![]() Swim
Comments: felt great on the swim, although I did seem to drink a bit more lake water then I normally do. I told my self it was part of my hydration plan. I did not feel out of breath at all running out of the water and into transition. What would you do differently?: nothing ![]() Transition 1
Comments: Took my time in transition, getting my socks on, making sure I had everything on the bike. I also looked at my biking gloves and decided not to wear them for the race. At the time it seemed like an extra thing to put on and off, but we will get back to that later... What would you do differently?: Put my gloves on. ![]() Bike
Comments: This started as a great ride, I was not out of breath as I left transition, I was getting my speed up on the flats in the 21-24mph, I was taking most hills without dropping below 15mph too often. I was right on with my hydration and nutrition. Had total of 4gels, 1 powerbar, water with Nunn in a camelback, and two bottles of Power bar drink, that I kept exchanging for water/gatorade at the bottle exchange stations. By mile 35 I started to pass people that looked to me like hardcore triathletes. I reached mile 51 right on schedule just before 3hrs as I wanted. And then the one think I did not plan for during this race happened. The road surface turned a bit rough, there were cracks in the road, I saw them, most of them zig-zagged across my path and were filled in. But then my wheel caught about a 2 foot empty segment. I flew over the handlebars at 19mph, I watched the asphalt stop 2cm from my left eye as my helmet hit the road, and my body kept rolling. I was now in the opposing lane and looking at the riders coming up behind me. I jumped up, grabbed my bike and hopped to the side of the road. I noticed my aerobars were bent in two places, my left brow was bleeding, my hands were bleeding, and that my left thigh was cramping to the maximum where it the hit the pavement. I almost fell over, and told myself that this was the end of this race. Then I looked at my odometer and it said 52 miles. My GOD! 4 miles left on the bike. My wheels looked straight so I gathered myself enough to get on it again and started to bike at a turtles pace. I think those 4 miles took me 30 minutes. There was a hill at mile 55 that my thighs cramped up so bad, that I thought I was gonna fall again because I would stop and not clip out in time. I rode into transition, but I don't think anyone noticed how banged up I was. What would you do differently?: not take a nose dive into the pavement with 4 miles to go. ![]() Transition 2
Comments: I stood there looking at my bike, and the front of it looked messed up, I took my helmet off, it was cracked all the way through where it hit the road. I poured water over my road rash. I put my running shoes on, my race belt, my hat. And said to myself that I will not be able to live this down if I quit here. ![]() Run
Comments: Everything hurt, it was hot, my legs did not want to go. I was giving myself little goals, first was the three mile mark, then I kept telling myself to run just to the next aid station. At the turn around I decided I can just walk back. Mile 8 I decided I was going to finish, mile 10 I decided that since my original goal of sub 6hr 30min was shot, I was going to at least finish sub 7hrs. What would you do differently?: look the the "what would you do differently" under the bike segment ![]() Post race
Warm down: walked around in a daze, ate something, drank something What limited your ability to perform faster: crashing on the bike Event comments: I think my head is half-iron, everything else is jelly right now. Last updated: 2007-08-01 12:00 AM
United States
Pigman Triathlon
75F / 24C
Overall Rank = 429/475
Age Group = clydesdale
Age Group Rank = 23/26
The night before the race I met with other BTers, Noz, mndiver, rabkaman for dinner. Everyone was super nice, excited and ready to race.
Woke up at 4, ate a powerbar, marathon snickers bar and drank a sport drink, packed up the car and drove to the race with my wife and youngest daughter.
Did a short swim in the lake with Noz, who by the way was insanely fast on his swim later on that day.