Sunmart Texas Trail Endurance Run - RunUltra Marathon

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Huntsville, Texas
United States
Sunmart Petroleum Wholesale
Total Time = 5h 05m 14s
Overall Rank = 70/517
Age Group = M 19-24
Age Group Rank = 1/4
Pre-race routine:

Alarm went off with a few hours before my race started. Put my race gear and some extra warm clothes on then Andrew(Big Red), Chris(trigods) and I got packed up because we wouldn't have time to come back and check out after I finished my race.
Event warmup:

Parked and walked a good half mile to get to the pre-race site. Found Chippy, Trixie, Shannon(fitphd) and Jeff(Q) while we got in line for breakfast. Loaded up on biscuits, sausage, eggs and whatever else I could get my hands on.

We stood around some of the portable heaters and ate and joked. I love a BT gathering where we get all the craziest of us together at once.

Finally it was time for the 50-milers to head to the start (everyone but me and the jockstraps). Snapped a group photo and then it was time to start. Or in my case, time to wait for another half hour.

Headed back to the Jeep and I grabbed my HRM and dropped off my extra warm clothes. Walked back toward the start and it was time to race.
  • 5h 05m 14s
  • 31.07 miles
  • 09m 49s  min/mile

Started out running a bit hard to warm myself up, but I didn't want to push things early like I did last year. Got off the main road and onto the first out-and-back 10K trail. Fell into a pace line and didn't try to pass no matter how tempting it was.

After about 5K I saw the race leaders coming back the other way. There were only 3 or 4 guys ahead of the main pack and really fighting for the lead. The first pack was a few minutes behind them and looked like it was a good 80 people strong.

Got to the turn around and saw that I was at the tail end of the 2nd pack. I wanted to keep towards the front group so I'd have some faster people to keep me on pace. After the turn I started making my way forwards whenever there weren't other people coming up the trail at the same time.

Made my way to the front pack just as it was starting to fracture. My the time we got to the turn around I was in the top 100 or so. My 10K was a little under an hour which was just a hair fast. So I took my time at the next aid station and got my fill of sports drinks, jelly beans and potatoes rolled in salt.

Andrew snapped a quick picture and then it was time to get back on teh trail. Checked my watch, a few minutes ahead of schedule. I had just started my training program for Ironman Louisville so I didn't want to run this race very hard, but I didn't want to be far off of last year's time either. So a consistent hour per 10K was my goal.

Started the first of the two 20K loops. Wound my way back and forth down the trail in one of the most fun sections of the whole race. I decided to wear my trail shoes this year as opposed to my regular running shoes last year. I definitely had less instances where I almost rolled my ankle. The Sunmart trail has lots of tree roots so the trail shoes were definitely the best choice.

Got to the out and back section and hit my first low. Running uphill and through sand in the cold was not appealing at the moment. We were mixed in with the 50-mile leaders so they gave me a nice distraction. Got to the turn-around aid station and enjoyed the gummy bears and peanut butter and M&M sandwiches. Damn I love ultras.

Had a much better time on the way back. Walked up the big hill where the 50K and 50 mile courses split. Had a good dozen or so people pass me as I walked, but I knew what would happen to me if I tried to run. We still had a good 30K to go and it wasn't worth wasting energy now.

The aid station at the end of the hilly section would be the last one I saw for the next 3.5 mies. I loaded up the best I could and didn't hesitate to get running again. The next stretch went along the park's edge and was the most densely packed part of the trail. Just a single track and no more room plus one big long nasty hill. Checked my GPS: 12.5 miles in.

Made it down to the swamp crossing, over the wooden bridges, and finally to the last aid station. Checked my GPS: 12.5 miles in. Shit, I lost the signal. Oh well. More PB&J and sode. Ran the last few switchbacks and finally saw the flag wavers. One more mile and I'd be on my last lap.

Came back towards the tent city that had sprung up along the course and started looking for Andrew and Chippy. Neither one of them was anywhere to be found. What is it about people jockstrapping at this race and never being there when I start that last lap? This makes 4 BT jockstraps over two years. Maybe next time.

Lots of potatoes and chips at the aid station but switched from Pepsi to Mountain Dew. I haven't drank that stuff in a decade but damn that sugar rush was good right now. The aid station had a Hawaiian theme so one of the volunteers gave me a lei to wear and then it was business as usual.

I had given up a few minutes and was now just a bit behind schedule. I wanted to break 5 hours, but I really wasn't attached to that goal to push myslef much harder. I'd rather run easy and just enjoy myself.

Came to the out and back for the last time and knew that I just had to get back to this aid station and the worst part of the trail was over. I had had to pee for the last few aid stations but now I finally had to stop. Handed my flag to a volunteer (he was the only one not holding a plate of BBQ... bastards) and stepped into the porta-potty. Just as I was about done with business, I hear a beeping sounds. Hey! I got a GPS signal again! And of all places it was in the porta-potty.

Got back on the trail and felt like I was running down hill all the way back to the aid station. Ate my fill of cookies and more PB&J before I starte walking the big hills for the last time. No one was running past me this lap. In fast, I was able to walk and pass to guy who were really starting to hurt.

Started to check my watch as I left the next-to-last aid station. 5-hours wasn't that far off of a goal. I pushed the pace a bit and really had fun going back and forth through the trees. I was really starting to catch alot of people now. I'd latch on to one person how had a good pace, run with them for a while, then pass and leave them behind after a mile or so.

Came to the last aid station and checked my time. No way was I going to hit 5 hours. I'm miss it by at least 3 minutes. Well I'm at least going to finish strong.

Came to the end of the last section of dense trail. Less than a quarter mile down I see Trixie and Shannon! They were just starting their 3rd lap and Jeff wasn't far behind them. Came to the final turn and saw Chris headed out after he hit the 25 mile mark.

Crossed the line just over 5 hours and 5 minutes. A bit slower than last year but still pretty good.
What would you do differently?:

Nothing. I could have gone faster, but I've got bigger goals on the horizon that are more important.
Post race
Warm down:

I was handed a glass of water and Andrew and Chippy were there to congratulate me. Got my medal and afghan and looked for a place to sit. Finally went back to the Jeep to get my warm clothes, came back and stretched.

We had plenty of time before the other BTers got back from their 3rd lap so we ate, hung out and spent a lot of time laughing at the inappropriate Santa/Rudolph christmas inflatable decoration. I checked the results and it took 1st in my AG yet again. And this time there were actually other guys that I was running against!

Chippy was kind enough to cause me horrible pain with the Stick as we waited for the other BTers. Trixie, Shannon and Jeff all came through with only a few minutes before the final lap cut off. We walked up the trail to cheer Chris on but Andrew was running the White Rock marathon the next day in Dallas so we had to hit the road before we saw him.

All in all, a very good day.

What limited your ability to perform faster:

Training for other long term goals.

Profile Album

Last updated: 2006-12-22 12:00 AM
05:05:14 | 31.07 miles | 09m 49s  min/mile
Age Group: 1/4
Overall: 70/517
Performance: Good
Keeping cool Good Drinking Not enough
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Good
Mental exertion [1-5] 3
Physical exertion [1-5] 3
Good race? Yes
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? Yes
Post race activities: Good
Race evaluation [1-5] 5