XC #1 Sun Dodger Invitational - Run

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Seattle, Washington
United States
68F / 20C
Total Time = 25m 23s
Overall Rank = 160/250
Age Group =
Age Group Rank = 0/
Pre-race routine:

Well, ok, first there has been a lot going on in my life and the load is heavy. It's mostly good, though. The week was particularly crazy between work, the wedding I was to be in (rehearsal, rehearsal dinner, appointments etc.) and then some other life drama.

But Oh mah lawrd.The night before the race was the wedding of two of my very good friends. In fact it was a tossup whether I would be a bridesmaid or a grooms-woman. Also it should be mentioned that Andre champagne (ok ok sparkling wine) was kind of an inside joke/them for the wedding and was therefore bought in cases and cases and cases so that we would not run out :)

The rough timeline was:
Beer and champagne while getting hair done
Champagne in the limo on the way to the venue
Champagne while getting photos done
Finally the bride cut everyone off so that we would make it to the ceremony in one piece
I saw this as a challenge and proceeded to break into the confiscated alcohol
Ceremony (which btw I made it down the aisle in one piece, despite the tall ass ridiculous shoes we were forced to wear and all of the above)
Cocktail hour following the ceremony
Dinner and speeches (champagne)
DANCING (including the hora!) I think I only left the floor for the photo booth
Then our friends drove us home

The last photo of me from the photo booth showed me with two bottles of champagne in my pockets (yes, my dress had pockets!)

The last conversation at the wedding was the bride's father clinking glasses with me stating that he didn't think I would be racing in the morning.

Event warmup:

After tossing and turning and whining to J about whether I should go do the race I peeled myself out of bed, washed the make-up off my face, looked in the mirror at my hair which I hadn't taken out of the up-do from the wedding, deciding to leave it be and headed to the race.

Luckily most of my team doesn't do this race because it's so early (season wise) and a lot of them are still coming off of their breaks etc. Also, it doesn't count for making the national team (phew.) Anyway, a small number of us women were there and we did a short warm-up, the put our bibs and timing chips (they give you two at this race, got count those .01 seconds!) before heading to the start.

We got into our starting box, did some strides then waited for the ref to announce the start.
  • 25m 23s
  • 3.73 miles
  • 06m 49s  min/mile

My original goal of this race was to run well and establish a baseline for the season, knowing that I had 0 quality workouts under my belt for the whole summer.

Then, well, I had to make adjustments. My NEW goal was to finish one loop of the course without puking, as my consolation for showing up. I was hoping to finish but thought that was highly unlikely.

The starter held his gun up and BANG! Off we went!!!

I was completely focused of moderating my pace so that I didn't puke. The first half has a rolling downhill so the pace is quick with minimal effort. It is extremely crowded early on though, so you really have to watch your footing and other girls. Some sections are technically double track and we've got 250 women shoving through in spikes.

Finally it started to thin out and I got into a good don't puke rhythm. I would have loved to push but this was not the place. Errr more like this was not the time or the day.

What goes down inevitably goes up in a loop course so we made the climb during the second half. I felt great here. A summer of mountain running has made me strong but again, I really couldn't push.

The second loop was hard. I felt terrible. But I figured I had finished the first one without puking, maybe I can do the second. I got to recover a bit on the downhill and catch my breath before leaning into the up. Towards the end of the hills I was feeling pretty overexerted and really had to slow down. But, I had finished the second loop. OMG I was actually going to finish this race!

I had to go considerably slower in the final loop but I saved just a little bit and was able to pass a few in the chute.

After all that nonsense I was still just about a minute slower than last year. So, while this race was a complete joke/shyte show/etc I think the future will be bright!

What would you do differently?:

I ran terribly. I don't even want to know what my coach thinks (didn't tell him the story....)

So half of this was totally on me, I could have not prioritized the way I did, I could have not partied all night at the wedding, I could have just not shown up. But I did :)

And the other part, big volume, a break and a slow ramp up with a summer of mountain running and no workouts that were speed-oriented was part of the plan. This race was just the first for establishing a baseline and because it's convenient and fun
Post race
Warm down:

Back to bed!

What limited your ability to perform faster:

Every single thing.

Profile Album

Last updated: 2015-09-23 12:00 AM
00:25:23 | 03.73 miles | 06m 49s  min/mile
Age Group: 0/
Overall: 0/250
Performance: Bad
Course: Big loop, medium loop, small loop The course map is SUUUUUper confusing but you just follow the person in front of you :)
Keeping cool Below average Drinking Not enough
Post race
Weight change: %
Mental exertion [1-5]
Physical exertion [1-5]
Good race?
Course challenge
Events on-time?
Lots of volunteers?
Plenty of drinks?
Post race activities:
Race evaluation [1-5]