint. I actually held back a little in the start because, well, I knew I wouldn't be leading but also because I totally spaced on looking at the course map and didn't want to get lost.

Once we got off the grass it was a very sharp turn onto the trails. The really cool thing about cross country is the mental aspect. A lot like normal trail racing, you are spending a good portion of your mental capacity just searching for good footing; Mix that with 210 girls all around you and it's not easy. There are lots of surges and then reigning it in, surge, reign in etc. It's not like a road race where you stick to a pace.

I was running the downhills as reckless as possible and then grinding the uphills. There were so many coaches and parents and cheerleaders all along the course, it was just crazy!

Additionally, our coaches were out there too. I've never had the opportunity to be coached so much in a race. It was great!

After the mad shuffle at the beginning of the race, I came out 5th woman on our team. Now, as I entered the second loop I could see one of my teammates ahead. I caught up to her and ran with her for a bit. I knew she went to Nationals the year before with our "A" team so I almost felt like passing her would be a mistake but the pace just felt a bit slow so I went for it.

I felt really good on the uphills. I think that once I am a little closer to "peak" fitness this will be a real strength of mine.

We ended the second loop and started the third. This was it! The first portion is down a long dirt downhill. Instead of attacking the downhill I just floated it and used it to recover a bit so that I could put my efforts into working the uphill and the finish. I believe this was a good strategy. By the time we got to the long uphill section, I was passing a ton of women.

From what I knew of XC, it's a fine balance giving a race your all, but reserving just enough to really kick it in the chute. Because you are scored as a team, ever place counts and you can lose a lot of positioning in that chute.

I began my kick and just went for it. All out. I almost never run like this. I got just to the cusp of puking then reeled back just a bit. I could see a girl coming up behind me in my peripheral so I surged one last time over the finish.

I ended up scoring for our team as the 4th women to cross! I was super happy about that!

I also landed in the top half of finishers, and considering the level of competition, I am VERY happy with that!!! Can't wait to do this again!
What would you do differently?:

I may have run the first half a little too conservative but I'm not even sure of that. I just need to keep building up my fitness.
Post race
Warm down:

We had a big team BBQ. One of the guys who did the 8K mens race got up early, went down and caught a salmon that filleted and BBQed it after his race. SO badazz!!!

What limited your ability to perform faster:

Fitness, inexperience

Profile Album

Last updated: 2013-09-16 12:00 AM
00:24:22 | 03.73 miles | 06m 32s  min/mile
Age Group: 0/
Overall: 0/210
Performance: Good
Course: 6K 3 loop course on dirt/gravel roads with grass and bark sections. Lots of hills and turns. Each loop got slightly bigger and was a variation of the previous loop.
Keeping cool Average Drinking
Post race
Weight change: %
Mental exertion [1-5] 4
Physical exertion [1-5]
Good race? Ok
Course challenge
Events on-time?
Lots of volunteers?
Plenty of drinks?
Post race activities:
Race evaluation [1-5]